- 中文名:宗洪祥
- 學位/學歷:博士
- 職業:教師
- 專業方向:金屬材料的相變與形變機制、人工智慧輔助材料設計
- 任職院校:西安交通大學材料科學與工程學院
2015.07-現在 西安交通大學,講師、副教授。
2016.12-2018.12 英國愛丁堡大學物理系博士後。
2011.9-2015.6 西安交通大學材料科學與工程專業博士研究生 。
2012.3-2014.8 美國洛斯阿拉莫斯國家實驗室訪問學生。
2009.9-2011.7 西安交通大學材料科學與工程專業碩士研究生 。
2005.9-2009.7 華中科技大學材料科學成型與控制專業工學學士。
(1)基於機器學習型分子力場的純鋯衝擊相變行為模擬研究, 主持。
(1)L Zhao, H Zong*, X Ding, J Sun, GJ Ackland, Commensurate-incommensurate phase transition of dense potassium simulated by machine-learned interatomic potential, PhysicalReview B
(2)H Zong, H Wu, X Tao, D Xue, J Sun, SJ Pennycook, T Min, Z Zhang, X. Ding, Percolated Strain Networks and Universal Scaling Properties of Strain Glasses, Physical Review Letters
(3)VN Robinson, H Zong*, GJ Ackland, G Woolman, A Hermann,Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
(4)H Zong*, Y Luo, X Ding, T Lookman, GJ Ackland, hcp → ω phase transition mechanisms in shocked zirconium: A machine learning based atomic simulation study, Acta Materialia,
(5)H Zong*, G. Pilania, X. Ding, Graeme J. Ackland, T. Lookman, Developing an interatomic potential for martensitic phase transformations in zirconium by machine learning, npj Computational Materials
(6)L Tong, J He, Z Chen, B Wang, H Zong*, GJ Ackland,Hydrogenation Induced Carrier Mobility Polarity Reversal in Monolayer AlN,physica status solidi (RRL)–Rapid Research Letters
(7)H Zong*, X Ding, T Lookman, J Sun, Twin boundary activated α → ω phase transformation in titanium under shock compression,Acta Materialia
(8)H Zong, X Ding, T Lookman, J Sun, Origin of low thermal hysteresis in shape memory alloy ultrathin films, Acta Materialia
(9)H Zong, X Ding, T Lookman, J Li, J Sun, Uniaxial stress-driven coupled grain boundary motion in hexagonal close-packed metals: A molecular dynamics study, Acta Materialia
(10)H Zong, T Lookman, X Ding, C Nisoli, D Brown, SR Niezgoda, S Jun, The kinetics of the ω to α phase transformation in Zr, Ti: Analysis of data from shock-recovered samples and atomistic simulations, Acta materialia
(11)H Zong, X Ding, T Lookman, J Li, J Sun, EK Cerreta, JP Escobedo, Collective nature of plasticity in mediating phase transformation under shock compression, Physical Review B
(12)H Zong, T Lookman, X Ding, SN Luo, J Sun, Anisotropic shock response of titanium: Reorientation and transformation mechanisms,Acta materialia。