- 中文名:尤學一
- 國籍:中國
- 職業:教授
- 畢業院校:天津大學
1992.3 天津大學力學系獲工學博士學位。
1989.9 天津大學力學系獲工學碩士學位。
1986.7 天津大學海洋與船舶工程系獲工學學士學位。
2001.12~至今 天津大學環境科學與工程學院教授。
期間2008.6~2008.9 日本廣島大學訪問教授。
期間2007.4~2007.7 日本廣島大學訪問教授。
期間2003.2~2003.3 日本東京大學JSPS訪問教授。
期間2002.8~2002.10 日本國立產業技術綜合研究所高級訪問學者。
2001.2~2001.12 德國Kaiserslautern大學 研究員。
期間2001.10~2001.11 天津大學國家化工重點實驗室高級訪問學者。
1999.9~2001.1 德國Dresden技術大學 研究員。
期間2000.2~2000.3 天津大學國家化工重點實驗室高級訪問學者。
1997.9~1999.8 德國Cottbus技術大學 研究員。
1996.1~1997.8 德國Chemnitz技術大學 研究員。
1995.1~1995.12 墨西哥國立自治大學 副研究員。
1992.3~1994.12 天津大學化學工程研究所 博士後。
重慶大學學報(英)編委,Journal of Engineering編委,環境科學與技術特約編委。
環境系統模擬實驗 ( 研 ) ,生態環境數值模擬 ( 研 ) ,環境流體力學 ( 本、研 ) ,微反應器與微環境分析儀 ( 研 ) , 環境學概論 ( 本科 ), 環境系統分析 ( 本科 ) 、環境保護與可持續發展(本科)。
(2)朱生鳳,張秀濤, 尤學一,建築小區內致病微生物暴露風險評價,城市環境與生態,22卷(3),5-8, 2009.
(5)尤學一,李莉, 劉偉,城市街道峽谷內污染物擴散的數值模擬,天津大學學報,40卷 (9), 1077-1080,2007.
(6)尤學一,李莉, 污染源對建築小區影響的數值模擬, 環境科學研究, 19卷 (3), 13-17,2006.
(7)平措,尤學一,拉薩城市大氣污染現狀及防治對策,乾旱區資源與環境,19卷 (7), 106-109,2005.
(8)常淑玲, 尤學一,天津市需水量預測研究,乾旱地區資源與環境,22卷 (2),14-19,2008.
(9)於順東,尤學一, WASP水質模型檢驗及參數敏感度分析,水資源與水工程學報,18卷 (6), 41-44,2007.
(10郭麗祥 尤學一, 考慮雙電層和邊界滑移影響的平行平板微通道流場的解析解, 納米技術與精密工程,接收發表,2010.
(12)尤學一, 李勝華, 肖厚蓬, 微流道粗糙壁面對流動阻力和控制的影響, 化學工程,第36卷 (8),25-27,2008.
(15)尤學一,鄭敬茹,微間距平板Poiseuille流動的穩定性研究, 納米技術與精密工程,5卷 (4), 319-322,2007.
(16)景琦 尤學一, 套用於環境監測的微型光電檢測系統,上海環境科學,26卷 (5),189-192,2007.
(17)尤學一,鄭湘君,鄭敬茹,微尺度流道內液體表觀粘性係數的分子理論,物理學報,第56卷 (4),2323-2329,2007.
(18)黃道君,尤學一,聚合物PDMS片表面特性的AFM和XPS研究,現代儀器,第13卷 (1), 23-25, 2007.
(19)尤學一,黃道君,景琦, PDMS晶片粘接強度的實驗研究, 分析科學學報,23卷 (5),502-506,2007.
(20)尤學一,鄭湘君,李莉, 微流控晶片槽道液體粘性係數的分子理論, 第三屆全國微全分析系統學術會議, 武漢, 2005年10月.
(22)劉偉,尤學一,近岸海域底泥再懸浮的動力學模擬,2009年中國力學學術大會, 2009年8月,鄭州.
(23)尤學一,劉偉,兩相流相界面遷移的數值模擬,水動力學研究與進展,21卷 (6), 724-729,2006.
(24)尤學一, 套用液滴停留時間模型最佳化萃取塔設計,化學工程,34卷(11),1-3,2006.
(25)尤學一, 鄭湘君, 李丹, 微尺度流道內液體摩擦係數的理論計算, 中國機械工程, 16卷 (14), 1278-1281, 2005.
(26)尤學一, 鄭湘君, 李丹, 微尺度間距平行平板間的流動穩定性問題, 中國機械工程, 16卷增刊, 210-212, 2005.
(27)尤學一,鄭湘君,陳小明,平板Poiseuille分層流動的線性穩定性研究,天津大學學報(自然科學版),38卷 (11), 1017-1020, 2005.
(28)陳小明, 尤學一, 氣液界面氣體傳輸模型研究進展, 海洋湖沼通報,第三期,79-85,2005.
(29)袁希鋼, 尤學一, 余國琮,篩孔塔板氣液兩相流動的速度場模擬, 化工學報, 46卷 ( 4), 511-515, 1995.
(30)尤學一,陶建華,流影響下非線性波對大尺度物體的載荷,天津大學學報, 第2期,32-37, 1992.
(32)大尺度樁柱上波流聯合載荷的數值模擬, 第五屆全國計算流體力學會議,1990。
(33)肖夏,尤學一,姚素英,表征ULSI互連納米薄膜硬度特性的超聲表面波沿任意方向傳播的頻散特性,物理學報,第56卷 (4),2428-2433,2007.
(49)X. Y. You (尤學一) and Xia Xiao, Simulation of the Three-Dimensional Two-Phase Flow in Stirred Extraction Columns by Lagrangian-Eulerian Method, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., Vol.19, No.1, 1-11, 2005.
(50)X. Y. You (尤學一), Numerical Simulation of Mass Transfer Performance of Sieve Distillation Trays, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., Vol.18, No.3, 223-233, 2004.
(51)P. S. Yen, D. J. Lee and Xue-Yi You (尤學一), Normal Stress of Waste Water Sludge, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Chemical Engineers, Vol. 35, No. 5, 581-586, 2004.
(52)You Xue-Yi (尤學一) and H.-J. Bart, Comparison of the Reynolds-averaged Turbulence Models on Single Phase Simulation in Agitated Extraction Columns, Chin. J. Chem. Eng., Vol.11, No.3, 362-366, 2003.
(53)X. Y. You (尤學一) and Z. S. Yang, Estimating the Relative Tray Efficiency of Sieve Distillation Trays by Applying Artificial Neural Networks, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., Vol.17, No.2, 153-158, 2003.
(54)X. Y. You(尤學一), Active Control of the Onset of Rayleigh-Benard Convection in Temperature-dependent Viscosity Liquids, Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.40, No.1-2, 75-81,2003.
(55)X. Xiao, X. Y. You (尤學一) and G. Ruan, Compact quasi-analytic equations for estimating the temperature distribution of ULSI interconnects, Microelectric Eng., Vol.60, No.3-4, 415-428, 2002.
(56)X. Y. You (尤學一), Feedback Control the Instability of Fluid Layer Flowing Down a Vertical Cylinder, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol.45, 4537-4542, 2002.
(57)X. Y. You (尤學一), Squire Theorem with Variable Physical Properties, Int. Comm. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol.29, No.1, 141-144, 2002.
(58)X. Y. You (尤學一), Estimating the Onset of Natural Convection in a Horizontal Layer of a Fluid with a Temperature-dependent Viscosity, Chem. Eng. J., Vol.84, No.1, 63-67, 2001.
(59)L.A. Davalos-Orozco and X. Y. You (尤學一), 3D Instability of a Liquid Layer Flowing Down a Heated Vertical Cylinder, Phys. Fluids A, Vol.12, No.9, 2198-2209, 2000.
(60)X. Y. You (尤學一) and X. Xiao, Active Control of Laminar Stability by the Feedback Control Strategy, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol.43, No.19, 3529-3538, 2000.
(61)X. Y. You (尤學一) and X. Xiao, Gaster Transform with the Effects of Heat Transfer, Int. Comm. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol.27, No.1, pp.81-91, 2000.
(62)K. T. Yu, X. G. Yuan, X. Y. You (尤學一) and C. J. Liu, Computational Fluid-dynamics and Experimental Verification of Two-phase Two-dimensional Flow on a Sieve Column Tray, Chem. Eng. Res. Des., Vol.77, No.6, pp.554-560, 1999.
(50)X. Y. You (尤學一), Numerical Simulation of Mass Transfer Performance of Sieve Distillation Trays, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., Vol.18, No.3, 223-233, 2004.
(51)P. S. Yen, D. J. Lee and Xue-Yi You (尤學一), Normal Stress of Waste Water Sludge, Journal of the Chinese Institute of Chemical Engineers, Vol. 35, No. 5, 581-586, 2004.
(52)You Xue-Yi (尤學一) and H.-J. Bart, Comparison of the Reynolds-averaged Turbulence Models on Single Phase Simulation in Agitated Extraction Columns, Chin. J. Chem. Eng., Vol.11, No.3, 362-366, 2003.
(53)X. Y. You (尤學一) and Z. S. Yang, Estimating the Relative Tray Efficiency of Sieve Distillation Trays by Applying Artificial Neural Networks, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q., Vol.17, No.2, 153-158, 2003.
(54)X. Y. You(尤學一), Active Control of the Onset of Rayleigh-Benard Convection in Temperature-dependent Viscosity Liquids, Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol.40, No.1-2, 75-81,2003.
(55)X. Xiao, X. Y. You (尤學一) and G. Ruan, Compact quasi-analytic equations for estimating the temperature distribution of ULSI interconnects, Microelectric Eng., Vol.60, No.3-4, 415-428, 2002.
(56)X. Y. You (尤學一), Feedback Control the Instability of Fluid Layer Flowing Down a Vertical Cylinder, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol.45, 4537-4542, 2002.
(57)X. Y. You (尤學一), Squire Theorem with Variable Physical Properties, Int. Comm. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol.29, No.1, 141-144, 2002.
(58)X. Y. You (尤學一), Estimating the Onset of Natural Convection in a Horizontal Layer of a Fluid with a Temperature-dependent Viscosity, Chem. Eng. J., Vol.84, No.1, 63-67, 2001.
(59)L.A. Davalos-Orozco and X. Y. You (尤學一), 3D Instability of a Liquid Layer Flowing Down a Heated Vertical Cylinder, Phys. Fluids A, Vol.12, No.9, 2198-2209, 2000.
(60)X. Y. You (尤學一) and X. Xiao, Active Control of Laminar Stability by the Feedback Control Strategy, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol.43, No.19, 3529-3538, 2000.
(61)X. Y. You (尤學一) and X. Xiao, Gaster Transform with the Effects of Heat Transfer, Int. Comm. Heat Mass Transfer, Vol.27, No.1, pp.81-91, 2000.
(62)K. T. Yu, X. G. Yuan, X. Y. You (尤學一) and C. J. Liu, Computational Fluid-dynamics and Experimental Verification of Two-phase Two-dimensional Flow on a Sieve Column Tray, Chem. Eng. Res. Des., Vol.77, No.6, pp.554-560, 1999.
1.微萃取器內流動控制和增強傳質的機理研究, 國家自然科學基金會, 2007-2009年。