


  • 外文名:College Applied English An Integrated Coursebook
  • 書名:大學套用英語綜合教程2
  • 作者:北京城市學院
  • 出版日期:2013年3月1日
  • 語種:英語
  • ISBN:9787040367119
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • 頁數:234頁
  • 開本:16
  • 品牌:高等教育出版社


《大學套用英語系戶寒紙列教材:大學套用英語綜合教程2》全面覆蓋了聽、說、讀埋旬訂只、寫、譯等語言技能,同時尤其突出聽說能力的培養。教材在語言學習各個環節的輸入-輸出過程中整合各種單項翻嫌想語言技能,體現了learning language as a whole的語言學習原則。教材重點培養口語輸出能力,在以文本、音頻、圖片、視頻等媒介進行語言輸入後均設計有口乘故謎頭語言輸姜乎遙殼出環節。


Unit 1 Steve Jobs: The Man Who Changed the World
Part One Listening and Speaking
Pronunciation and Intonation
Listening Strategy
Long Conversation It Was Too Good to Be True
Passage Hua Tuo
Real World Speaking
Home Listening Michael Jordan
Part Two Reading and Understanding
In-depth Reading Steve Jobs: The Man Who Changed the World
Real World Reading
Letters to the Sixteen-Year-Old Self
Timed Reading The Road to Fame and Fortune
Part Three Writing and Translating
Grammar Point Simple Sentences & Complex Sentences
Translating at Sentence Level
Literal Translation vs. Liberal Translation
Writing at Paragraph Level Basic Paragraph Structure
Part Four Enjoying and Entertaining
A Speech
A Word Game
Unit 2 Learning by Doing Good
Part One Listening and Speaking
Pronunciation and Intonation
Listening Strategy
Long Conversation An Olympic Volunteer
Passage True Generosity
Real World Speaking
Home Listening A 104-yearPold Volunteer
Part Two Reading and Understanding
In-depth Reading Learning by Doing Good
Real World Reading Do-gooders Live Longer
Timed Reading Volunteer Your Time or Money?
Part Three Writing and Translating
Grammar Point Predicative Clauses
Translating at Sentence Level
Translation of English Sentences in the Passive Voice
Writing at Paragraph Level Types of Paragraphs
Part Four Enjoying and Entertaining
A Poem
An English Idiom Quiz
Unit 3 Once a Cheater, Always a Cheater
Part One Listening and Speaking
Pronunciation and Intonation
Listening Strategy
Long Conversation I'm Fed up with Her
Passage What Goes Around Comes Around
Real World Speaking
Home Listening Aesop's Fables
Part Two Reading and Understanding
In-depth Reading Once a Cheater, Always a Cheater
Real World Reading What if...
Timed Reading Can Animals Tell Right from Wrong?
Part Three Writing and Translating
Grammar Point Subject Clauses & Object Clauses
Translating at Sentence Level
Translation of Noun Clauses
Writing at Paragraph Level Topic Sentence
Part Four Enjoying and Entertaining
A Poem
Unit 4 Downloadable, Unsustainable, Too
Part One Listening and Speaking
Pronunciation and Intonation
Listening Strategy
Long Conversation Protecting Yourself Online
Passage Internet Saves a Life
Real World Speaking
Home Listening Online Communication
Part Two Reading and Understanding
In-depth Reading Downloadable, Unsustainable, Too
Real World Reading Is Internet RLT?
Timed Reading
How Did "LOL" Become Part of Our Language
Part Three Writing and Translating
Grammar Point Attributive Clauses
Translating at Sentence Level
Translation of Attributive Clauses
Writing at Paragraph Level Supporting Sentences
Part Four Enjoying and Entertaining
An Internet Language Quiz
Unit 5 Home, Sweet Home
Part One Listening and Speaking
Pronunciation and Intonation
Listening Strategy
Long Conversation A Big Family
Passage Mother's Day and Father's Day
Real World Speaking
Home Listening An Elderly Woman's Story
Part Two Reading and Understanding
In-depth Reading Home, Sweet Home
Real World Reading Five Types of Mother
Timed Reading
Men Are. from Mars, Women Are from Venus
Part Three Writing and Translating
Grammar Point Adverbial Clauses
Translating at Sentence Level
Translation of Adverbial Clauses
Writing at Paragraph Level Concluding Sentence
Part Four Enjoying and Entertaining
A Poem
A Genealogy Quiz
Unit 6 Your Cultural Baggage
Part One Listening and Speaking
Pronunciation and Intonation
Listening Strategy
Long Conversation Conquering Culture Shock
Passage The Meaning of "Diversion"
Real World Speaking
Home Listening "OK " and "Thumbs-up"
Part Two Reading and Understanding
In-depth Reading Your Cultural Baggage
Real World Reading Confucius and Confucius Institute
Timed Reading China in the Eyes of an American
Part Three Writing and Translating
Grammar Point Infinitives
Translating at Sentence Level
Translation by Extending a Simple Sentence into
Two or More Sentences
Writing at Paragraph Level Unity of a Paragraph
Part Four Enjoying and Entertaining
A World Culture Quiz
Unit 7 When Disasters Strike
Part One Listening and Speaking
Pronunciation and Intonation
Listening Strategy
Long Conversation What Does the Weather Forecast Say?
Passage Freeze Up or React Swiftly
Real World Speaking
Home Listening Tsunami
Part Two Reading and Understanding
In-depth Reading Environmental Disasters
Real World Reading Fire Emergency Evacuation Guide
Timed Reading The Night the Titanic Sank
Part Three Writing and Translating
Grammar Point Present Participle
Translating at Sentence Level Translation by
Combining Two or More Sentences into One
Writing at Paragraph Level Coherence of a Paragraph
Part Four Enjoying and Entertaining
A Poem
An English Idiom Quiz
Unit 8 True Innovation
Part One Listening and Speaking
Pronunciation and Intonation
Listening Strategy
Long Conversation An Ideal Tool. for Picking up Eggs
Passage The Invention of the Flexible Drinking Straw
Real World Speaking
Home Listening What Is Creativity?
Part Two Reading and Understanding
In-depth Reading True Innovation
Real World Reading Innovation That Were Mistakes
Timed Reading
What Invention Can You Do to Your Life
Part Three Writing and Translating
Grammar Point Past Participle
Translating at Sentence Level
Translation of Long and Complex Sentences
Writing at Paragraph Level Order in a Paragraph
Part Four Enjoying and Entertaining
Mysteries Behind the Facts
Long Conversation An Olympic Volunteer
Passage True Generosity
Real World Speaking
Home Listening A 104-yearPold Volunteer
Part Two Reading and Understanding
In-depth Reading Learning by Doing Good
Real World Reading Do-gooders Live Longer
Timed Reading Volunteer Your Time or Money?
Part Three Writing and Translating
Grammar Point Predicative Clauses
Translating at Sentence Level
Translation of English Sentences in the Passive Voice
Writing at Paragraph Level Types of Paragraphs
Part Four Enjoying and Entertaining
A Poem
An English Idiom Quiz
Unit 3 Once a Cheater, Always a Cheater
Part One Listening and Speaking
Pronunciation and Intonation
Listening Strategy
Long Conversation I'm Fed up with Her
Passage What Goes Around Comes Around
Real World Speaking
Home Listening Aesop's Fables
Part Two Reading and Understanding
In-depth Reading Once a Cheater, Always a Cheater
Real World Reading What if...
Timed Reading Can Animals Tell Right from Wrong?
Part Three Writing and Translating
Grammar Point Subject Clauses & Object Clauses
Translating at Sentence Level
Translation of Noun Clauses
Writing at Paragraph Level Topic Sentence
Part Four Enjoying and Entertaining
A Poem
Unit 4 Downloadable, Unsustainable, Too
Part One Listening and Speaking
Pronunciation and Intonation
Listening Strategy
Long Conversation Protecting Yourself Online
Passage Internet Saves a Life
Real World Speaking
Home Listening Online Communication
Part Two Reading and Understanding
In-depth Reading Downloadable, Unsustainable, Too
Real World Reading Is Internet RLT?
Timed Reading
How Did "LOL" Become Part of Our Language
Part Three Writing and Translating
Grammar Point Attributive Clauses
Translating at Sentence Level
Translation of Attributive Clauses
Writing at Paragraph Level Supporting Sentences
Part Four Enjoying and Entertaining
An Internet Language Quiz
Unit 5 Home, Sweet Home
Part One Listening and Speaking
Pronunciation and Intonation
Listening Strategy
Long Conversation A Big Family
Passage Mother's Day and Father's Day
Real World Speaking
Home Listening An Elderly Woman's Story
Part Two Reading and Understanding
In-depth Reading Home, Sweet Home
Real World Reading Five Types of Mother
Timed Reading
Men Are. from Mars, Women Are from Venus
Part Three Writing and Translating
Grammar Point Adverbial Clauses
Translating at Sentence Level
Translation of Adverbial Clauses
Writing at Paragraph Level Concluding Sentence
Part Four Enjoying and Entertaining
A Poem
A Genealogy Quiz
Unit 6 Your Cultural Baggage
Part One Listening and Speaking
Pronunciation and Intonation
Listening Strategy
Long Conversation Conquering Culture Shock
Passage The Meaning of "Diversion"
Real World Speaking
Home Listening "OK " and "Thumbs-up"
Part Two Reading and Understanding
In-depth Reading Your Cultural Baggage
Real World Reading Confucius and Confucius Institute
Timed Reading China in the Eyes of an American
Part Three Writing and Translating
Grammar Point Infinitives
Translating at Sentence Level
Translation by Extending a Simple Sentence into
Two or More Sentences
Writing at Paragraph Level Unity of a Paragraph
Part Four Enjoying and Entertaining
A World Culture Quiz
Unit 7 When Disasters Strike
Part One Listening and Speaking
Pronunciation and Intonation
Listening Strategy
Long Conversation What Does the Weather Forecast Say?
Passage Freeze Up or React Swiftly
Real World Speaking
Home Listening Tsunami
Part Two Reading and Understanding
In-depth Reading Environmental Disasters
Real World Reading Fire Emergency Evacuation Guide
Timed Reading The Night the Titanic Sank
Part Three Writing and Translating
Grammar Point Present Participle
Translating at Sentence Level Translation by
Combining Two or More Sentences into One
Writing at Paragraph Level Coherence of a Paragraph
Part Four Enjoying and Entertaining
A Poem
An English Idiom Quiz
Unit 8 True Innovation
Part One Listening and Speaking
Pronunciation and Intonation
Listening Strategy
Long Conversation An Ideal Tool. for Picking up Eggs
Passage The Invention of the Flexible Drinking Straw
Real World Speaking
Home Listening What Is Creativity?
Part Two Reading and Understanding
In-depth Reading True Innovation
Real World Reading Innovation That Were Mistakes
Timed Reading
What Invention Can You Do to Your Life
Part Three Writing and Translating
Grammar Point Past Participle
Translating at Sentence Level
Translation of Long and Complex Sentences
Writing at Paragraph Level Order in a Paragraph
Part Four Enjoying and Entertaining
Mysteries Behind the Facts


