岑望來,四川大學副研究員,博導,國家煙氣脫硫工程技術研究中心副主任。2012年博士畢業於浙江大學,2013年至今在四川大學工作。2017-2018年受留學基金委資助在美國德克薩斯大學奧斯汀分校訪問。主持國家自然科學基金青年和面上項目各一項,獲四川省科技進步一等獎1項,擔任Environmental Research期刊(影響因子8.431)編委。主要採用高性能計算模擬方法從事能源環境材料的理論設計和新材料開發,發表論文60餘篇。
- 中文名:岑望來
- 外文名:Wanglai Cen
- 國籍:中國
- 畢業院校:浙江大學
以第一性原理與分子動力學為研究方法,開展環境催化反應機理研究與材料設計。主要研究領域為:1、零碳氫能技術:光解水制氫、氨分解制氫、生物質熱解制氫;2、工業過程污染治理與節能降碳系統工程;3、能源環境材料計算模擬方法開發與套用。常用軟體:VASP, CPMD, LAMMPS。
2008.08~2012.12 浙江大學,環境工程專業,工學博士
2004.09~2007.07 四川大學,環境工程專業,工學碩士
2000.09~2004.06 四川大學,環境工程專業,工學學士
2016.9~至今 四川大學,新能源與低碳技術研究院,副研究員
2017.10~2018.10 美國德克薩斯大學奧斯汀分校訪問學者,合作導師Graeme Henkelman
2015.10~2016.08 四川大學,新能源與低碳技術研究院,助理研究員
2013.02~2015.09 四川大學,建築與環境學院,博士後
1. 氨分解產氫催化劑的理論設計與合成製備,四川省科技廳國際合作重點項目,2023-2024,主持
2. 硫酸法鈦白煅燒窯進料脫水技術開發,企業委託項目,2022-2023,主持
3. 晶面/缺陷調控羥基自由基生成增強鹵氧化鉍光催化礦化NOx分子機制,自然科學基金面上項目,2019-2022,主持
4. 共建生態環境與能源材料聯合實驗室研發平台協定,企業合作項目,2021-2024,主持
5. 炭材料空位、氮摻雜和受限空間協同催化氧化SO2機理研究,自然科學基金青年項目,2016-2018,主持
6. 六氟化硫新型吸附劑製備方法最佳化研究,企業委託項目,2015-2016,主持
7. 中空低溫高效煙氣脫硫催化劑製備與脫硫工藝最佳化研究,成都市科技惠民項目,2015-2017,主持
1. 高比能鋰金屬二次電池材料與器件的合作研究,國家重點研發計畫-戰略性國際科技創新合作重點專項,2023-2025,參與(項目負責人劉慰)
2. 鋼鐵行業全過程大氣污染防治支撐技術集成示範,國家重點研發計畫-大氣污染成因與控制技術研究,2019-2022,參與(項目負責人李建軍)
3. 層間摻雜鹼/鹼土金屬g-C3N4的原位構建及其可見光催化去除NOx的性能增強機制,自然科學基金面上項目,2015-2018,參與(項目負責人董帆)
1. 馮剛、王建成、岑望來等,《催化理論與計算》,化學工業出版社,2022年3月。
1. Qian Wang, Hongjiao Li, Ruixue Zhang, Zhenzhen Liu, Hanyu Deng, Wanglai Cen, Yigang Yan*, Yungui Chen*, Oxygen vacancies boosted fast Mg migration in solids at room temperature, Energy Storage Materials, 2022, 51, 630-637.
2. Zhongxing Du, Linghui Su, Gexiang Chen, Yuchao Deng, Yongjun Liu, Wanglai Cen*, Nondissociative activation of O2 for SO2 oxidation on metal-free N-doped carbocatalyst, Surface Science, 2022, 122116.
3. Chaonan Jin, Jiao Li, Keyan Zhang, Habibullah, Guanghui Xia, Chaoling Wu*, Yao Wang*, Wanglai Cen, Yiwen Chen, Yigang Yan, Yungui Chen, Pd3P nanoparticles decorated P-doped graphene for high hydrogen storage capacity and stable hydrogen adsorption-desorption performance, Nano Energy, 2022, 107360.
4. Yulu Liu, Chenghua Xu, Wanglai Cen, Hao Li*, Design strategy of bifunctional catalysts for CO oxidation. Fuel 320, 2022, 123909.
5. Jinyan Cao, Wanglai Cen*, Yue Jing, Zhongxing Du, Wei Chu*, Jianjun Li. P-doped BiOCl for visible light photodegradation of tetracycline: an insight from experiment and calculation. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2022, 435, 134683.
6. Longhua Zou, Yingming Zhu, Wanglai Cen*, Xia Jiang, Wei Chu, N-doping in Graphdiyne on Embedding of Metals and its Effect in Catalysis. Applied Surface Science, 2021:149815.
7. Jiajia Li, Jianjun Li, Anqi Liu, Jiaxiu Guo, Yongjun Liu, Xia Jiang, Wanglai Cen*, Mechanism of over-stoichiometric oxidation of SO2 by iron oxides modified pyridinic N-doped carbonaceous materials. Applied Surface Science, 2021.
8. Jinyan Cao, Yue Jing, Zhongxing Du, Wei Chu, Jianjun Li, Wanglai Cen*, WC/BiOCl binary composite photocatalyst for accelerating interfacial charge separation and sulfamethoxazole degradation, Applied Surface Science, 2021.
9. Longhua Zou, Wei Chu, Wanglai Cen*, The coordination of Al on pyridinic-N doped graphene as electrons reservoir for efficiently catalyzing CO oxidization. Applied Surface Science, 2020, 531:147310.
10. Jingyan Cao, Jianjun Li, Wei Chu*, Wanglai Cen*, Facile synthesis of Mn-doped BiOCl for metronidazole photodegradation: optimization, degradation pathway, and mechanism. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2020, 400:125813.
11. Jieyuan Li, Ping Yan, Kanglu Li, Junjie You, Hong Wang, Wen Cui, Wanglai Cen*, Yinghao Chu*, Fan Dong, Cu supported on polymeric carbon nitride for selective CO2 reduction into CH4: a combined kinetics and thermodynamics investigation. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2019, 7 (28), 17014-17021.
12. Jieyuan Li, Ruimin Chen, Wanglai Cen*, Ping Yan, Kanglu Li, Peng Wang, Song Shu, Yinghao Chu, Fan Dong, Quantifying the activation energies of ROS-induced NOx conversion: Suppressed toxic intermediates generation and clarified reaction mechanism. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2019, 375, 122026.
13. Xiaodong Chi, Wanglai Cen, Jack A. Queenan, LingLiang Long, Vincent M. Lynch, Niveen M. Khashab; Jonathan L. Sessler*, Azobenzene-Bridged Expanded "Texas-sized" Box: A Dual-Responsive Receptor for Aryl Dianion Encapsulation. Journal of the American Chemistry Society, 2019, 141 (16), 6468-6472.
14. Anqi Liu, Jun Long, Shandong Yuan, Wanglai Cen*, Jianjun Li*, Synergetic promotion by oxygen doping and Ca decoration on graphene for CO2 selective adsorption. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2019, 21, 5133-5141.
15. Meiling Hou, Xin Zhang, Shandong Yuan*, Wanglai Cen*, Double graphitic-N doping for enhanced catalytic oxidation activity of carbocatalysts. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2019, 21, 5481-5488.
16. Shi Yin*; Yanqiu Chen; Yueli Li; Wanglai Cen*; Huaqiang Yin,Static and dynamic characteristics of SO2-O2 aqueous solution in the microstructure of porous carbon materials, Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering, 2018.9.17, 12(5).
17. Shan Gao#,Wanglai Cen#, Qiang Li, Jieyuan Li, Yunfeng Lu*, Haiqiang Wang*, Zhongbiao Wu, A Mild One-step method for Enhancing Optical Absorption of Amine-Functionalized Metal-Organic Frameworks, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2018, 227: 190-197. (共同一作)
18. Ting Xiong, Hong Wang, Ying Zhou, Yanjuan Sun, Wanglai Cen*, Hongwei Huang, Yuxin Zhang, Fan Dong*, KCl-Mediated Dual Electronic Channels in Layered g-C3N4 for Enhanced Visible Light Photocatalytic NO Removal, Nanoscale, 2018, 10: 8066-8074.
19. Jieyuan Li, Xing’an Dong, Yanjuan Sun, Wanglai Cen*, Fan Dong*, Facet-dependent interfacial charge separation and transfer in plasmonic photocatalysts, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2018, 226: 269-277.
20. Yanqiu Chen, Shi Yin*, Yang Chen, Wanglai Cen*, Jianjun Li, Huaqiang Yin, Promoting mechanism of N-doped single-walled carbon nanotubes for O2 dissociation and SO2 oxidation, Applied Surface Science, 2018, 434: 382-388.
21. Jieyuan Li, Shi Yin, Fan Dong,Wanglai Cen*, and Yinghao Chu*,Tailoring Active Sites via Synergy between Graphitic and Pyridinic N for Enhanced Catalytic Efficiency of a Carbocatalyst,ACS Applied Materials &Interfaces,2017, 9(23): 19861-19869.
22.Jieyuan Li, Wen Cui, Yanjun Sun, Yinghao Chu,Wanglai Cen, Dong Fan,Directional electron delivery via a vertical channel between g-C3N4layers promotes photocatalytic efficiency,Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2017, 5(19): 9358-9364.
23. Yanqiu Chen, Shi Yin, Yueli Li,Wanglai Cen, Jianjun Li, Huaqiang Yin,Curvature dependence of single-walled carbon nanotubes for SO2adsorption and oxidation, Applied Surface Science, 2017, 404: 364-269
24. Ting Xiong,Wanglai Cen, Yuxin Zhang, Fan Dong, Bridging the g-C3N4Interlayers for Enhanced Photocatalysis, ACS Catalysis, 2016, 6(4): 2462-2472.(ESI高引)
25. Yulu Liu, Jie Liu, Gang Feng, Shi Yin,Wanglai Cen, Yongjun Liu, Interface effects for the hydrogenation of CO2on Pt4/-gamma-Al2O3, Applied Surface Science, 2016, 386: 196-201.
26.Jieyuan Li, Jie Liu, Shi Yin, Yongjun Liu, Jianjun Li,Wanglai Cen, Yinghao Chu, Promotion mechanism of pyridine N-doped carbocatalyst for SO2oxidation, RSC Advances, 2016, 6(89): 86316-86323.
27. MeilingHou,Wanglai Cen, Fang Nan, Jianjun Li, Yinghao Chu, Huaqiang Yin, Dissociation of O2and its reactivity on O/S doped graphene, RSC Advances, 2016, 6(9): 7015-7021.
28.Wanglai Cen, MeilingHou, Jie Liu, Shandong Yuan, Yongjun Liu, Yinghao Chu, Oxidation of SO2and NO by epoxy groups on graphene oxides: the role of the hydroxyl group, RSC Advances, 2015, 5(29): 22802-22810.
29. MeilingHou,Wanglai Cen, Huijuan Zhang, Jie Liu, Huaqiang Yin, Fushen Wei, Adsorption and oxidation of NO on graphene oxides: A dispersion corrected density functional theory investigation, Applied Surface Science, 2015, 339: 55-61.
30. Huijuan Zhang,Wanglai Cen, Jie Liu, JiaxiuGuo, Huaqiang Yin, PingNing, Adsorption and oxidation of SO2by graphene oxides: A van der Waals density functional theory study. Applied Surface Science, 2015, 324, 61-67.
31.Wanglai Cen, Ting Xiong, Chiya Tang, Shandong Yuan, Fan Dong, Effects of Morphology and Crystallinity on the Photocatalytic Activity of (BiO)2CO3Nano/microstructures, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2014, 53(39): 15002-15011.
32.Wanglai Cen, Yue Liu, Zhongbiao Wu, Jie Liu, Haiqiang Wang, XiaoleWeng, Cl Species Transformation on CeO2(111) Surface and Its Effects on CVOCs Catalytic Abatement: A First-Principles Investigation, Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2014, 118(13): 6758-6766.
33. Yulu Liu,Wanglai Cen, Gang Feng, Yinghao Chu, Dejin Kong, Huaqiang Yin, First principles study on the adsorption of Ptn(n=1-4) on gamma-Al2O3(110) surface, Applied Surface Science, 2014, 313: 424-431.
34.Wanglai Cen, Yue Liu, Zhongbiao Wu, Haiqiang Wang, XiaoleWeng, A theoretic insight into the catalytic activity promotion of CeO2surfaces by Mn doping, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2012, 14(16): 5769-5777.
1. 一種P摻雜BiOCl可見光催化劑及其製備方法,202011607340.2
1. Environmental Research期刊編委
2. 國家煙氣脫硫工程技術研究中心副主任
1. 四川省科技進步獎,一等獎,2015,9/10