




  • 中文名:宋宏權
  • 畢業院校:南京師範大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:地圖學與地理信息系統
  • 任職院校:河南大學


2022.02-至今 河南大學地理與環境學院 教授
2018.01 - 2022.02 河南大學地理與環境學院 副教授
2015.07-2017.12 河南大學地理與環境學院 講師
2015.09-2016.09 美國北卡羅來納州立大學訪問學者
2013.07-2015.07 河南大學生態學博士後流動站(期間在北京大學城市與環境學院從事訪問研究)
2010.09 -2013.06 南京師範大學 地圖學與地理信息系統專業理學博士
2007.09 -2010.06 河南大學地圖學與地理信息系統專業理學碩士


1. 黃河流域陸地生態系統多功能性的多尺度格局及其驅動機制,國家自然科學基金重點項目(32130066),2022-2026,282萬,課題負責人(100萬)
2. 地理建模與模擬,河南大學“青年英才”支持計畫,2022-2024,60萬,主持
3. 人為沙塵對城市顆粒物影響的高時空解析度數值模擬(2021GGJS024),河南省高校青年骨幹教師培養計畫,5萬,主持
4. 風蝕對錫林郭勒草原土壤有機碳流失的影響研究(41401107),國家自然科學基金青年項目,26萬,2015-2017,主持
5. 風蝕對我國北方草原土壤有機碳流失的影響研究(2014028),河南省博士後項目,6萬,2014-2015,主持
6. 空氣品質預報預警平台研發(2015YBZH001),河南大學成果轉化項目,2萬,2016-2018,主持
7. 基於地理視頻的城市動態目標時空格局多維感知方法研究(41871316),國家自然科學基金面上項目,2019-2022,參與
8. 視頻GIS與突發公共事件的感知控制系統(2012BAH35B02),國家十二五科技支撐計畫課題,參與
9. 面向地理問題求解的分散式地理建模環境研究(40730527),國家自然科學基金重點項目,2008-2012,參與
10. 基於視頻監控數據的區域地理場景中人群特徵分析(41301415),國家自然科學基金青年項目,2014-2016,參與
11. 地理視頻三維數據模型及Web服務接口研究(41201402),國家自然科學基金青年項目,2013-2015,參與
12. 視頻地理信息系統(VideoGIS)關鍵技術研究(40771166),國家自然科學基金面上項目,2008-2011,參與
1. Liu, H., S. Zhai, Y. Kong, Z. Wang, G. Song, H. Song, L. Liang, X. Liu, X. Jiang, and L. Wu. 2022. Synergistic effects of gaseous pollutants on hospital admissions for cardiovascular disease in Liuzhou, China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29: 9841-9851.
2. Zhang, G., X. Liu, S. Zhai*, G. Song, H. Song, L. Liang, Y. Kong, R. Ma, X. He. 2022. Rural-urban differences in associations between air pollution and cardiovascular hospital admissions in Guangxi, southwest China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, doi: 10.1007/s11356-021-18196-6.
3. Chen, W., H. Meng, H. Song, H. Zheng. 2022. Progress in dust modelling, global dust budgets, and soil organic carbon dynamics. Land, 11: 176.
4. Pan, L., H. Xia, J. Yang, W. Niu, R. Wang, H. Song, Y. Guo, Y. Qin. 2021. Mapping cropping intensity in Huaihe basin using phenology algorithm, all Sentinel-2 and Landsat images in Google Earth Engine. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 102: 102376.
5. Zhao, X., H. Xia*, L. Pan, H. Song, W. Niu, R. Wang, R. Li, X. Bian, Y. Guo, and Y. Qin. 2021. Drought monitoring over Yellow River basin from 2003–2019 using reconstructed MODIS land surface temperature in Google Earth Engine. Remote Sensing, 13: 3748.
6. Wang, T., L. Zhang, S. Zhou, T. Zhang, S. Zhai, Z. Yang, D. Wang, H. Song*. 2021. Effects of ground-level ozone pollution on yield and economic losses of winter wheat in Henan, China. Atmospheric Environment, 262: 118654.
7. Zhang, T., H. Song (Co-first author), B. Zhou, L. Wang, A. Yang, T. Wang, H. Kong, Y. Chen, S. Zhou, S. Fu*. 2021. Effects of air pollutants and their interactive environmental factors on winter wheat yield. Journal of Cleaner Production, 305: 127230.
8. Liu, X., H. Song*, T. Lei, P. Liu, D. Wang, Z. Yang, H. Xia, T. Wang, H. Zhao. 2021. Effects of natural and anthropogenic factors and their interactions on dust events in Northern China. Catena, 196: 104919.
9. Lei, T., J. Feng, J. Lv, J. Wang, H. Song*, W. Song, X. Gao. 2020. Net Primary Productivity Loss under different drought levels in different grassland ecosystems. Journal of Environmental Management, 274: 111144.
10. Zhang, T., M. Liu, X. Huang, W. Hu, N. Qiao, H. Song, B. Zhang, R. Zhang, Z. Yang, Y. Liu, Y. Miao, S. Han, and D. Wang*. 2020. Direct effects of nitrogen addition on seed germination of eight semi-arid grassland species. Ecology and Evolution, 10: 8793-8800.
11. Yang, Z., Y. Wei, G. Fu, H. Song, G. Li*, and R. Xiao. 2020. Asymmetric effect of increased and decreased precipitation in different periods on soil and heterotrophic respiration in a semiarid grassland. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 291: 108039.
12. Wang, T., H. Song* (Co-first author), F. Wang, S. Zhai, Z. Han, D. Wang, X. Li, H. Zhao, R. Ma, and G. Zhang. 2020. Hysteretic effects of meteorological conditions and their interactions on particulate matter in Chinese cities. Journal of Cleaner Production, 274: 122926.
13. Yang, Z., S. Collins, R. Bixby, H. Song, D. Wang, and R. Xiao. 2020. A meta‐analysis of primary productivity and rain use efficiency in terrestrial grassland ecosystems. Land Degradation and Development, 32: 842-850.
14. Yue, S., M. Chen*, J. Song, W. Yuan, T. Chen, G. Lü, C. Shen, Z. Ma, K. Xu, Y. Wen, H. Song. 2020. Participatory intercomparison strategy for terrestrial carbon cycle models based on a service-oriented architecture. Future Generation Computer Systems, 112: 449-466.
15. Liu, P., H. Song* (Co-first author), T. Wang, F. Wang, X. Li, C. Miao, and H. Zhao. 2020. Effects of meteorological conditions and anthropogenic precursors on ground-level ozone concentrations in Chinese cities. Environmental Pollution, 262: 114366.
16. Song, H., K. Zhang, S. Piao, L. Liu, Y. Wang, Y. Chen, Z. Yang, L. Zhu, and S. Wan*. 2019. Soil organic carbon and nutrient losses resulted from spring dust emissions in Northern China. Atmospheric Environment, 213: 585-596.
17. Lei, L., K. Zhang, X. Zhang, Y. Wang, J. Xia, S. Piao, D. Hui, M. Zhong, J. Ru, Z. Zhou, H. Song, Z. Yang, D. Wang, Y. Miao, F. Yang, B. Liu, A. Zhang, M. Yu, X. Liu, Y. Song, L. Zhu, S. Wan*. 2019. Plant feedback aggravates soil organic carbon loss associated with wind erosion in Northwest China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 124:825-839.
18. Li, X., H. Song* (Co-first author), S. Zhai, S. Lu, Y. Kong, H. Xia, and H. Zhao. 2019. Particulate matter pollution in Chinese cities: Areal-temporal variations and their relationships with meteorological conditions (2015–2017). Environmental Pollution, 246: 11-18.
19. Gu, J., L. Liang, H. Song*, Y. Kong, R. Ma, Y. Hou, J. Zhao, J. Liu, N. He, and Y. Zhang. 2019. A method for hand-foot-mouth disease prediction using GeoDetector and LSTM model in Guangxi, China. Scientific Reports, 9: 17928.
20. Wang, D., Z. Chi, B. Yue, X. Huang, J. Zhao, H. Song, Z. Yang, R. Miao, Y. Liu, Y. Zhang, Y. Miao, S. Han, and Y. Liu*. 2019. Effects of mowing and nitrogen addition on the ecosystem C and N pools in a temperate steppe: a case study from northern China. Catena, 185: 104332.
21. Xia, H., Y. Qin*, G. Feng, Q. Meng, Y. Cui, H. Song, Y. Ouyang, and G. Liu. 2019. Forest Phenology dynamics to climate change and topography in a geographic and climate transition zone: The Qinling Mountains in central China. Forests, 10: 1007.
22. Xia, H., J. Zhao, Y. Qin*, J. Yang, Y. Cui, H. Song, L. Ma, N. Jin, and Q. Meng. 2019. Changes in water surface area during 1989–2017 in the Huai River Basin using Landsat data and Google Earth Engine. Remote Sensing, 11: 1824.
23. Liu, H., G. Song, N. He, S. Zhai*, H. Song, Y. Kong, L. Liang, and X. Liu. 2019. Spatial-temporal variation and risk factor analysis of Hand, Foot, and Mouth disease in children under five years old in Guangxi, China. BMC Public Health, 19: 1491.
24. Han, Z., S. Li, C. Cui, D. Han, and H. Song. 2019. Geosocial media as a proxy for security: a review. IEEE Access, 7: 154224-154238.
25. Zhao, H., H. Song*, P. Liu, X. Li, and T. Wang. 2019. Spatial and temporal variations of soil organic matter and nutrient losses resulted from wind erosion in northern China from 1980 to 2015 [1980-2015年風蝕影響下中國北方土壤有機質與養分流失時空特徵].Geographical Research [地理研究], 38(11): 2778-2789.
26. Han, Z.*, S. Li, C. Cui, H. Song, Y. Kong, and F. Qin. 2019. Camera planning for area surveillance: A new method for coverage inference and optimization using Location-based Service data. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 78: 101396.
27. Wu, Z., J. Fan, Y. Gao, H. Shang, and H. Song. 2019. Study on prediction model of space-time distribution of air pollutants based on artificial neural network. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, 18: 1575-1590.
28. Li, X., S. Li, P. Liu, Y. Kong, and H. Song*. 2018. Spatial and temporal variations of ozone concentrations in China in 2016 [2016年中國城市臭氧濃度的時空變化規律]. Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae [環境科學學報], 38: 1263-1274.
29. Song, H*., K. Wang, Y. Zhang, C. Hong, S. Zhou. 2017. Simulation and evaluation of dust emissions with WRF-Chem (v3.7.1) and its relationship to the changing climate over East Asia from 1980 to 2015, Atmospheric Environment, 167: 511-522.
30. Song, D., X. Feng, Z. Wang, and H. Song*. 2017. Using near-real-time monitoring of landslide deformation to interpret hydrological triggers in Jiudian Gorge Reservoir. Indian Journal of Geo Marine Science, 46(11): 2180-2190.
31. Song, D., H. Song*, and G. Xiang. 2017. The influence of water contents on the strength characteristics of municipal solid waste incineration bottom ash. Journal of Hunan University (Natural Sciences), 44(1): 150-156. (In Chinese with English abstract)
32. Song, D., F. Wang, and H. Song*. 2017. Distributing and evolutive trend of geological disaster in Jiudian Gorge Reservoir [九甸峽庫區地質災害分布規律及發展趨勢]. Research of Soil and Water Conservation [水土保持研究], 24(1): 365-369.
33. Song, D. and H. Song*. 2017. The influence of reservoir water level rise on the bank landslide. Journal of Northeastern University (Natural Science), 38(5): 735-739. (In Chinese with English abstract)
34. Song, D., F. Wang, and H. Song*. 2016. The study of the stability of bank slope in early reservoir impoundment [蓄水初期庫岸邊坡穩定性研究]. Journal of Henan Polytechnic University (Natural Science) [河南理工大學學報(自然科學版)], 35(5): 719-724.
35. Song, H., K. Zhang, S. Piao, and S.Wan*. 2016. Spatial and temporal variations of spring dust emissions in northern China over the last 30 years. Atmospheric Environment, 126: 117-127.
36. Song, H., F. Wang, X. Liu, G. Lü, and Z. Han. 2015. Crowd movement analysis and abnormal behavior detection under geographical environment [地理環境下的群體運動分析與異常行為檢測]. Geography and Geo-Information Science [地理與地理信息科學], 31(4): 1-5.
37. Zhao, M., C. Zhao, Z. Sun, and H. Song. 2015. Spatio-temporal changes of crop diseases and insect pests in China over the last two decades [近20年來我國農作物病蟲害時空變化特徵]. Acta Scientiarum Naturalium Universitatis Pekinensis [北京大學學報(自然科學版)], 51(5): 965-975.
38. Song, H., X. Liu, G. Lü, X. Zhang, and F. Wang. 2014. Video scene invariant crowd density estimation using Geographic Information Systems. China Communications, 11(11): 80-89.
39. Song, H., X. Liu, G. Lü, and X. Zhang. 2013. A cross-camera adaptive crowd density estimation model [一種可跨攝像機的人群密度估計模型]. China Safety Science Journal [中國安全科學學報], 23(12): 139-145.
40. Zhang, X., X. Liu, and H. Song. 2013. The study of Image-Video GIS data model based on object-oriented model [面向對象的影視GIS數據模型]. Science of Surveying and Mapping [測繪科學], 38(6):64-66.
41. Song, H., X. Liu, G. Lü, and X. Zhang. 2012. Real-time monitoring for the regional crowds status [區域人群狀態的實時感知監控]. Journal of Geo-Information Science [地球信息科學學報], 14(6): 686-692.
42. Song, H., X. Liu, G. Lü, and M. Wang. 2012. Research on augmenting aerial earth using videos [基於視頻的地理場景增強表達研究]. Geography and Geo-Information Science [地理與地理信息科學], 28(5): 6-9.
43. Song, H., X. Liu, G. Lü, and Y. Zhen. 2012. 3D points clouds accuracy analysis based on uncalibrated image sequences in geo-reference framework [地理參考下未標定圖像序列的三維點雲精度分析]. Bulletin of Surveying and Mapping [測繪通報], 7: 14-16.
44. Xu, J., J. Hou, H. Song, and J. Qiao. 2011. Spatial-temporal change of regional differences and spatial patterns in China: a case study of population gravity centers and economic gravity centers [1990—2009年中國區域差異與空間格局—以人口重心與經濟重心為例]. Human Geography [人文地理], 26(4):85-90.
45. Zhu, Z., Y. Zhou, P. Zhou, and H. Song. 2011. 2010. Geometric accuracy experimental analysis of remote sensing image of RapidEye satellite [RapidEye衛星遙感影像幾何精度的實驗分析]. Journal of Central South University of Forestry and Technology [中南林業科技大學學報], 30(4):107-111.
46. Song, H. and Y. Kong. 2010. Design and implementation of a VideoGIS system using Adobe Flex. Geomatics and Information Science of Wuhan University, 35(6): 743-746.
47. Song, H. and Y. Kong. 2010. Design and implementation of a web-based VideoGIS using Adobe Flex [Flex框架下網路視頻GIS設計與實現]. Science of Surveying and Mapping [測繪科學], 35(5): 208-210.
48. Song, H., Y. Chen, and Y. Kong. 2010. Design and implementation of VideoGIS using Adobe FMS and AIR [套用Adobe FMS與AIR的視頻GIS設計與實現]. Geospatial Information [地理空間信息], 8(2): 93-95.
1. 宋宏權, 王團徽, 王豐, 劉鵬飛, 韓志剛, 趙海鵬. 一種高時空解析度道路揚塵源排放清單製備方法. 中國 發明專利. 專利號: ZL 2020 1 0204072.3.
2. 宋宏權, 趙海鵬, 王豐, 劉鵬飛, 韓志剛, 王團徽. 一種高時空解析度交通源排放清單製備方法. 中國 發明專利. 專利號: ZL 2020 1 0204087.X.
3. 宋宏權, 劉學軍, 閭國年, 張興國. 一種可跨攝像機的自適應人群密度估計方法. 中國 發明專利. 專利號: ZL 2012 1 0434490.7.
4. 宋宏權, 劉學軍, 閭國年, 張興國. 一種基於貝葉斯網路的監控盲區人群狀態推演方法. 中國 發明專利. 專利號: ZL 2013 1 0302473.2.


