



  • 書名:工程力學(靜力學和材料力學)(第2版)
  • 作者:范欽珊
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • 出版時間:2007-07-17




§1 工程力學與工程密切相關
§2 工程力學的主要內容與分析模型
2-1 工程力學的主要內容
2-2 工程力學的兩種分析模型
§3 工程力學的分析方法
3-1 兩種不同的理論分析方法
3-2 工程力學的實驗分析方法
3-3 工程力學的計算機分析方法
第一篇 靜力學
第1章 靜力學基礎
§1-1 力和力矩
§1-2 力偶及其性質
§1-3 約束與約束力
§1-4 平衡的概念
§1-5 受力分析方法與過程
§1-6 結論與討論
第2章 力系的簡化
§2-1 力系等效與簡化的概念
§2-2 力系簡化的基礎——力向一點平移定理
§2-3 平面力系的簡化
§2-4 固定端約束的約束力
§2-5 結論與討論
第3章 靜力學平衡問題
§3-1 平面力系的平衡條件與平衡方程
§3-2 簡單的空間力系平衡問題
§3-3 簡單的剛體系統平衡問題
§3-4 考慮摩擦時的平衡問題
§3-5 結論與討論
第二篇 材料力學
第4章 材料力學的基本概念
§4-1 關於材料的基本假定
§4-2 彈性桿件的外力與內力
§4-3 彈性體受力與變形特點
§4-4 桿件橫截面上的應力
§4-5 正應變與切應變
§4-6 線彈性材料的應力-應變定芝朽關係
§4-7 桿件受力與變形的基本形式
§4-8 結論與討論
第5章 軸向拉伸與壓縮
§5-1 軸力與軸力圖
§5-2 拉壓桿件的應力與變形
§5-3 拉壓桿件的強度計算
§5-4 拉伸與壓縮時材料的力學性能
§5-5 結論與討論
4*5-5-5 拉伸和壓縮靜不定問題概述
第6章 圓軸扭轉
§6-1 工程上傳遞功率的圓軸及其扭轉變形
§6-2 扭矩與扭矩圖
§6-4 圓軸扭轉時的切應力分析
§6-5 圓軸扭轉時的強度與剛度計算
§6-6 結論與討論
第7章 彎曲強度
§7-1 工程中的彎曲構件
§7-2 剪力方程與彎矩方程
§7-3 剪力圖與彎矩圖
§7-4 與應力分析相關的截面圖形幾何量
§7-5 平面彎曲時梁橫截面上的正應力
§7-6 平面彎曲正應力公式套用舉例
§7-7 梁的強度計算
§7-8 結論與討論
第8章 彎曲剛度
§8-1 彎曲變形與位移的基本概念
§8-2 小撓度微分方程及其積分
§8-3 工程中的疊加法
§8-4 簡單的靜不定梁
§8-5 彎曲剛度計算
§8-6 結論與討論
第9章 應力狀態與強度理論
§9-1 基本概念
§9-2 平面應力狀態中任意方向面上的應力分析
§9-3 應力狀態中的主應力與最大切應力
*§9-4 分析應力狀態的應力圓方法
§9-5 一般應力狀態下的應力-應變關係 應變能密度
§9-6 一般應力狀態下的強度條件
§9-7 結論與討論
*9-7-3 關於應力狀態的不同的表示方法
第10章 組合受力與變形桿件的強度計算
§10-1 斜彎曲
§10-2 拉伸(壓縮采檔)與彎曲的組合
§10-3 彎曲與扭轉的組合
§10-4 薄壁容器強度設計簡述
§10-5 結論與討論
第11章 壓桿的穩定性問題
§11-1 壓桿穩定性的基本概念
§11-2 細長壓桿的臨界載荷——歐拉臨界力
§11-3 長細比的概念 三類不同壓桿的判斷
§11-4 壓桿穩定性計算
§11-5 壓桿穩定性計算示例
§11-6 結論與討論
第12章 動載荷與疲勞強度簡述
§12-1 等加速直線運動時構件上的慣性力與動應力
§12-2 旋轉構件的受力分析與動應力計算
§12-3 衝擊載荷與衝擊應力計算
§12-4 疲勞強度簡述
§12-5 疲勞極限與應力-壽命曲線
§12-6 影響疲勞極限的因素
§12-7 基於無限壽命設計方法的疲勞強度設計
§12-8 結論與討論
附錄 型鋼規格表
Course summary for engineering mechanics
§1 Engineering mechanics is nearly related with engineering
§2 Main contents and analysis model of engineering mechanics
2-1 Main contents of engineering mechanics
2-2 Two kinds of analysis model of engineering mechanics
§3 Analysis methods of engineering mechanics
3-1 Two different kinds of theoretical analysis methods
3-2 Experimental analysis methods of engineering mechanics
3-3 Computer analysis methods of engineering mechanics
Part I Statics
Chapter 1 Fundamental statics
§1-1 Force and force moment for a given point
§1-2 Moment of a couple and its characteristic
§1-3 Constraints and constraint force
§1-4 Concept of equilibrium
§1-5 Analysis method and process
§1-6 Summary and discussion
Problems and exercises
Chapter 2 Reduction of a system of forces
§2-1 Concepts of force systems equivalent and reduction
§2-2 Foundation of reduction—theorem of translation of force
§2-3 Reduction of planar forces system
§2-4 Constraint forces of fixed end support constraint
§2-5 Summary and discussion
Problems and exercises
Chapter 3 Statics equilibrium problems
§3-1 Equilibrium conditions and equations of planar forces system
§3-2 Equilibrium problems of simple spatial force system
§3-3 Equilibrium problems of simple rigid body system
§3-4 Equilibrium problems of the body with friction
§3-5 Summary and discussion
Problems and exercises
Part II Mechanics of materials
Chapter 4 Fundamental summary of the mechanics of materials
§4-1 Basic assumptions of the materials
§4-2 External and internal force of elastic bar
§4-3 Stress and deformation characteristics of the elastic body
§4-4 Stress on the cross section of bar
§4-5 Normal strain and shearing strain
§4-6 Stress-strain relationship of linear elastic material
§4-7 Basic forms of stress and deformation of bar
§4-8 Summary and discussion
Problems and exercises
Chapter 5 Axial tension or compression
§5-1 Axial force and its diagram
§5-2 Stress and deformation of axially loaded bar
§5-3 Strength calculation
§5-4 Mechanic properties of materials under tension or compression
§5-5 Summary and discussion
*5-5-3 Stress distribution near the loaded point
*5-5-4 Concept of the stress concetration
*5-5-5 Summary of statically indeterminate problem under tension or compression
Problems and exercises
Chapter 6 torsion of circular shaft
§6-1 Circular shaft transfering power in engineering and its torsiondeformation
§6-2 Torsional moment and torque diagram
§6-3 Equivalent law of shear stress
§6-4 Torional stress analysis on torsion of circular shaft
§6-5 Strength and stiffness caculation on torsion of circular shaft
§6-6 Summary and discussion
Chapter 7 Bending strength
§7-1 Bending elements in engineering
§7-2 Equations of shear force and bending moment
§7-3 Diagrams of shearing force and bending moment
§7-4 Geometric properties of cross section relating to stress analysis
§7-5 Normal stress on the cross section of beam bended in one plane
§7-6 Examples for the applications of the equation of plane bendingnormal stress
§7-7 Strength comptutation of beams
§7-8 Summary and discussion
Problems and exercises
Chapter 8 Bending Stiffness
§8-1 Basic concepts of deformation and displacement of beams
§8-2 Differential equation of small deflection of beams and its integration
§8-3 Superposition method in engineering
§8-4 Simple statically indeterminate beam
§8-5 Bending Stiffness Calculation
§8-6 Summary and discussion
Problems and exercises
Chapter 9 State of stress and theory of strength
§9-1 Basic concepts
§9-2 Stress analysis on arbitrary direction under state of stress of plane
§9-3 Principal stress and maximum shear stress under state of stress
*§9-4 Stress circle method of analysing state of stress
§9-5 Stress-strain relation under general state of stress strain energydensity
§9-6 Strength condition under general state of stress
*9-6-2 Second strength theory
§9-7 Summary and discussion
*9-7-3 Different expressions of state of stress
Problems and exercises
Chapter 10 Strength calculation of transformative bar under the combinationforced
§10-1 Skew bending
§10-2 Combination of Axial Tension or Compression and Bending
§10-3 Combination of bending and torsion
§10-4 Sketch of strength design of thin-wall cyclindrical container
§10-5 Summary and discussion
Problems and exercises
Chapter 11 Stability problem of column
§11-1 Basic concept of stability of column
§11-2 Critical load for slender column—Euler's formula
§11-3 Concept of slenderness ratio,three different kinds of columns
§11-4 Stability design of columns
§11-5 Examples for Stability design
§11-6 Summary and discussion
Problems and exercises
Chapter 12 Summary of dynamic load and fatigue strength
§12-1 Interia force and dynamic stress of element during straight-linemotion with uniform acceleration
§12-2 Stress analysis and calculation of dynamic stress of rotated element
§12-3 Calculation of impact load and stress on element
§12-4 Summary of fatigue strength
§12-5 Fatigue limit and stress—life curve
§12-6 Influencing factors on fatigue life
§12-7 Fatigue strength based on finite-life design
§12-8 Summary and discussion
Problems and exercises
Appendix Properites of Rolled-Steel Shapes
A Brief Introduction to the Author
§5-3 拉壓桿件的強度計算
§5-4 拉伸與壓縮時材料的力學性能
§5-5 結論與討論
4*5-5-5 拉伸和壓縮靜不定問題概述
第6章 圓軸扭轉
§6-1 工程上傳遞功率的圓軸及其扭轉變形
§6-2 扭矩與扭矩圖
§6-4 圓軸扭轉時的切應力分析
§6-5 圓軸扭轉時的強度與剛度計算
§6-6 結論與討論
第7章 彎曲強度
§7-1 工程中的彎曲構件
§7-2 剪力方程與彎矩方程
§7-3 剪力圖與彎矩圖
§7-4 與應力分析相關的截面圖形幾何量
§7-5 平面彎曲時梁橫截面上的正應力
§7-6 平面彎曲正應力公式套用舉例
§7-7 梁的強度計算
§7-8 結論與討論
第8章 彎曲剛度
§8-1 彎曲變形與位移的基本概念
§8-2 小撓度微分方程及其積分
§8-3 工程中的疊加法
§8-4 簡單的靜不定梁
§8-5 彎曲剛度計算
§8-6 結論與討論
第9章 應力狀態與強度理論
§9-1 基本概念
§9-2 平面應力狀態中任意方向面上的應力分析
§9-3 應力狀態中的主應力與最大切應力
*§9-4 分析應力狀態的應力圓方法
§9-5 一般應力狀態下的應力-應變關係 應變能密度
§9-6 一般應力狀態下的強度條件
§9-7 結論與討論
*9-7-3 關於應力狀態的不同的表示方法
第10章 組合受力與變形桿件的強度計算
§10-1 斜彎曲
§10-2 拉伸(壓縮)與彎曲的組合
§10-3 彎曲與扭轉的組合
§10-4 薄壁容器強度設計簡述
§10-5 結論與討論
第11章 壓桿的穩定性問題
§11-1 壓桿穩定性的基本概念
§11-2 細長壓桿的臨界載荷——歐拉臨界力
§11-3 長細比的概念 三類不同壓桿的判斷
§11-4 壓桿穩定性計算
§11-5 壓桿穩定性計算示例
§11-6 結論與討論
第12章 動載荷與疲勞強度簡述
§12-1 等加速直線運動時構件上的慣性力與動應力
§12-2 旋轉構件的受力分析與動應力計算
§12-3 衝擊載荷與衝擊應力計算
§12-4 疲勞強度簡述
§12-5 疲勞極限與應力-壽命曲線
§12-6 影響疲勞極限的因素
§12-7 基於無限壽命設計方法的疲勞強度設計
§12-8 結論與討論
附錄 型鋼規格表
Course summary for engineering mechanics
§1 Engineering mechanics is nearly related with engineering
§2 Main contents and analysis model of engineering mechanics
2-1 Main contents of engineering mechanics
2-2 Two kinds of analysis model of engineering mechanics
§3 Analysis methods of engineering mechanics
3-1 Two different kinds of theoretical analysis methods
3-2 Experimental analysis methods of engineering mechanics
3-3 Computer analysis methods of engineering mechanics
Part I Statics
Chapter 1 Fundamental statics
§1-1 Force and force moment for a given point
§1-2 Moment of a couple and its characteristic
§1-3 Constraints and constraint force
§1-4 Concept of equilibrium
§1-5 Analysis method and process
§1-6 Summary and discussion
Problems and exercises
Chapter 2 Reduction of a system of forces
§2-1 Concepts of force systems equivalent and reduction
§2-2 Foundation of reduction—theorem of translation of force
§2-3 Reduction of planar forces system
§2-4 Constraint forces of fixed end support constraint
§2-5 Summary and discussion
Problems and exercises
Chapter 3 Statics equilibrium problems
§3-1 Equilibrium conditions and equations of planar forces system
§3-2 Equilibrium problems of simple spatial force system
§3-3 Equilibrium problems of simple rigid body system
§3-4 Equilibrium problems of the body with friction
§3-5 Summary and discussion
Problems and exercises
Part II Mechanics of materials
Chapter 4 Fundamental summary of the mechanics of materials
§4-1 Basic assumptions of the materials
§4-2 External and internal force of elastic bar
§4-3 Stress and deformation characteristics of the elastic body
§4-4 Stress on the cross section of bar
§4-5 Normal strain and shearing strain
§4-6 Stress-strain relationship of linear elastic material
§4-7 Basic forms of stress and deformation of bar
§4-8 Summary and discussion
Problems and exercises
Chapter 5 Axial tension or compression
§5-1 Axial force and its diagram
§5-2 Stress and deformation of axially loaded bar
§5-3 Strength calculation
§5-4 Mechanic properties of materials under tension or compression
§5-5 Summary and discussion
*5-5-3 Stress distribution near the loaded point
*5-5-4 Concept of the stress concetration
*5-5-5 Summary of statically indeterminate problem under tension or compression
Problems and exercises
Chapter 6 torsion of circular shaft
§6-1 Circular shaft transfering power in engineering and its torsiondeformation
§6-2 Torsional moment and torque diagram
§6-3 Equivalent law of shear stress
§6-4 Torional stress analysis on torsion of circular shaft
§6-5 Strength and stiffness caculation on torsion of circular shaft
§6-6 Summary and discussion
Chapter 7 Bending strength
§7-1 Bending elements in engineering
§7-2 Equations of shear force and bending moment
§7-3 Diagrams of shearing force and bending moment
§7-4 Geometric properties of cross section relating to stress analysis
§7-5 Normal stress on the cross section of beam bended in one plane
§7-6 Examples for the applications of the equation of plane bendingnormal stress
§7-7 Strength comptutation of beams
§7-8 Summary and discussion
Problems and exercises
Chapter 8 Bending Stiffness
§8-1 Basic concepts of deformation and displacement of beams
§8-2 Differential equation of small deflection of beams and its integration
§8-3 Superposition method in engineering
§8-4 Simple statically indeterminate beam
§8-5 Bending Stiffness Calculation
§8-6 Summary and discussion
Problems and exercises
Chapter 9 State of stress and theory of strength
§9-1 Basic concepts
§9-2 Stress analysis on arbitrary direction under state of stress of plane
§9-3 Principal stress and maximum shear stress under state of stress
*§9-4 Stress circle method of analysing state of stress
§9-5 Stress-strain relation under general state of stress strain energydensity
§9-6 Strength condition under general state of stress
*9-6-2 Second strength theory
§9-7 Summary and discussion
*9-7-3 Different expressions of state of stress
Problems and exercises
Chapter 10 Strength calculation of transformative bar under the combinationforced
§10-1 Skew bending
§10-2 Combination of Axial Tension or Compression and Bending
§10-3 Combination of bending and torsion
§10-4 Sketch of strength design of thin-wall cyclindrical container
§10-5 Summary and discussion
Problems and exercises
Chapter 11 Stability problem of column
§11-1 Basic concept of stability of column
§11-2 Critical load for slender column—Euler's formula
§11-3 Concept of slenderness ratio,three different kinds of columns
§11-4 Stability design of columns
§11-5 Examples for Stability design
§11-6 Summary and discussion
Problems and exercises
Chapter 12 Summary of dynamic load and fatigue strength
§12-1 Interia force and dynamic stress of element during straight-linemotion with uniform acceleration
§12-2 Stress analysis and calculation of dynamic stress of rotated element
§12-3 Calculation of impact load and stress on element
§12-4 Summary of fatigue strength
§12-5 Fatigue limit and stress—life curve
§12-6 Influencing factors on fatigue life
§12-7 Fatigue strength based on finite-life design
§12-8 Summary and discussion
Problems and exercises
Appendix Properites of Rolled-Steel Shapes
A Brief Introduction to the Author


