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  • 中文名:崔喜紅
  • 國籍中國
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:生態遙感
  • 職稱:副教授
  • 任職院校:北京師範大學



2007.09-2009.07 博士, 北京師範大學資源學院
2004.09-2007.07 碩士, 北京師範大學資源學院
1994.09-1998.07 學士, 北京航空航天大學


2009.12- 北京師範大學地表過程與資源生態國家重點實驗室
2009.09-2009.12 北京師範大學減災與應急管理研究院


遙感野外測量 研究生專業基礎課 36學時 2學分







1 基於探地雷達的灌叢群落根系分布特徵及其在草原灌叢化過程中的作用機制研究,國家自然科學基金面上項目,主持
2 基於探地雷達的內蒙古草原灌叢化群落根系空間分布特徵研究, 國家重點實驗室自由探索項目, 主持
3 863計畫重點項目“全球生態系統與表面能量平衡特徵參量生產與套用”(2013AA121202)子課題“地表覆蓋變化檢測與自動化更新技術研究”,參與


1. Li,Wentao; Cui, Xihong; Guo, Li; et al. Tree Root Automatic Recognition in GroundPenetrating Radar Profiles Based on Randomized Hough Transform. RemoteSensing . Volume: 8 Issue: 5 Published: MAY 2016.
2. Guo,Li; Wu, Yuan; Chen, Jin; et al. Calibrating the impact of root orientation onroot quantification using ground-penetrating radar. Plant and Soil. Volume:395 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 289-305 Published: OCT 2015.
3. Wu,Yuan; Guo, Li; Li, Wentao; et al. Comment on: "root orientation canaffect detection accuracy of ground-penetrating radar" Plant and Soil .Volume: 380 Issue: 1-2Pages: 441-444 Published: JUL 2014.
4. Wu,Yuan; Guo, Li; Cui, Xihong; et al. Ground-penetrating radar-based automaticreconstruction of three-dimensional coarse root system architecture. Plantand Soil .Volume: 383 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 155-172 Published: OCT 2014.
5. Guo,Li; Chen, Jin; Cui, Xihong; et al. Application of ground penetrating radar forcoarse root detection and quantification: a review. Plant and Soil. Volume:362 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 1-23 Published: JAN 2013.
6. Cui,Xihong; Guo, Li; Chen, Jin; et al. Estimating Tree-Root Biomass in DifferentDepths Using Ground-Penetrating Radar: Evidence from a Controlled Experiment. IeeeTransactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing . Volume: 51 Issue: 6Pages: 3410-3423 Published: JUN 2013.
7. Guo,Li; Lin, Henry; Fan, Bihang; et al. Forward simulation of root's groundpenetrating radar signal: simulator development and validation. Plantand Soil .Volume: 372 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 487-505 Published: NOV 2013.
8. Guo,Li; Lin, Henry; Fan, Bihang; et al. Impact of root water content on root biomassestimation using ground penetrating radar: evidence from forward simulationsand field controlled experiments. Plant and Soil .Volume: 371 Issue:1-2 Pages: 503-520 Published: OCT 2013.
9. CuiXiHong; Chen Jin; Shen JinSong; et al. Modeling tree root diameter and biomassby ground-penetrating radar. Science China-Earth Sciences.Volume: 54 Issue: 5 Pages: 711-719 Published: MAY 2011.
10. GuoLi; Cui Xihong; Chen Jin. Sensitive factors analysis in using GPR for detectingplant roots based on forward modeling. Progress in Geophysiscs Volume: 27Issue: 4 Pages: 1754-1763 Published: 2012 郭立;崔喜紅; 陳晉Title: 基於GprMax正演模擬的探地雷達根系探測敏感因素分析
11. CuiXihong; Chen Jin; Guan Linlin .The Application of Ground Penetrating Radar toPlant Root System Detectio. Source: Advance in Earth Sciences Volume: 24 Issue:6 Pages: 606-611 Published: 2009. 崔喜紅;陳晉; 關琳琳. 探地雷達技術在植物根系探測研究中的套用


1. 崔喜紅,陳晉,吳淵,陳學泓。一種利用探地雷達數據構建樹木根系三維圖像的方法,專利號:ZL201310038486.3,授權公告日:2014.12.31,授權國:中國
2. 陳晉,崔喜紅,沈金松。一種利用探地雷達測量植物地下根的直徑以及生物量的方法,專利號:ZL201010151217.4,授權公告日:2012.11.28,授權國:中國
3. 崔喜紅,陳晉,沈金松。一種利用探地雷達測量植物地下根的生物量的方法,專利號:ZL201010151210.2,授權公告日:2011.06.22,授權國:中國
4. 崔喜紅,陳晉,沈金松。一種利用探地雷達測量植物地下根的直徑的方法,專利號:ZL201010151216.X,授權公告日:2012.11.14,授權國:中國
5. Cui Xihong,Wuyuan, Chen Jin, Wu yuan, Cao xin. A method for reconstructing tree root systemarchitecture byground-penetrating radar,專利號:2013100092,授權公告日:2013.01.31,授權國:澳大利亞
6. Xihong Cui, JinChen, Jinsong Shen. A method for measuring biomass of tree-roots byground-penetrating radar,專利號:201010151210.2,授權公告日:2010.04.16,授權國:澳大利亞


1. 2016年北京市科學技術獎三等獎(基礎類)排名第五,2016年
2. 2015年北京師範大學優秀研究生教學成果一等獎,排名第二


