
崔尚斌,1963年2月出生於甘肅省清水縣, 回族,中山大學數學學院教授。


  • 中文名:崔尚斌
  • 出生地甘肅清水
  • 出生日期:1963年2月
  • 畢業院校:蘭州大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 任職院校中山大學


工作經歷: 1985年9月至1999年10月在蘭州大學數學力學系歷任助教、講師、副教授和教授,其中於1990年9月任副教授和碩士研究生導師,1992年9月破格任教授,1995年9月起任博士研究生導師。1999年10月至今在中山大學數計學院工作,任教授和博士生導師。



(1)套用偏微分方程的若干問題, 國家自然科學基金面上項目,2016年1月至2019年12月。
(2)生物學和物理學中的偏微分方程問題,國家自然科學基金面上項目,2012年1月至 2015年12月。


(1) 《偏微分方程現代理論》,科學出版社,2016.
(2) 《數學分析教程(上、中、下)》,科學出版社,2013.
(3) 《冪零Lie群上的Fourier分析和不變偏微分運算元》,蘭州大學出版社,1993.
(4) 《解析幾何》,蘭州大學出版社,1993.


[1] (with Meng Bai) Mathematical analysis of population migration and itseffects to spread of epidemics, Discrete andContinuous Dynamical Systems Series B, 29(2015), no.9, 2819-2858.
[2] Linearized stability for a multi-dimensional free boundary problem modelling two-phase tumour growth,Nonlinearity, 27(2014), no.2, 1--35.
[3] Asymptotic stability of the stationarysolution for a parabolic hyperbolic free boundary problem modeling tumor growth,SIAM Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 45(2013), no.5,2870–2893.
[4] (with Carlos E. Kenig) Weak continuity of the flow map for theBenjamin-Ono equation on the line, Journal of Fourier Analysis andApplications, vol.16 (2010), no. 6, pp.1021-1052.
[5] (with Carlos E. Kenig) Weak continuity of dynamical systems for the KdVand mKdV equations. Differential and Integral Equations, vol.23 (2010), no.11-12, pp.1001-1022.
[6] Lie group action and stability analysis of stationary solutions for afree boundary problem modelling tumor growth. Journal of DifferentialEquations, 246(2009), no.5, 1845--1882.
[7] (with Joachim Escher) Well-posedness and stability of a multidimensionaltumor growth model,Archive for Rational Mechanics and Analysis,191(2009), no.1,173--193.
[8] Asymptotic stability of the stationary solution for a hyperbolic free boundary problem modeling tumor growth, SIAM Journal of MathematicalAnalysis, 41(2008), no.4, 1692--1724.
[9] (with Joachim Escher) Asymptotic behavior of solutions of amultidimensional moving boundary problem modeling tumor growth, Communications on Partial DifferentialEquations, 33(2008), no.4--6, 636--655.
[10] Well-posedness of a multidimensional free boundary problem modeling thegrowth of nonnecrotic tumors, Journal of Functional Analysis, 245(2007), no.1,1--18.
[11] (with Joachim Escher) Bifurcation analysis of an elliptic free boundary problem modeling growth of avasculartumors, SIAM Journal of MathematicalAnalysis, 39(2007), no.1, 210--235.
[12] (with Shihe Xu) Analysis of mathematical models for the growth of tumors with time delays in cellproliferation, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 336(2007),no. 1, 523--541.
[13] (with Cuihua Guo) Well-posedness of higher-order nonlinear Schrodingerequations in Sobolev spaces Hs(Rn) and applications, Nonlinear Analysis, Theory, Methods and Applications,67(2007), no.3, 687--707.
[14] Pointwise estimates foroscillatory integrals and related Lp-Lq estimates II: multidimensional case, Journal of Fourier Analysisand Applications, 16(2006), no.6,605--627.
[15] Existence of a stationary solution for the modified Ward-King tumor growth model, Advances in AppliedMathematics, 36(2006), no.4, 421--445.
[16] Formation of necrotic cores in the growth of tumors: analytic results, Acta Mathematica Scientia (EnglishSeries), 26(2006), no.4, 781--796.
[17] (with Donggao Deng and Shuangping Tao) Global existence of solutionsfor the Cauchy problem of the Kawahara equation with L2 initial data, Acta Mathematica Sinica(English Series), 22(2006), no.5,1457--1466.


