





2015.8-2020.11:南京大學環境學院 副教授
2012.7-2015.7: 南京大學環境學院 副研究員
2010.8-2012.6:美國加州大學河濱分校環境科學系 博士後
2004. 9-2010.6: 美國加州大學河濱分校-浙江大學聯合培養 博士
1999.9-2004.6:大連理工大學化學工程與工藝(英語強化) 學士





1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目(21577055): 室內灰塵中新型阻燃劑生物有效性體外評價方法的最佳化研究, 2016.01–2019.12, 主持;
2. 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目(21307055): 江蘇省化工企業污染場地中持久性有機物的生物/人體有效性研究及環境風險評價, 2014.01–2016.12, 主持;
3. 江蘇省自然科學基金青年科學基金項目(BK20130558): 仿生學技術/人體胃腸模擬液體外法研究化工企業污染場地中持久性有機物的生物/人體有效性, 2013.07–2016.07, 主持


1. Li SW, Li HB, Li HM, et al., Cui X.Y.*, Ma L.Q. 2016. Influence of pollution control on lead inhalation bioaccessibility in PM2.5: A case study of 2014 Youth Olympic Games in Nanjing. Environ. Int. In press. (通訊作者)
2. Wang C., Cui, X.Y.*, Y. Li, H. Li, L. Huang, J. Bi, J. Luo, L. Q. Ma, W. Zhou, Y. Cao, B. Wang, and F. Miao. 2016. A label-free and portable graphene FET aptasensor for children blood lead detection. Sci. Rep. 6: 21711. (通訊作者)
3. Cui, X. Y., P. Xiang, R. W. He, A. L. Juhasz, and L. Q. Ma. 2016. Advances in in vitro methods to evaluate oral bioaccessibility of PAHs and PBDEs in environmental matrices. Chemosphere 150: 378–389.
4. Li, C., H. J. Sun, A. L. Juhasz, X. Cui*, and L. Q. Ma*. 2016. Predicting the relative bioavailability of DDT and its metabolites in historically-contaminated soils using a Tenax-improved physiologically-based extraction test (TI-PBET). Environ. Sci. Technol. 50: 1118–1125. (通訊作者)
5. He, R., Y. Li, P. Xiang, C. Li, C. Zhou, S. Zhang, X. Cui*, and L. Q. Ma*. 2016. Organophosphorus flame retardants and phthalate esters in indoor dust from different microenvironments: Bioaccessibility and risk assessment. Chemosphere 150: 528–535. (通訊作者)
6. Li, K., C. Li, N. Y. Yu, A. L. Juhasz, X. Y. Cui*, and L. Q. Ma*. 2015. In vivo bioavailability and in vitro bioaccessibility of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) in food matrices: correlation analysis and method development. Environ. Sci. Technol. 49: 150-158. (通訊作者)
7. Li, C., X. Y. Cui*, Y. Y. Fan, Y. Teng, Z. R. Nan, and L. Q. Ma. 2015. Tenax as sorption sink for in vitro bioaccessibility measurement of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in soils. Environ. Pollut. 196: 47-52. (通訊作者)
8. Cui, X. Y., S. W. Li, S. J. Zhang, Y. Y. Fan, and L. Q. Ma. 2015. Toxic metals in childrens toys and jewelry: Coupling bioaccessibility with risk assessment. Environ. Pollut. 200:77-84.
9. Fan, Y. Y., J. L. Zheng, J. H. Ren, J. Luo, X. Y. Cui*, and L. Q. Ma*. 2014. Effects of storage temperature and duration on release of antimony and bisphenol A from polyethylene terephthalate drinking water bottles of China. Environ. Pollut. 192: 113-120. (通訊作者)
10. Cui, X. Y., L. J. Biao, and J. Gan. 2013. Solid-phase microextraction (SPME) with stable isotope calibration for measuring bioavailability of hydrophobic organic contaminants. Environ. Sci. Technol. 47: 9833-9840.
11. Cui, X. Y., and J. Gan. 2013. Comparing sorption behavior of pyrethroids between formulated and natural sediments. Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 32: 1033-1039.
12. Cui, X. Y., P. Mayer, and J. Gan. 2013. Methods to assess bioavailability of hydrophobic organic contaminants: Principles, operations, and limitations. Environ. Pollut. 172: 223-234.
13. Cui, X. Y.*, F. Jia, Y. X. Chen, and J. Gan. 2011. Influence of single-walled carbon nanotubes on microbial availability of phenanthrene in sediment. Ecotoxicology 20: 1277-1285.
14. Cui, X. Y.*, W. Hunter, Y. Yang, Y. X. Chen, and J. Gan. 2011. Biodegradation of pyrene in sand, silt and clay fractions of sediment. Biodegradation 22: 297-307. (corresponding author)
15. Cui, X. Y., W. Hunter, Y. Yang, Y. X. Chen, and J. Gan. 2010. Bioavailability of sorbed phenanthrene and permethrin in sediments to Chironomus tentans. Aquat. Toxicol. 98: 83-90.
16. Cui, X. Y., H. L. Wang, L. P. Lou, Y. X. Chen, Y. L. Yu, J. Y. Shi, L. Xu, and M. I. Khan. 2009. Sorption and genotoxicity of sediment -associated pentachlorophenol and pyrene influenced by crop residue ash. J. Soils Sediments 9: 604-612.
17. Wang, J., S. Li, X. Cui, H. Li, X. Qian, C. Wang, and Y. Sun. 2016. Bioaccessibility, sources and health risk assessment of trace metals in urban park dust in Nanjing, Southeast China. Ecotox. Environ. Safe. 128: 161–170.
18. Xiang, P., R. Y. Liu, H. J. Sun, Y. H. Han, R. W. He, X. Y. Cui, and L. Q. Ma. 2016. Molecular mechanisms of dust-induced toxicity in human corneal epithelial cells: Water and organic extract of office and house dust. Environ. Int. 92–93: 348–356.
19. Xiang, P., R. W. He, Y. H. Han, H. J. Sun, X. Y. Cui, and L. Q. Ma. 2016. Mechanisms of housedust-induced toxicity in primary human corneal epithelial cells: Oxidative stress, pro-inflammatory response and mitochondrial dysfunction. Environ. Int. 89–90: 30–37.
20. Li, J., K. Li, X. Y. Cui, N. T. Basta, L. P. Li, H. B. Li, and L. Q. Ma. 2015. In vitro bioaccessibility and in vivo relative bioavailability in 12 contaminated soils: Method comparison and method development. Sci. Total Environ. 532: 812-820.
21. Zheng, J. L., D. X. Guan, J. Luo, H. Zhang, W. Davison, X. Y. Cui, L. H. Wang, and L. Q. Ma. 2015. Activated charcoal based diffusive gradients in thin-films for in situ monitoring of bisphenols in waters. Anal. Chem. 87: 801-807.
22. Li, H. B., X. Y. Cui, K. Li, J. Li, A. L. Juhasz, and L. Q. Ma. 2014. Assessment of in vitro lead bioaccessibility in house dust and its relationship to in vivo lead relative bioavailability. Environ. Sci. Technol. 48: 8548-8555.
23. Jia, F., X. Y. Cui, W. Wang, and J. Gan. 2012. Using disposable solid-phase microextraction (SPME) to determine the freely dissolved concentration of polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) in sediments. Environ. Pollut. 167: 34-40.
24. Luo, L., L. P. Lou, X. Y. Cui, B. B. Wu, J. A. Hou, B. Xun, X. H. Xu, and Y. X. Chen. 2011. Sorption and desorption of pentachlorophenol to black carbon of three different origins. J. Hazard. Mater. 185: 639-646.
25. Qian, Y. C., X. Q. Liang, Y. X. Chen, L. P. Lou, X. Y. Cui, J. Tang, P. F. Li, and R. K. Cao. 2011. Significance of biological effects on phosphorus transformation processes at the water–sediment interface under different environmental conditions. Ecol. Eng. 37: 816-825.
26. Quan, X., X. T. Liu, L. L. Bo, S. Chen, Y. Z. Zhao, and X. Y. Cui. 2004. Regeneration of acid orange 7-exhausted granular activated carbons with microwave irradiation. Water Res. 38: 4484-4490.




