

《實用大學英語綜合教程2》是2015年對外經濟貿易大學出版社出版書籍,作者是劉淑穎 侯金枝。


  • 書名:實用大學英語綜合教程2
  • 作者:劉淑穎 侯金枝
  • ISBN:9787566309433
  • 定價:31.00
  • 出版社:對外經濟貿易大學出版社 
  • 出版時間:2014.1
  • 開本:185mm×260mm/
  • 版次/印次:1/1
  • 叢書名:實用大學英語系列教材
  • 字數/頁數:280千字/




Unit 1 Food & Drink1
Part 1 Listening2
Part 2 Reading2
Text A Chinese Food2
Text B What Should Teenagers Choose to Eat?7
Part 3 Grammar Tips——被動語態的構成及用法10
Part 4 Translation13
Part 5 Practical Writing: 借據(IOU)14
Part 6 Reading for Fun15
Part 7 Practicing Yourself16
Unit 2 Shopping17
Part 1 Listening18
Part 2 Reading18
Text A Online Shopping18
Text B Students Shop on Impulse23
Part 3 Grammar Tips——被動語態的特殊用法27
Part 4 Translation30
Part 5 Practical Writing: 收據(Receipt)32
Part 6 Reading for Fun33
Part 7 Practicing Yourself34
Unit 3 Sex Education35
Part 1 Listening36
Part 2 Reading36
Text A Youth Need Sex Education36
Text B The Importance of Sex Education in Schools41
Part 3 Grammar Tips——動詞不定式的特殊用法46
Part 4 Translation48
Part 5 Practical Writing: 廣告(Advertisement) 50
Part 6 Reading for Fun51
Part 7 Practicing Yourself53
Unit 4 Stress55
Part 1 Listening56
Part 2 Reading56
Text A What Cause You Stress?56
Text B How to De-stress?61
Part 3 Grammar Tips——分詞的特殊用法65
Part 4 Translation68
Part 5 Practical Writing: 備忘錄(Memorandum)69
Part 6 Reading for Fun71
Part 7 Practicing Yourself72
Unit 5 Family73
Part 1 Listening74
Part 2 Reading74
Text A Home74
Text B No Matter What Happens, I’ll Always Be There for You!79
Part 3 Grammar Tips——動名詞的特殊用法83
Part 4 Translation85
Part 5 Practical Writing: 通知(Notice)86
Part 6 Reading for Fun87
Part 7 Practicing Yourself87
Unit 6 Etiquette89
Part 1 Listening90
Part 2 Reading90
Text A American Etiquette90
Text B Is Honesty the Best Policy?95
Part 3 Grammar Tips——句子的種類98
Part 4 Translation100
Part 5 Practical Writing: 海報(Poster)104
Part 6 Reading for Fun106
Part 7 Practicing Yourself106
Unit 7 Different Languages107
Part 1 Listening108
Part 2 Reading108
Text A I Am a Bit Nervous about My English108
Text B Oh Chinese, This Tortured Language112
Part 3 Grammar Tips——並列句115
Part 4 Translation117
Part 5 Practical Writing: 祝賀信(Congratulations)118
Part 6 Reading for Fun119
Part 7 Practicing Yourself120
Unit 8 Happiness and Satisfaction121
Part 1 Listening122
Part 2 Reading122
Text A “There” Is No Better Than “Here”122
Text B Focus on the Joy126
Part 3 Grammar Tips——倒裝句的常見句式129
Part 4 Translation133
Part 5 Practical Writing: 邀請信(Invitation)136
Part 6 Reading for Fun138
Part 7 Practicing Yourself138
Unit 9 Education141
Part 1 Listening142
Part 2 Reading142
Text A Animal Education142
Text B Most Important Thing You Can Do for Your Child147
Part 3 Grammar Tips——定語從句(1)152
Part 4 Translation155
Part 5 Practical Writing: 感謝信(Letters of Thanks)156
Part 6 Reading for Fun159
Part 7 Practicing Yourself160
Unit 10 Leisure and Leadership161
Part 1 Listening162
Part 2 Reading162
Text A Leisure and Leadership162
Text B Are These the Best Years of Your Life?167
Part 3 Grammar Tips——定語從句(2)172
Part 4 Translation175
Part 5 Practical Writing: 道歉信(Letters of Apology)176
Part 6 Reading for Fun178
Part 7 Practicing Yourself178


