



  • 書名:小婦人(英語原著版)
  • 作者:Louisa
  • 出版社:中譯出版社
  • 出版時間:2010年7月
  • 頁數:442 頁
  • 定價:28 元
  • 開本:32 開
  • 裝幀:平裝
  • ISBN:9787500126867




Part Ⅰ
Chapter 1 Playing Pilgrims
Chapter 2 A Merry Christmas
Chapter 3 The Laurence Boy
Chapter 4 Burdens
Chapter 5 Being Neighborly
Chapter 6 Beth Finds the Palace Beautiful
Chapter 7 Amy's Valley of Humiliation
Chapter 8 Jo Meets Apollyon
Chapter 9 Meg Goes to Vanity Fair
Chapter 10 The PC. and P.O.
Chapter 11 Experiments
Chapter 12 Camp Laurence
Chapter 13 Castles in the Air
Chapter 14 Secrets
Chapter 15 A Telegram
Chapter 16 Letters
Chapter 17 Little Faithful
Chapter 18 Dark Days
Chapter 19 Amy's Will
Chapter 20 Confidential
Chapter 21 Laurie Makes Mischief, and Jo Makes Peace
Chapter 22 Pleasant Meadows
Chapter 23 Aunt March Settles the Question
Part Ⅱ
Chapter 24 Gossip
Chapter 25 The First Wedding
Chapter 26 Artistic Attempts
Chapter 27 Literary Lessons
Chapter 28 Domestic Experiences
Chapter 29 Calls
Chapter 30 Consequences
Chapter 31 Our Foreign Correspondent
Chapter 32 Tender Troubles
Chapter 33 Jo's Journal
Chapter 34 A Friend
Chapter 35 Heartache
Chapter 36 Beth's Secret
Chapter 37 New Impressions
Chapter 38 On the Shelf
Chapter 39 Lazy Laurence
Chapter 40 The Valley of the Shadow
Chapter 41 Learning to Forget
Chapter 42 All Alone
Chapter 43 Surprises
Chapter 44 My Lord and Lady
Chapter 45 Daisyand Demi
Chapter 46 Under the Umbrella
Chapter 47 Harvest Time
Chapter 33 Jo's Journal
Chapter 34 A Friend
Chapter 35 Heartache
Chapter 36 Beth's Secret
Chapter 37 New Impressions
Chapter 38 On the Shelf
Chapter 39 Lazy Laurence
Chapter 40 The Valley of the Shadow
Chapter 41 Learning to Forget
Chapter 42 All Alone
Chapter 43 Surprises
Chapter 44 My Lord and Lady
Chapter 45 Daisyand Demi
Chapter 46 Under the Umbrella
Chapter 47 Harvest Time


