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宋教授長期專注於傳熱傳質流動的耦合機理研究,在結霜結冰與高效散熱領域發表SCI文章103篇(截至2022-01),其中一作/通訊65篇、ESI高被引論文8篇、能源領域國際頂刊Applied Energy共21篇;出版全球首部熱泵除霜一作英文專著1部;主持國家自然科學基金、工信部、日本JSPS、澳大利亞DECRA等課題14項;曾入選深圳市高層次人才、獲EBE期刊(Elsevier)學術新人獎(全球3人);2020、2021連續兩年入選史丹福大學發布的全球前2%頂尖科學家榜單。主要學術兼職包括:學術期刊編輯與編委,如 EI期刊Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering唯一主編、SCI期刊Frontiers in Energy Research副編輯;中國製冷學會高級會員、青年委員會委員、中國工程熱物理學會會員;中、美、澳國家自然科學基金評審專家、工業和信息領域技術預測與產業科技規劃編制專家、廣東省高層次人才評審專家、雲南省高校太陽能供熱與製冷技術重點實驗室學術委員會委員等。


  • 中文名:宋孟傑
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 出生地:河北省河間市
  • 畢業院校湖南大學哈爾濱工業大學香港理工大學
  • 學位/學歷博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:製冷與低溫工程
  • 職務:結霜實驗室主任
  • 學術代表作:Defrosting for Air Source Heat Pumps: Research, Analysis and Methods, Woodhead Publishing (Elsevier). 2019. ISBN: 9780081025178
  • 主要成就:JSPS、DECRA、國家級青年人才
  • 任職院校:北京理工大學



  • 2011.11-2015.03,香港理工大學,屋宇設備工程系,哲學博士(全額獎學金)
  • 2008.08-2010.06,哈爾濱工業大學,供熱、供燃氣、通風及空調工程,工學碩士(省優秀畢業生)
  • 2004.09-2008.06,湖南大學,建築環境與設備工程,工學學士(免試保送讀研)


  • 2022.06-2023.05,北京京能能源技術研究有限責任公司(京能能源研究院)總經理助理(掛職鍛鍊,副處級)
  • 2021.01-2022.06,北京市熱力集團有限責任公司,總經理助理(中共北京市委組織部安排掛職鍛鍊,副處級)
  • 2021.03-,捷克托馬斯拔佳大學,工程與信息科學學院,客座教授
  • 2020.01-,澳大利亞伍倫貢大學,建築能源研究中心,DECRA研究員
  • 2019.10-,北京理工大學,能源與動力工程系,教授/博導/特立青年學者/結霜實驗室主任
  • 2017.10-2019.10,日本東京大學,人間環境學專攻,JSPS特任研究員
  • 2017.07-2017.09,新加坡南洋理工大學,能源研究中心,研究員
  • 2016.10-2016.11,香港理工大學,屋宇設備工程系,助理研究員
  • 2016.07-2016.08,香港科技大學,機械與宇航工程系,訪問學者
  • 2015.05-2017.10,廣東工業大學,能源工程系,講師/副教授/青年百人
  • 2010.07-2011.10,中南建築設計院股份有限公司(國際部、機電二所,暖通設計工程師)


  • (1) 國家自然科學基金評審專家
  • (2) 美國National Science Foundation(NSF)評審專家
  • (3) 澳大利亞研究理事會(Australian Research Council, ARC)評審專家
  • (4) 荷蘭研究理事會(Dutch Research Council, NWO)(AES)評審專家
  • (5) 全國研究生教育評估監測專家庫專家
  • (6) 全國本科生畢業論文(設計)抽檢評審專家庫專家
  • (7) 軍隊物資工程XXXX評審專家(中央軍委後勤保障部、海軍部)
  • (8) 中國博士後科學基金評審專家
  • (9) 中國輕工業聯合會科技進步獎評審專家
  • (10) 中國冶金科工集團有限公司(中冶集團)科學技術獎評審專家(函評+會評)
  • (11) 中國兵器工業計算機套用技術研究所(兵器計算所)職稱評審專家
  • (12) 中國製冷學會節能與生態環境技術和產品評審專家
  • (13) 中國製冷學會專家產學融合平台專家庫專家
  • (14) 北方導航控制技術股份有限公司(兵器部218廠)技術評審專家
  • (15) 中國人民解放軍軍事科學院防化研究院實驗測試大綱技術評審專家(組長)
  • (16) 工業和信息領域技術預測與產業科技規劃編制專家(工信部、行業專家)
  • (17) 教育部科技管理信息系統專家庫專家
  • (18) 北京市自然科學基金評審專家
  • (19) 北京市科學技術獎評審專家(函評+會評)
  • (20) 北京市科技計畫項目結題評審專家(千萬級)
  • (21) 廣東省自然科學基金評審專家
  • (22) 廣東省製冷學會科技成果鑑定評審專家
  • (23) 廣東省高層次人才評審專家
  • (24) 深圳市科技專家
  • (25) 上海市科技專家
  • (26) 天津市科技專家
  • (27) 山東省科技專家
  • (28) 江蘇省科技諮詢專家
  • (29) 雲南省高校太陽能供熱與製冷技術重點實驗室學術委員會委員
  • (30) 東北大學教師補充工作校外評審專家
  • (31) 中國醫科大學外審專家
  • (32) 博碩士學位答辯及博士後出站評審專家(清華大學、浙江大學、中科院工程熱物理研究所、北京航空航天大學、哈爾濱工業大學、山東大學、華南理工大學、天津商業大學等)


  • (1) Recent Patents on Mechanical Engineering (Editor-in-Chief, EI, Scopus, 2020-2023)
  • (2) Applied Energy (Young Editorial Board, SCI, IF=11.446)
  • (3) Applied Thermal Engineering (Guest Editor, SCI, IF=6.465, 2022-date)
  • (4) Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments (Guest Editor, SCI, IF=3.456, 2020)
  • (5) Energy and Buildings (Guest Editor, SCI, IF=4.457, 2019)
  • (6) Micromachines (Guest Editor, SCI, IF=3.523, 2022-2023)
  • (7) Thermo (Editorial Board Member)
  • (8) Future Transportation (Editorial Board Member)
  • (9) Sustainability (Sustainable Transportation Section Editor-in-Chief, SCI, IF=2.576, 2021-2023)
  • (10) Frontiers in Energy Research (Associate Editor, SCI, IF=2.746, 2020)
  • (11) Frontiers in Build Environment (Review Editor, 2020)
  • (12) Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (Guest Editor, SCI, IF=2.731, 2019)
  • (13) Fluid Dynamics and Material Processing (Editorial Board Member, ESCI, 2019-2021)
  • (14) Energy Informatics (Springer, Associate Editor, 2019-date)
  • (15) Trends in Civil Engineering and Material Science (Lupine Publishers, Associate Editor, 2017-date)
  • (16) 《哈爾濱工業大學學報》青年編委





  • (1) 《信息檢索與科技寫作》(北京理工大學,課程組責任教授,獲校教改項目資助)
  • (2) 《科技寫作實訓》(北京理工大學,課程組責任教授,獲校教改項目資助)
  • (3) 《智慧型製造之強化傳熱》(北京理工大學,課程創建人,獲院教改項目資助)
  • (4) 《儲能熱力學與流體力學》(北京理工大學,課程創建人)
  • (5) 《能源動力前沿》(北京理工大學)
  • (6) 《可再生能源》(上海理工大學)
  • (7) 《能源技術》(上海理工大學)
  • (8) 《小型製冷裝置》(廣東工業大學)
  • (9) 《焓差環境實驗室》(廣東工業大學)
  • (10) 《空調工程》(廣東工業大學)


  • (1) Chang Shinan, Su Qian, Song Mengjie. An advanced thermal control technique for aircraft anti-icing/de-icing based on loop heat pipes, Advanced Control Techniques for Thermal Systems with Heat Exchangers. Elsevier. 1st October 2020. ISBN: 9780128194225, 522 pages.
  • (2) Song Mengjie, Mao Ning, Xu Yingjie. Instability control of two-phase flow in microchannel heat exchangers, Advanced Control Techniques for Thermal Systems with Heat Exchangers. Elsevier. 1st October 2020. ISBN: 9780128194225, 522 pages.
  • (3) Song Mengjie, Mao Ning, Zhang Haoran, Fan Cheng. Model predictive control applied toward the building indoor climate, Advanced Control Techniques for Thermal Systems with Heat Exchangers. Elsevier. 1st October 2020. ISBN: 9780128194225, 522 pages.
  • (4) Song Mengjie, Deng Shiming. Defrosting for Air Source Heat Pumps: Research, Analysis and Methods, Woodhead Publishing (Elsevier). 2019. ISBN: 9780081025178, 384 pages.(全球首部熱泵除霜專著,被哈佛大學、MIT、牛津、劍橋、清華等大學圖書館購買收藏)


截至2023年02月,共發表SCI期刊文章120篇,其中第一及通訊作者80篇,詳見個人ResearchGate網址及Google Scholar。近9年代表性文章如下:
  • (1) Dang Qun, Song Mengjie*, Zhang Xuan, Libor Pekar, Seyyed Hossein Hosseini. Modelling study on freezing process of water droplet on inclined cold plate surface with droplet dynamic behavior considered. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (IF=5.431). 2022; 197: 123327.
  • (2) Zhang Long, Song Mengjie*, Deng Shiming, Shen Jun, Dang Chaobin*. Frosting mechanism and behaviors on surfaces with simple geometries: A state-of-the-art literature review. Applied Thermal Engineering (IF=6.465). 2022; 215: 118984.
  • (3) Lei Shangwen, Song Mengjie*, Dai Wei, Zhan Tianzhuo, Shao Keke. Experimental study on the effect of surface temperature on the frost characteristics of a vertical cold plate under natural convection. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science (IF=3.232). 2022; 137: 110684.
  • (4) Song Mengjie*, Lei Shangwen, S.H. Hosseini, Luo Xiaoyan, Shao Keke. An experimental study on the effect of horizontal cold plate surface temperature on frosting characteristics under natural convection. Applied Thermal Engineering (IF=5.295). 2022; 211: 118416.
  • (5) Song Mengjie*, Jiang Zhengyong, Shen Jun, Dang Chaobin*, Jiang Yuyan, Luo Xiaoyan. Mathematical modeling investigation on flow boiling and high efficiency heat dissipation of two rectangular radial microchannel heat exchangers. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (IF=5.431). 2022; 190: 122736.
  • (6) Lu Menglong, Song Mengjie*, Pang Xiaoling, Dang Chaobin, Zhang Long*. Modelling study on sessile water droplet during freezing with the consideration of gravity, supercooling, and volume expansion effects. International Journal of Multiphase Flow (IF=3.186). 2022; 147: 103909.
  • (7) Zhang Long, Song Mengjie*, Mao Ning, Dong Jiankai. Temporal and spatial frost growth prediction of a tube-finned heat exchanger considering frost distribution characteristics. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (IF=5.431). 2022; 183: 122192.
  • (8) Zhang Long, Song Mengjie*, Hosseini SH, Shen Jun, Jiang Yiqiang. A modeling study of spatial and temporal frost growth on the edge of windward fins for a tube-finned heat exchanger. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (IF=5.431). 2022; 183: 122093.
  • (1) M.A. Moradkhani, S. H. Hosseini*, M. Valizadeh, Song Mengjie*. Machine learning based models to predict frost characterizations on cryogenic surfaces under the forced convection condition. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer (IF=3.971). 2021; 129: 105667.
  • (2) Lu Menglong, Song Mengjie*, Ma Zhenjun, Wang Xiaotao, Zhang Long. A modeling study of sessile water droplet on the cold plate surface during freezing under natural convection with gravity effect considered. International Journal of Multiphase Flow (IF=3.186). 2021; 143: 103749.
  • (3) Wang Hai, Hu Yanxin, Peng Jinqing, Song Mengjie*, Li Haoteng. Effects of receiver parameters on solar flux distribution for triangle cavity receiver in the fixed linear-focus fresnel lens solar concentrator. Sustainability (IF=2.576). 2021; 13(11): 6139.
  • (4) Lei Shangwen, Song Mengjie*, Pekař Libor, Shen Jun. A numerical study on frosting and its early stage under forced convection conditions with surface and environmental factors considered. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments (IF=3.456). 2021; 45: 101202.
  • (5) Dong Jiankai*, Zheng Wenke, Song Mengjie*, Chen Zhihua, Jiang Yiqiang. Numerical simulation on heating performances of a radiant-convective heating terminal. Journal of Building Engineering (IF=3.379). 2021: 102307.
  • (1) Ding Liang, Chang Shinan*, Yi Xian*, Song Mengjie. Coupled thermo-mechanical analysis of stresses generated in impact ice during in-flight de-icing. Applied Thermal Engineering (IF=4.725). 2020; 181: 115681.
  • (2) Seyyed Hossein Hosseini, M. Valizadeh, Alireza Zendehboudi *, Song Mengjie*. General correlations for frost thermal conductivity on parallel surface channels. Energy and Buildings (IF=4.867). 2020; 225: 110282.
  • (3) Song Mengjie, Xie Gongnan, Pekař Libor, Mao Ning*, Qu Minglu. A modeling study on the revere cycle defrosting of an air source heat pump with the melted frost downwards flowing away and local drainage. Energy and Buildings (IF=4.867). 2020; 226: 110257.
  • (4) Song Mengjie*, Dang Chaobin, Higashi Tomohiro, Hihara Eiji. Review of experimental data associated with the solidification characteristics of water droplets on a cold plate surface at the early frosting stage. Energy and Buildings (IF=4.867). 2020; 223: 110103.
  • (5) Deng Huanyu, Chang Shinan*, Song Mengjie*. The optimization of simulated icing environment by adjusting the arrangement of nozzles in an atomization equipment for the anti-icing and deicing of aircrafts. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (IF=4.947). 2020; 155: 119720.
  • (6) Mao Ning, Hao Jingyu, Xu Yingjie, Song Mengjie*, Tang Jianfeng. A numerical study on non-uniform characteristics of spray falling heat transfer over horizontal tubes in an oily sewage source heat pump. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (IF=4.947). 2020; 154: 119679.
  • (7) Song Mengjie, Mao Ning*. Experimental study on the melted frost influence on the metal energy storage during an air source heat pump defrosting. Energy and Buildings (IF=4.867). 2020; 214: 109809.
  • (8) Song Mengjie*, Dang Chaobin, Hihara Eiji. Experimental investigation on the heat transfer characteristics of novel rectangle radial microchannel heat exchangers in two-phase flow cooling system for data centers. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (IF=2.731). 2020; 141: 199-211.
  • (1) Song Mengjie*, Dang Chaobin, Hihara Eiji. Experimental investigation on the heat transfer characteristics of novel rectangle radial microchannel heat exchangers in two-phase flow cooling system for data centers. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry (IF=2.209). 2019. Accepted.
  • (2) Chang Shinan*, Ding Liang, Song Mengjie*, Leng Mengyao. Numerical investigation on impingement dynamics and freezing performance of micrometer-sized water droplet on flat dry surface in supercooled environment. International Journal of Multiphase Flow (IF=2.829). 2019; 118: 150-164.
  • (3) Chang Shinan*, Yu Weidong, Song Mengjie*, Leng Mengyao, Shi Qiyu. Investigation on wavy characteristics of shear-driven water film using the planar laser induced fluorescence method. International Journal of Multiphase Fluid (IF=2.829). 2019;118:242-253.
  • (4) Song Mengjie, Wang Zhihua, Mao Ning*, Dong Jiankai, Zhang Haoran. Defrosting start control strategy optimization for an air source heat pump unit with the frost accumulation and melted frost downwards flowing considered. Sustainable Cities and Society (IF=4.624). 2019: 46: 101461.
  • (5) Hu Wenju, Song Mengjie*, Jiang Yiqiang, Yao Yang, Gao Yan. A modeling study on the heat storage and release characteristics of a PCM based double-spiral coiled heat exchanger in an air source heat pump unit for defrosting. Applied Energy (IF=8.426). 2019; 236: 877-892.
  • (1) Hu Yanxin, Sixu Chen, Huang Jin, Song Mengjie*. Marangoni effect on pool boiling heat transfer enhancement of self-rewetting fluid. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (IF=4.346). 2018, 127: 1263-1270.
  • (2) Song Mengjie, Dang Chaobin*. Review on frost characteristics measurement and calculation. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer (IF=4.346). 2018; 124: 586-614.
  • (3) Liu Shengchun, Li Hailong, Song Mengjie*, Dai Baomin, Sun Zhili. Impacts on the solidification of water on plate surface for cold energy storage using ice slurry. Applied Energy (IF=8.426). 2018; 227: 284-293.
  • (4) Song Mengjie, Tso Chiyan*, Chao Christopher Yuhang, Wu Chili. Techno-economic analysis on frosting/defrosting operations for an air source heat pump unit with an optimized multi-circuit outdoor coil. Energy and Buildings (IF=4.495). 2018; 166: 165-177.
  • (5) Song Mengjie, Deng Shiming, Dang Chaobin, Mao Ning*, Wang Zhihua. Review on improvement for air source heat pump units during frosting and defrosting. Applied Energy (IF=8.426). 2018; 211: 1150-1170. (ESI Highly Cited Papers)
  • (1) Song Mengjie, Xu Xiangguo, Mao Ning*, Deng Shiming, Xu Yingjie. Energy transfer procession in an air source heat pump unit during defrosting. Applied Energy (IF=8.426). 2017; 204:679-689.
  • (2) Song Mengjie, Gong Guangcai, Mao Ning*, Deng Shiming, Wang Zhihua. Experimental investigation on an air source heat pump unit with a three-circuit outdoor coil for its reverse cycle defrosting termination temperature. Applied Energy (IF=8.426). 2017; 204: 1388-1398.
  • (3) Song Mengjie*, Liu Shengchun, Deng Shiming, Sun Zhili, Yan Huaxia. Experimental investigation on reverse cycle defrosting performance improvement for an ASHP unit by evenly adjusting its refrigerant distribution. Applied Thermal Engineering (IF=4.026). 2017; 114: 611-620. (ESI Highly Cited Papers)
  • (1) Song Mengjie, Deng Shiming, Mao Ning*, Ye Xianming. An experimental study on defrosting performance for an air source heat pump unit with a horizontally installed multi-circuit outdoor coil. Applied Energy (IF=8.426). 2016; 165: 371-382.
  • (2) Song Mengjie, Xia Liang, Mao Ning*, Deng Shiming. An experimental study on even frosting performance of an air source heat pump unit with a multi-circuit outdoor coil. Applied Energy (IF=8.426). 2016; 164: 36-44.
  • (3) Song Mengjie, Xia Liang*, Deng Shiming. A modeling study on alleviating uneven defrosting for a vertical three-circuit outdoor coil in an air source heat pump unit during reverse cycle defrosting. Applied Energy (IF=8.426). 2016; 161: 268-278. (ESI Highly Cited Papers)
  • (1) Song Mengjie, Pan Dongmei*, Li Ning, Deng Shiming. An experimental study on the negative effects of downwards flow of the melted frost over a multi-circuit outdoor coil in an air source heat pump during reverse cycle defrosting. Applied Energy (IF=8.426). 2015; 138: 598-604.
  • (2) Song Mengjie, Wang Zhihua, Mao Ning*, Li Zhao, Chen Ying. An experimental study on the uneven refrigerant distribution over a vertically installed multi-circuit outdoor coil in an air source heat pump unit during reverse cycle defrosting. Applied Thermal Engineering (IF=4.026). 2015; 91: 975-985.
  • (1) Song Mengjie, Deng Shiming, Pan Dongmei*, Mao Ning. An experimental study on the effects of downwards flowing of melted frost over a vertical multi-circuit outdoor coil in an air source heat pump on defrosting performance during reverse cycle defrosting. Applied Thermal Engineering (IF=4.026). 2014; 67: 258-265.
  • (2) Song Mengjie, Deng Shiming, Xia Liang*. A semi-empirical modeling study on the defrosting performance for an air source heat pump unit with local drainage of melted frost from its three-circuit outdoor coil. Applied Energy (IF=8.426). 2014; 136: 537-547.


  • (1) 2022年,國防科技基礎加強計畫技術領域基金
  • (2) 2022年,國防科技基礎加強計畫項目
  • (3) 2022年,2022年度國家外國專家項目計畫,複雜相變熱流體特性與控制研究
  • (4) 2021年,工業和信息化部,啟明計畫,極端溫度控制機理與技術
  • (5) 2020年,國家自然科學基金-面上項目,熱泵結霜前期豎置平板翅片表面固著水滴凝固機理研究
  • (6) 2020年,Australian Research Council (ARC), Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA), Mechanism and control of water droplets from condensation to defrosting
  • (7) 2017年,日本學術振興會,結霜過程動態三維精密測量與除霜最佳化研究
  • (8) 2016年,國家自然科學基金-青年項目,空氣源熱泵變均勻度結霜除霜流動傳熱耦合作用機理研究


  • 2021年,《東北電力大學學報》“綠色低碳能源”專題優秀論文
  • 2021年,2021《家電科技》學術年會暨首屆高端智慧型家電安全峰會會議主席
  • 2021年,Distinguished Young Scholar in 2021 for Energy and Built Environment Journal
  • 2021年,雲南省高校太陽能供熱與製冷技術重點實驗室學術委員會委員
  • 2021年,北京理工大學特立青年學者(第五批)
  • 2020年,Applied Energy期刊2018-2019年度最佳綜述論文類高被引論文獎
  • 2020年,澳大利亞研究委員會,Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA)
  • 2019年,中國熱泵行業年會暨第八屆國際空氣源熱泵行業發展論壇之論文一等獎
  • 2018年,Applied Energy 2018 Outstanding ICAE Paper
  • 2018年,J Energy Storage, Appl Therm Eng, Energy等期刊傑出審稿人
  • 2017年,日本學術振興會(JSPS)標準型博士後項目
  • 2017年,Appl Energ, Renew Energ, Int J Refrig, Int J Heat Mass Tran等期刊傑出審稿人
  • 2017年,廣東工業大學2015-2016學年優秀班主任
  • 2017年,廣東工業大學2016年度先進科技工作者
  • 2016年,Energ Buildings, Exp Therm Fluid Sci, J Energy Storage等期刊傑出審稿人
  • 2015年,深圳市高層次人才(PP)
  • 2014年,香港理工大學微基金項目(10萬港幣)
  • 2014年,上海市大學生科技創業基金會項目(20萬人民幣)
  • 2011年,中共中南建築設計院股份有限公司黨委慶祝黨建90周年徵文競賽一等獎
  • 2010年,哈爾濱工業大學優秀畢業生、黑龍江省優秀畢業研究生(2%)
  • 2010年,低碳生態集成解決方案方案競賽三等獎(北京大學,Tällberg Foundation)


