



  • 中文名:大學套用英語綜合教程3
  • 作者:祁穎、王霞
  • 出版社:高等教育出版社
  • ISBN:9787040375442




Unit 1 Education:A Transformation of the Soul
Part One Listening and Speaking
Lead-in Home Schooling
Short Conversations Choose the Best Answer
Long Conversation Choosing a College in the U.S.
Passage Getting a Free Education in MOOC
Real World Speaking
Younger Chinese Look to Study Abroad
Home Listening Education in Finland
Part Two Reading and Understanding
Activating lnterest or Money ?
In-depth Reading
Education:A Transformation of the Soul
Real World Reading Personal Statement
Timed Reading Why Chinese Mothers Are Superior
Part Three Writing and Translating
Grammar Point Appositive Clauses (Ⅰ)
Translation of Practical Genres
Translation of Letters of Invitation
Writing at Essay Level
An Introduction to Essay Writing
Part Four Enjoying and Entertaining
Read and Learn
Practice and Enjoy
Unit 2 Masdar City:The Wodd's Greenest City?
Part One Listening and Speaking
Lead-in People Designing the Cities
Short Conversations Choose the Best Answer
Long Conversation Cities Are Going People-friendly
Passage The Development of Cities
Real World Speaking Smart City, Smart Transport
Home Listening Bioswales Protect Against Flooding
Part Two Reading and Understanding
Activating Tour Around Masdar
In-depth Reading Musdar City: The WorM's Greenest City?
Real World Reading We Need to Hear from You
Timed Reading Urban Life in the Slow Lane
Part Three Writing and Translating
Grammar Point Appositive Clauses (Ⅱ)
Translation of Practical Genres
Translation of City Introductions
Writing at Essay Level Narration
Part Four Enjoying and Entertaining
Read and Learn
Practice and Enjoy
Unit 3 James Cameron's Ambition
Part One Listening and Speaking
Lead-in Understanding Art
Short Conversations Choose the Best Answer
Long Conversation Graffiti
Passage Traditional Chinese Opera
Real World Speaking
Foreigners Learn Martial Arts at Shaolin Temple
Home Listening
Leonardo da Vinci and His Paintings
Part Two Reading and Understanding
Activating Blockbusters
In-depth Reading James Cameron's Ambition
Real World Reading The Pursuit of Happyness
Timed Reading The Artist's Dilemma
Part Three Writing and Translating
Grammar Point Conditionals
Translation of Practical Genres Translation of Poetry
Writing at Essay Level Description
Part Four Enjoying and Entertaining
Read and Learn
Practice and Enjoy
Unit 4 The Making of a Hero
Part One Listening and Speaking
Lead-in Becoming a Doctor in the U.S.
Short Conversations Choose the Best Answer
Long Conversation Plastic Surgery
Passage Sub Health
Real World Speaking
Mental Health Problems on Campus
Home Listening Acupuncture in the UK
Part Two Reading and Understanding
Activating Organ Donation Facts and Myths
In-depth Reading The Making of a Hero
Real World Reading CPR
Timed Reading
Are Hospitals Less Safe Than We Think?
Part Three Writing and Translating
Grammar Point Subjunctive Mood(Ⅰ)
Translation of Practical Genres
Translation of Package Inserts
Writing at Essay Level Illustration Description
Part Four Enjoying and Entertaining
Read and Learn
Practice and Enjoy
Unit 5 When Help Hurts
Part One Listening and Speaking
Lead-in Civil Cases and Criminal Cases
Short Conversations Choose the Best Answer
Long Conversation WhatShouMlDo?
Passage Drunk Driving
Real World Speaking
Many Dead in U.S. School Shooting
Home Listening U.S. Court System and Jury System
Part Two Reading and Understanding
Activating A Hit-and-Run Accident
In-depth Reading When Help Hurts
Real World Reading Lease Agreement
Timed Reading Is Crime Contagious?
Part Three Writing and Translating
Grammar Point Subjunctive Mood (Ⅱ)
Translation of Practical Genres Translation of Contrac
Writing at Essay Level Exposition (Ⅰ)
Part Four Enjoying and Entertaining
Read and Learn
Practice and Enjoy
Unit 6 24 Hours Without Media
Part One Listening and Speaking
Lead-in Life in Front of Screens
Short Conversations Choose the Best Answer
Long Conversation Ads
Passage The Voice of America
Real World Speaking Paparazzi Turn Lenses on
Stars' Kids: Fair Game or Cheap Shot?
Home Listening Pulitzer Prize
Part Two Reading and Understanding
Activating Social Media Addict
In-depth Reading 24 Hours Without Media
Real World Reading
Newsweek to End Publication of Print Edition
Timed Reading
Are You Living an Active or Passive Life ?
Part Three Writing and Translating
Grammar Point Inversion
Translation of Practical Genres
Translation of Advertisements
Writing at Essay Level Exposition (Ⅱ)
Part Four Enjoying and Entertaining
Read and Learn
Practice and Enjoy
Unit 7 What Isn't for Sale?
Part One Listening and Speaking
Lead-in A Country's Wealth
Short Conversations Choose the Best Answer
Long Conversation At the Bank
Passage History of Money: from Barter to Bank Notes
Real World Speaking Supermarket Tricks
Home Listening Wall Street
Part Two Reading and Understanding
Activating Money
In-depth Reading Whatlsn'tforSale?
Real World Reading Commercial Correspondences
Timed Reading The Economics of Happiness
Part Three Writing and Translating
Grammar Point
Understanding of Long and Difficult Sentences
Translation of Practical Genres
Translation of Letters of Credit
Writing at Essay Level Argumentation
Part Four Enjoying and Entertaining
Read and Learn
Practice and Enjoy
Unit 8 A Day in the Life of a Child Protection
Social Worker
Part One Listening and Speaking
Lead-in Social Work as a Profession
Short Conversations Choose the Best Auswer
Long Conversation Interview with a Social Worker
Passage Jane Addams: The Mother of Social Work
Real World Speaking
This Could Be You: The Many Faces of Social Work
Homc Listening A Love Letter to Social Work
Part Two Reading and Understanding
Activating The Gua Sho Treatment
In-depth Reading
A Day in the Life of a Child Protection Social Worker
Real World Reading Curriculum Vitae of Philip Lakey
Timed Reading Social Work:
Putting Care into Professional Practice
Part Three Writing and Translating
Grammar Point A General Review of Grammar
Translation of Practical Genres
Translation of Job Advertisements
Writing at Essay Level Tips for Writing a Good Essay
Part Four Enjoying and Entertaining
Read and Learn
Practice and Enjoy
Long Conversation Cities Are Going People-friendly
Passage The Development of Cities
Real World Speaking Smart City, Smart Transport
Home Listening Bioswales Protect Against Flooding
Part Two Reading and Understanding
Activating Tour Around Masdar
In-depth Reading Musdar City: The WorM's Greenest City?
Real World Reading We Need to Hear from You
Timed Reading Urban Life in the Slow Lane
Part Three Writing and Translating
Grammar Point Appositive Clauses (Ⅱ)
Translation of Practical Genres
Translation of City Introductions
Writing at Essay Level Narration
Part Four Enjoying and Entertaining
Read and Learn
Practice and Enjoy
Unit 3 James Cameron's Ambition
Part One Listening and Speaking
Lead-in Understanding Art
Short Conversations Choose the Best Answer
Long Conversation Graffiti
Passage Traditional Chinese Opera
Real World Speaking
Foreigners Learn Martial Arts at Shaolin Temple
Home Listening
Leonardo da Vinci and His Paintings
Part Two Reading and Understanding
Activating Blockbusters
In-depth Reading James Cameron's Ambition
Real World Reading The Pursuit of Happyness
Timed Reading The Artist's Dilemma
Part Three Writing and Translating
Grammar Point Conditionals
Translation of Practical Genres Translation of Poetry
Writing at Essay Level Description
Part Four Enjoying and Entertaining
Read and Learn
Practice and Enjoy
Unit 4 The Making of a Hero
Part One Listening and Speaking
Lead-in Becoming a Doctor in the U.S.
Short Conversations Choose the Best Answer
Long Conversation Plastic Surgery
Passage Sub Health
Real World Speaking
Mental Health Problems on Campus
Home Listening Acupuncture in the UK
Part Two Reading and Understanding
Activating Organ Donation Facts and Myths
In-depth Reading The Making of a Hero
Real World Reading CPR
Timed Reading
Are Hospitals Less Safe Than We Think?
Part Three Writing and Translating
Grammar Point Subjunctive Mood(Ⅰ)
Translation of Practical Genres
Translation of Package Inserts
Writing at Essay Level Illustration Description
Part Four Enjoying and Entertaining
Read and Learn
Practice and Enjoy
Unit 5 When Help Hurts
Part One Listening and Speaking
Lead-in Civil Cases and Criminal Cases
Short Conversations Choose the Best Answer
Long Conversation WhatShouMlDo?
Passage Drunk Driving
Real World Speaking
Many Dead in U.S. School Shooting
Home Listening U.S. Court System and Jury System
Part Two Reading and Understanding
Activating A Hit-and-Run Accident
In-depth Reading When Help Hurts
Real World Reading Lease Agreement
Timed Reading Is Crime Contagious?
Part Three Writing and Translating
Grammar Point Subjunctive Mood (Ⅱ)
Translation of Practical Genres Translation of Contrac
Writing at Essay Level Exposition (Ⅰ)
Part Four Enjoying and Entertaining
Read and Learn
Practice and Enjoy
Unit 6 24 Hours Without Media
Part One Listening and Speaking
Lead-in Life in Front of Screens
Short Conversations Choose the Best Answer
Long Conversation Ads
Passage The Voice of America
Real World Speaking Paparazzi Turn Lenses on
Stars' Kids: Fair Game or Cheap Shot?
Home Listening Pulitzer Prize
Part Two Reading and Understanding
Activating Social Media Addict
In-depth Reading 24 Hours Without Media
Real World Reading
Newsweek to End Publication of Print Edition
Timed Reading
Are You Living an Active or Passive Life ?
Part Three Writing and Translating
Grammar Point Inversion
Translation of Practical Genres
Translation of Advertisements
Writing at Essay Level Exposition (Ⅱ)
Part Four Enjoying and Entertaining
Read and Learn
Practice and Enjoy
Unit 7 What Isn't for Sale?
Part One Listening and Speaking
Lead-in A Country's Wealth
Short Conversations Choose the Best Answer
Long Conversation At the Bank
Passage History of Money: from Barter to Bank Notes
Real World Speaking Supermarket Tricks
Home Listening Wall Street
Part Two Reading and Understanding
Activating Money
In-depth Reading Whatlsn'tforSale?
Real World Reading Commercial Correspondences
Timed Reading The Economics of Happiness
Part Three Writing and Translating
Grammar Point
Understanding of Long and Difficult Sentences
Translation of Practical Genres
Translation of Letters of Credit
Writing at Essay Level Argumentation
Part Four Enjoying and Entertaining
Read and Learn
Practice and Enjoy
Unit 8 A Day in the Life of a Child Protection
Social Worker
Part One Listening and Speaking
Lead-in Social Work as a Profession
Short Conversations Choose the Best Auswer
Long Conversation Interview with a Social Worker
Passage Jane Addams: The Mother of Social Work
Real World Speaking
This Could Be You: The Many Faces of Social Work
Homc Listening A Love Letter to Social Work
Part Two Reading and Understanding
Activating The Gua Sho Treatment
In-depth Reading
A Day in the Life of a Child Protection Social Worker
Real World Reading Curriculum Vitae of Philip Lakey
Timed Reading Social Work:
Putting Care into Professional Practice
Part Three Writing and Translating
Grammar Point A General Review of Grammar
Translation of Practical Genres
Translation of Job Advertisements
Writing at Essay Level Tips for Writing a Good Essay
Part Four Enjoying and Entertaining
Read and Learn
Practice and Enjoy


