- 中文名:尹維龍
- 出生日期:1980年1月
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:變體飛行器變形機制與結構實現,智慧型仿生結構設計與分析等
- 任職院校:哈爾濱工業大學
- 職稱:副教授
- 變體飛行器變形機制與結構實現;
- 智慧型仿生結構設計與分析;
- 複合材料機翼結構建模與最佳化。
- 2007年7月-2010年12月 哈爾濱工業大學航天學院,講師;
- 2010年12月-2013年5月 哈爾濱工業大學航天學院,副教授,碩士生導師;
- 2013年5月-至今 哈爾濱工業大學航天學院,副教授,博士生導師。
- 《航空學報(英文版)》、《Smart Materials and Structures》、《Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology》、《振動與衝擊》和《哈爾濱工業大學學報》等刊物審稿人。
目前,已在《Smart Materials and Structures》、《Carbon》、《Materials》、《中國科學》、《航空學報》和《複合材料學報》等國內外知名刊物和學術會議上發表論文60餘篇,其中:SCI收錄15篇、EI收錄39篇,ISTP收錄7篇;申請國家發明專利29項,已授權專利13項。
[1]Huiran Zou,Weilong Yin *, Chaocan Cai, Yibin Li and Xiaodong He. Numerical Investigation on the Necessity of a Constant Strain Rate Condition According to Material's Dynamic Response Behavior in the SHPB Test. Experimental Mechanics, 2018(SCI,IF:2.319,JRC:Q2)
[2]Huiran Zou, Weilong Yin *, Chaocan Cai, Bing Wang, Ankang Liu, Zhen Yang, Yibin Li * and Xiaodong He. The Out-of-Plane Compression Behavior of Cross-Ply AS4/PEEK Thermoplastic Composite Laminates at High Strain Rates. Materials, 2018, 11(11), 2312(SCIE,IF:2.467,JRC:Q2,doi: 10.3390/ma11112312)
[3]Fan Xu, Ruofan Chen, Zaishan Lin, Xianxian Sun, Shasha Wang, Weilong Yin*, Qingyu Peng*, Yibin Li* and Xiaodong He. Variable densification of reduced graphene oxide foam into multifunctional high-performance graphene paper. Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2018,6, 12321-12328
[4]Minglong Yang,Ye Yuan,Weilong Yin,Shuang Yang,Qingyu Peng,Jianjun Li,Yibin Li,Xiaodong He. Co/CoO@C nanocomposites with a hierarchical bowknot-like nanostructure for high performance broadband electromagnetic wave absorption.Applied Surface Science, Available online 5 October 2018
[5]Ye Yuan, Weilong Yin, Minglong Yang, Fan Xu, Xu Zhao, Jianjun Li*, Qingyu Peng, Xiaodong He, Shanyi Du, Yibin Li*. Lightweight, flexible and strong core-shell non-woven fabrics covered by reduced graphene oxide for high-performance electromagnetic interference shielding. CARBON,2018,130:59-68(SCI,IF:7.082;EI:20180204621215)
[6]尹維龍(第四). Recent development in electrospun polymer fiber and their composites with shape memory property: a review. PIGMENT & RESIN TECHNOLOGY,2018,47(1): 47-54(SCI,IF:0.67)
[7]尹維龍(第4作者).@#%Seeded@#% Growth of Silica Aerogel by Tetraethoxysilane and Trimethylchlorosilane Co-precursor Method. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2013, (362), 216-221
[8]Yongtao Yao, Jungang Cao, Min Yang,Jianjun Li, Shuyuan Zhao,Weilong Yin, Yibin Li, Xiaodong He and Jinsong Leng. Exploration of Novel Stacked Structure and One-step Fabrication of Electrospun Silica Microbelt with Controllable Wettability. RSC Advances, 2013
[9]Haibao Lu, Pengpeng Bai,Weilong Yin, Fei Liang, and Jihua Gou. Magnetically Aligned Carbon Nanotubes in Nanopaper for Electro-Activated Shape-Memory Nanocomposites. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology Letters, Vol. 5, 1–5, 2013
[11]尹維龍(排名:第4).@#%Seeded@#% Growth of Silica Aerogel by Tetraethoxysilane and Trimethylchlorosilane Co-precursor Method. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2013, (362), 216-221(SCI,EI:20130215877470)
[12]尹維龍,石慶華,田東奎.變體柔性後緣的索網傳動設計與力學分析.航空學報,2013, 34(8):1824-1831
[13]陳錢,白鵬,尹維龍,冷勁松,李峰.飛機外翼段大尺度剪下式變後掠設計與分析.空氣動力學學報, 2013, 31(1): 40-45
[14]尹維龍,田東奎.柔性翼型的氣動彈性建模與顫振特性分析.哈爾濱工業大學學報,2012, 44(9): 69-72(EI:20124915755191)
[15]尹維龍,田東奎.可變後緣彎度機翼柔性蒙皮的變形特性分析.南京航空航天大學學報, 2012, 44(4): 493-496(EI: 20124115548080)
[16]尹維龍,田東奎,陳以金. Design and test of pneumatic artificial muscle driven variable trailing-edge camber wing.哈爾濱工業大學學報(英文版), 2012, 19(3): 99-103(EI:20124915755222)
[17]Weilong Yin,Dongkui Tian. Design and analysis of adaptive honeycomb structure with pneumatic muscle fibers. Proc. of SPIE, 2012(EI:20122015018052)
[19]Yijin Chen,Weilong Yin, Yanju Liu, and Jinsong Leng. Structural design and analysis of morphing skin embedded with pneumatic muscle fibers. Smart Materials and Structures, 2011, 20(8): 1-9(SCI,IF: 2.094,EI:20113214211691,第1作者為本人協助指導的博士研究生)
[20]Weilong Yin. Stiffness requirement of flexible skin for variable trailing-edge camber wing. Science in China Series E: Technological Sciences, 2010, 53(4): 1077-1081(SCI,IF:0.682,DOI:10.1007/s11431-009-0408-6)
[21]尹維龍,向錦武.壓電纖維複合材料槳葉的動力學建模.複合材料學報, 2009, 26(6): 173-176 (EI:20100112617718)
[22]Weilong Yin, Jingcang Liu, Jinsong. Leng. Deformation analysis of shape memory polymer for morphing wing skin under airflow. Frontiers of Mechanical Engineering inChina, 2009, 4(4):447-449
[23]尹維龍,帶後緣附翼的槳葉氣動扭轉變形研究.哈爾濱工業大學學報, 2010, 42(2): 236-238(EI:20101912923614)
[24]尹維龍.多關節式後緣機翼的氣動特性及驅動力分析.哈爾濱工業大學學報, 20102010, 42(11): 682-685
[25]Weilong Yin, Qijian Sun, Bo Zhang, Jingcang Liu, Jinsong Leng. Seamless Morphing Wing with SMP Skin. Advanced Materials Research, 2008, 47-50: 97-100 (ISTP,EI:084811733812)
[26]Weilong Yin, Libo Liu, Yijin Chen, Jinsong Leng. Variable camber wing based on pneumatic artificial muscles. Proceedings of SPIE - The International Society for Optical Engineering, v 7493, 2009, 2nd International Conference on Smart Materials and Nanotechnology in Engineering (EI:20095212573080)
[27]Weilong Yin, Tao Fu, Jingcang Liu, Jinsong Leng. Structural Shape Sensing for Variable Camber Wing using FBG Sensors. Proc. of SPIE, 7292-52, 2009(EI: 20103413166074)
[28]Weilong Yin, Libo Liu, Yijin Chen, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng. Pneumatic artificial muscle and its application on driving variable trailing-edge camber wing, Proc. of SPIE, 7292-52, 2010 (EI:20102413001449)
[29]W. L. Yin, J. C. Liu and J. S. Leng. Mechanical Characteristics of Shape Memory Polymer for Morphing Wing under Airflow. Proceeding of International Joint Conference of SMSAE/SMEBA, 2008
[30]尹維龍,孫啟健,張波,劉京藏,冷勁松.形狀記憶聚合物蒙皮靜力學分析.第15屆全國複合材料大會, 2008
[31]尹維龍,冷勁松.伸縮翼可變形無人機氣彈回響分析.尖兵之翼—2008中國無人機大會, 2008
[32]陳錢,尹維龍,白鵬,冷勁松,劉子強.可變後掠角及展長的翼身組合體系統設計與特性分析.航空學報, 2010, 31(3): 506-513(EI:20102012933069)
[33]Kai Yu,Weilong Yin, Yanju Liu and Jingsong Leng. Application of SMP composite in designing a morphing wing. Proc. of SPIE, 7290, 2009 (EI:20100812728770)
[34]Da Wang,Weilong Yin, Yanjiu Liu, Jinsong Leng.Application of macrofiber composite in actuating a tail of bio-mimetic fish. Proc. of SPIE, 6928-55, 2008 (EI:20082311295569)
[35]Kai Yu,Weilong Yin, Shouhua Sun, Yanju Liu, Jinsong Leng. Design and analysis of morphing wing based on SMP composite. Proc. of SPIE, 7290, 2009 (EI:20092512133094)
[36]孫啟健,尹維龍.形狀記憶合金管扭轉驅動器的設計.第15屆全國複合材料大會, 2008
[37]陳錢,白鵬,尹維龍,冷勁松,詹慧玲,劉子強.可連續光滑偏轉後緣的變彎度翼型氣動特性分析.空氣動力學學報, 2010, 28(1): 46-53(EI:20101612858756)
[38]陳錢,白鵬,尹維龍,冷勁松,詹慧玲,劉子強.變彎度翼型特性數值與實驗研究,第二屆近代實驗空氣動力學會議, 2009
[39]尹維龍,向錦武.彈性耦合對複合材料旋翼前飛氣彈回響及載荷的影響[J],航空學報, 2007, 28(3): 605-609 (EI:20072710691785)
[40]尹維龍,向錦武.考慮剪下和翹曲影響的直升機旋翼氣彈穩定性分析[J].航空學報, 2006, 27(6): 1130-1134 (EI:20070610415111)
[41]尹維龍,向錦武.彈性耦合對直升機複合材料槳葉穩定性的影響[J].複合材料學報, 2006, 23(4): 143-148(EI:20064510225967)
[42]YIN Weilong, XIANG Jinwu.Nonlinear analysis for helicopter ground resonance using multi-scale method [C].// Proceeding of the fifth international conference on nonlinear mechanics(ICNM-V), 2007 (ISTP)
- 基於智慧型材料與結構的柔性可變彎度機翼結構設計與力學分析;
- 氣動肌肉主動變形蒙皮結構設計與力學分析;
- 可變體飛行器氣動原理與變形結構力學研究;
- 飛行器智慧型結構系統的集成研究。