寇曉虹副教授,女,1970年2月生,博士,碩士生導師。中國食品科技學會高級會員,中國園藝學會、中國農學會采後分會理事,天津市食品科技學會副理事長等。"Food andbioprocess technology", “ Molecular biology reports","Postharvest biology and technology", "Journal of Agriculturaland Food Chemistry","Journal ofthe Science of Food and Agriculture","Journal ofIntegrative Agriculture",農業生物技術學報,園藝學報,食品科學等雜誌審稿專家。
- 中文名:寇曉虹
- 國籍:中國
- 出生日期:1970年2月
- 職稱:副教授
6、國家自然基金項目“棉花重草甘膦誘導型啟動子ag2有道元件的鑑定與功能分析”(項目編號31201245)起止時間:2013年1月-2015年12月 排名第二
4) Xiaohong Kou , Shuang Wang, Mengshi Wu, RunziGuo, ZhaohuiXue, Nan Meng, Xiaomin Tao , Mimi Chen, Yifei Zhang. Molecular Characterization and Expression Analysis of NAC Family Transcription Factors in Tomato. Plant MolBiol Rep, 2014, 32:501–516
6) Xiaohong Kou, JieGao , ZhaohuiXue , Zhijun Zhang, Hua Wang, Xu Wang. Purification and identification of antioxidant peptides from chickpea (Cicerarietinum L.) albumin hydrolysates. LWT - Food Science and Technology, 2013 (50) 591—598IF:2.546
7) Xiaohong Kou, Christopher B. Watkins and Su-Sheng Gan. Arabidopsis AtNAP regulates fruit senescence. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2012,63(17): 6139–6147
8) ZhaohuiXue, JieGao, Zhijun Zhang, WancongYu,Hua Wang, Xiaohong Kou.Antihyperlipidemic and antitumor effects of chickpea albumin hydrolysate(CAH) Plant foods for human nutrition. 2012, 67(4):393-400 (Correspondence author)
9) Kou xiaohong, Liu xiangping, Xiao huazhi, Lijiangkuo and Wang jiehua. Effects of ripening, 1-MCP and ultrahigh-pressure pasteurization on the change of volatiles in Chinese pear cultivars. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 2012, 92: 177–183.
10) Yunpeng Wang, WentaoXu , Xiaohong Kou , YunboLuo, Yanan Zhang , Biao Ma, Mengsha Wang, Kunlun Huang Establishment and optimization of a wheat germ cell-free protein synthesis system and its application in venom kallikrein. Protein Expression and Purification 84 (2012) 173–180 IF:1.429
11) ZhaohuiXue,XiaohongKou,YunboLuo,BenzhongZhu,WentaoXu. Effect of Ethylene on Polygalacturonase, Lipoxygenase and Expansin in Ripening of Tomato Fruits. Transaction of Tianjin University.2009,15(3):173-177 (Correspondence author)
12) Xingyuan Li, Bing Xie, WenlanGuo, RunziGuo, Xiaohong Kou. Extraction and Purification of Asparagus Oligosaccharides. Advanced Materials Research. 2012, 550-553: 1886-1892 EI 收錄(Correspondence author)
13) WentaoXu, Fangfang Zhang, YunBoLuo, Liyan Ma, Xiaohong Kou, Kunlun Huang. Antioxidant activity of a water-soluble polysaccharide purified from Pteridiumaquilinum .Carbohydrate Research,2009,344:217-222
14) Xiaohong Kou, Wancong Yu, Yifan Wang, Yin Jin, ZhaohuiXue. Antihyperlipidemic Effect of Hydrolysates of Chickpea Protein Isolate in Hyperlipidemic Rats. 2009 International Conference of Natural Products and Traditional Medicine
15) ZhaohuiXue, Yifan Wang, Jinhai Huang, Wancong Yu, Xiaohong Kou. Antioxidant and Free Radical-Scavenging Activities of Rapeseed Crude Hydrolysate (RSCH), 2009 International Conference of Natural Products and Traditional Medicine(Correspondence author)
17) 郭潤姿,寇曉虹,張瑩,王爽. 采後氯化鈣和殼聚糖塗膜處理對梨果實檸檬酸代謝酶及其基因表達特性的影響. 食品科學,2013,34(8):263-268(通訊作者)
18) 郭潤姿,郭文嵐,李興元,寇曉虹.黃冠梨果實發育過程中有機酸含量及相關代謝酶活性的變化.江蘇農業學報,2013,29( 1) :157-161(通訊作者)
19) 郭文嵐,郭潤姿,李興元,劉春龍,寇曉虹. 不同塗膜處理對采後梨果實抗氧化能力的影響,食品科學. 2012, 33(14): 261-267(通訊作者)
20) 王爽, 吳夢詩, 郭潤姿, 孟楠, 寇曉虹. 番茄果實總RNA提取方法的定量比較分析. 西北農業學報, 2012,21(12):112-115(通訊作者)
21) 王君,李磊,謝冰,左琦,呂雅楠,寇曉虹. 采後黃冠梨果實糖代謝及相關酶活性變化規律. 食品科學,2010,31(18):390-393(通訊作者)
22) 謝冰,寇曉虹,李磊,王君. 蘆筍采後木質化和品質變化的調控. 食品科技,2010, 35(7):44-47(通訊作者)
24) 園藝產品貯藏加工學(十一五規劃教材,中國輕工業出版社,2010)參編
25) 轉基因食品社會文化倫理透視(北京:中國物資出版社,2010年1月)參編