



  • 軟體名稱:展示台第二輯螢
  • 軟體平台:IOS
  • 軟體大小:15.75MB
  • 支持版本:iOS5.0及以上
享受音樂的體驗。 難道你不喜歡美化你的iPhone或iPad? 這是非常簡單的。 只需啟動該應用程式,然後靠在牆上的裝置。 該應用程式將自動從您的庫中選擇歌曲並開始播放。 隨著展示台系列卷。 2螢,精美的圖像匹配會流出來從設備的顯示器。 在展示台系列具有以下特點。 ?同時支持縱向和橫向螢幕設定。 垂直方向的天空主題和水平的森林主題設定設備。嘗試更改螢幕取決於你的心情。 ?Retina顯示屏支持 高解析度顯示器的全面支持。 隨著最新的高解析度顯示器,您可以享受更加生動的圖像。 ?自動選擇從iPod資料庫 完全沒有必要為你費心選歌。 歌曲的播放imedietly後,應用程式啟動起來。 播放從iTunesStore購買的受著作權保護的AAC檔案的完全支持。 一些受著作權保護的檔案可能無法正常工作。 ?清晰,簡潔的界面 觸摸顯示器帶來了暫停和下一首歌曲選單。 經過選擇已被選定或固定的時間已經過去了,選單消失,留下的全螢幕可視化工具為您的享受。 ?加速度計的功能選項 歌曲可以通過搖動裝置來改變。 Enjoy the experience of music. Wouldn't you like spruce up your iPhone or iPad It is very simple. Just launch the application, and then lean the device against a wall. The application will automatically choose songs from your library and begin to play them. With the Visualizer series Vol. 2 HoTaRu, beautifully matching images will flow forth from your device's display. The Visualizer series has the following features. Supports both vertical and horizontal screen settings. Set the device vertically for a sky theme and horizontally for a forest theme. Try changing the screen depending on your mood. Retina display support Full support for high resolution displays. With the latest high resolution displays, you can enjoy even more vivid images. Automatic selection from iPod library Absolutely no need for you to bother with song selection. Songs play imedietly after application start up. Full support for playback of copy protected AAC files purchased from the iTunesStore. Some copy protected files may not work. Clear, simple interface Touching the display brings up the pause and next song menu. After a selection has been chosen or a fixed time has passed, the menu disappears, leaving the full screen Visualizer for your enjoyment. Accelerometer function option Songs can be changed by shaking the device.

