
宋文俊,男,暨南大學生命科學技術學院 副研究員。

2001–2005 新加坡國立大學,生命科學系,博士
1993–1997 華東理工大學,生物化學專業,本科
2015年–至今 暨南大學,生命科學技術學院,副教授
2011年–2014年 香港大學,微生物系,研究員 (Research Officer)
2006年–2010年 香港大學,微生物系,博士後 (Post-doc Research Fellow)
1997年–2000年 中國科學院上海生化所,酶工程組,研究實習員。
1. 流感病毒致病分子機制研究;
2. 流感及呼吸道病毒臨床快速診斷技術方法研究;
3. 流感及呼吸道相關病毒臨床免疫治療技術平台研發;
4. 新型安全高效流感疫苗研發。
1. Song, W.*, P. Wang*, B. W. Mok, S. Y. Lau, X. Huang , W. L. Wu, M. Zheng, X. Wen , S.Yang, Y. Chen, L. Li, K. Y. Yuen, and H. Chen. 2014. The K526R substitution in viral 1 protein PB2 enhances the effects of E627K on influenza replication. Nature Communications 5:5509. *Equal contribution.
2. To, K. K., W. Song, S. Y. Lau, T. L. Que, D. C. Lung, I. F. Hung, H. Chen, and K. Y. Yuen. 2014. Unique reassortant of influenza A(H7N9) virus associated with severe disease emerging in Hong Kong. The Journal of infection 69:60-68.
3. Wen, X., X. Huang, B. W. Mok, Y. Chen, M. Zheng, S. Y. Lau, P. Wang, W. Song, D. Y. Jin, K. Y. Yuen, and H. Chen. 2014. NF90 exerts antiviral activity through regulation of PKR phosphorylation and stress granules in infected cells. Journal of immunology 192:3753-3764.
4. Chen, Y., W. Liang, S. Yang, N. Wu, H. Gao, J. Sheng, H. Yao, J. Wo, Q. Fang, D. Cui, Y. Li, X. Yao, Y. Zhang, H. Wu, S. Zheng, H. Diao, S. Xia, Y. Zhang, K. H. Chan, H. W. Tsoi, J. L. Teng, W. Song, P. Wang, S. Y. Lau, M. Zheng, J. F. Chan, K. K. To, H. Chen, L. Li, and K. Y. Yuen. 2013. Human infections with the emerging avian influenza A H7N9 virus from wet market poultry: clinical analysis and characterisation of viral genome. Lancet 381:1916-1925.
5. Mok, B. W., W. Song, P. Wang, H. Tai, Y. Chen, M. Zheng, X. Wen, S. Y. Lau, W. L. Wu, K. Matsumoto, K. Y. Yuen, and H. Chen. 2012. The NS1 protein of influenza A virus interacts with cellular processing bodies and stress granules through RNA-associated protein 55 (RAP55) during virus infection. Journal of virology 86:12695-12707.
6. Wu, W. L., S. Y. Lau, Y. Chen, G. Wang, B. W. Mok, X. Wen, P. Wang, W. Song, T. Lin, K. H. Chan, K. Y. Yuen, and H. Chen. 2012. The 2008-2009 H1N1 influenza virus exhibits reduced susceptibility to antibody inhibition: Implications for the prevalence of oseltamivir resistant variant viruses. Antiviral research 93:144-153.
7. Zhang, J., Z. Zhang, X. Fan, Y. Liu, J. Wang, Z. Zheng, R. Chen, P. Wang, W. Song, H. Chen, and Y. Guan. 2010. 2009 pandemic H1N1 influenza virus replicates in human lung tissues. J Infect Dis 201:1522-1526.
8. Lin, S., N. Liu, Z. Yang, W. Song, P. Wang, H. Chen, M. Lucio, P. Schmitt-Kopplin, G. Chen, and Z. Cai. 2010. GC/MS-based metabolomics reveals fatty acid biosynthesis and cholesterol metabolism in cell lines infected with influenza A virus. Talanta 83:262-268.
9. Liu, N., W. Song, P. Wang, K. C. Lee, Z. Cai, and H. Chen. 2010. Identification of unusual truncated forms of nucleocapsid protein in MDCK cells infected by Avian influenza virus (H9N2). Proteomics 10:1875-1879.
10. Lin, T., G. Wang, A. Li, Q. Zhang, C. Wu, R. Zhang, Q. Cai, W. Song, and K. Y. Yuen. 2009. The hemagglutinin structure of an avian H1N1 influenza A virus. Virology 392:73-81.
11. Liu, N., W. Song, K. C. Lee, P. Wang, H. Chen, and Z. Cai. 2009. Identification of amino acid substitutions in avian influenza virus (H5N1) matrix protein 1 by using nanoelectrospray MS and MS/MS. J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 20:312-320.
12. Wang, P.*, W. Song*, B. W. Mok, P. Zhao, K. Qin, A. Lai, G. J. Smith, J. Zhang, T. Lin, Y. Guan, and H. Chen. 2009. Nuclear factor 90 negatively regulates influenza virus replication by interacting with viral nucleoprotein. Journal of virology 83:7850-7861.
*Equal contribution.
13. Song, W., Q. Lin, S. B. Joshi, T. K. Lim, C. L. Hew. 2006. Proteomic studies of the Singapore grouper iridovirus. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics : MCP 5: 256-64.
14. Song, W. J., Q. W. Qin, J. Qiu, C. H. Huang, F. Wang, C. L. Hew. 2004. Functional genomics analysis of Singapore grouper iridovirus: complete sequence determination and proteomic analysis. Journal of Virology 78: 12576-90.


