2003.09 - 2007.06 蘭州大學,土木工程與力學學院,本科生,獲學士學位
2007.09 - 2013.12 大連理工大學,土木工程學院,碩博連讀研究生,獲博士學位(導師:歐進萍院士)
2011.09 - 2012.09 University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Department of CEE,國家公派聯合培養博士生(導師:Billie F Spencer, Jr教授,Nathan M. & Anne M. Newmark Endowed Chair in Civil Engineering)
2017.12 - 今 大連理工大學,土木工程學院,教授(破格)
2016.07 - 今 大連理工大學,土木工程學院,博士生導師
2015.12 - 2017.12 大連理工大學,土木工程學院,副教授(破格)
2015.11 - 今 大連理工大學,跨海交通工程研究中心,主任助理
2014.06 - 今 大連理工大學,土木工程學院,碩士生導師
2014.03 - 2016.02 大連理工大學,工業裝備結構分析國家重點實驗室(力學博士後流動站),在職博士後
2014.01 - 2015.12 大連理工大學,土木工程學院/智慧型結構系統研究所,講師
*SCI國際期刊Smart Structures and Systems編委會委員、EI國際期刊Structural Durability & Health Monitoring編委會委員
*SCI國際期刊Lead Guest Editor (客座主編):Journal of Low Frequency Noise, Vibration and Active Control (SAGE)
*SCI國際期刊Lead Guest Editor (客座主編):Advances in Mechanical Engineering (SAGE)
[1] 中國地震學會基礎設施防震減災青年委員會副主任委員、中國振動工程學會結構抗振控制與健康監測青年工作委員會委員
[2] 山東省重點研發計畫項目會評專家
[3] 大連理工大學跨海交通工程研究中心主任助理
[4] 第3屆全國基礎設施防災減災工程青年學者學術會議主席(2018)、韓國The 2016 Structures Congress小型研討會組織者兼分會場主席、澳大利亞2016 24th Australasian Conference on the Mechanics of Structures and Materials分會場主席、International Conference VIBROENGINEERING 2015技術程式委員會委員
[5] 20餘個SCI國際期刊的評審人
[1] 結構健康監測[面向土木工程(大跨度橋樑結構、超高層建築、特種結構、長大隧道等)及海洋工程(近海和深海採油平台)]
[2] 結構振動性能分析及其關鍵構件減振
[1] 國家重點基礎研究發展計畫(973計畫)青年科學家專題項目“大跨橋樑持續環境荷載的時變效應與服役性能評估”(共5個課題任務),課題任務3負責人:“考慮環境時變效應的大跨橋樑模型動態校準與規律反演”(2015.01-2019.08)
[2] 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目“懸索橋吊桿損傷的兩階段精細化診斷與性能綜合評估方法”(2016.01-2018.12),項目負責人
[3] 國家自然科學基金面上項目“高鐵拱橋剛性吊桿損傷診斷及其節點板焊縫疲勞剩餘壽命評估方法”(2018.01-2021.12),項目負責人
[4] 中國博士後科學基金特別資助項目“基於導波回波分析的斜拉索局部損傷精細化診斷方法”(2015.07-2016.02),項目負責人
[5] 中國博士後科學基金面上項目(一等資助)“高抗噪性能的斜拉索構件異常診斷方法理論與試驗研究”(2014.09-2016.02),項目負責人
[6] 遼寧省高等學校創新人才支持計畫項目“大跨拱橋吊桿異常診斷與安全評定”(2018.01-2019/12),項目負責人
[7] 大連市高層次人才創新支持計畫項目“大跨橋樑箱梁風致振動控制技術研究”(2018.01-2019.12),項目負責人
[8] 國家科技支撐計畫項目課題“重要基礎設施安全監測控制物聯網共性集成技術及套用研究”(2010.09-2014.12),參加(博士生期間參加)
[9] 國家重點基礎研究發展計畫(973計畫)項目課題"深海平台結構全壽命性能監測、原型驗證與安全評定"(2011.11-2016.08),參加(博士生期間參加)
[1] 高鐵斜拉橋斜拉索損傷快速檢測方法及其集成設備研究,項目負責人
[2] 高層建築結構平移後動力特性實測及評定,項目負責人
[3] 中國人民解放軍某部隊既有房屋結構安全評定,項目負責人
[4] 大連灣跨海交通工程橋隧島結構安全監測與養護管理關鍵技術研究,參加(排名第2)
[5] 大連市星海灣跨海大橋結構健康監測系統設計,參加
(一) SCI檢索源國際期刊論文
[1]An Yonghui*, Spencer Billie F, Ou Jinping, A Test Method for Damage Diagnosis of Suspension Bridge Suspender Cables,Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 2015, 30: 771-784 (SCI & EI) (IF 6.208)
[2]BlachowskiB,An Yonghui*,SpencerBillie F.Jr.,OuJinping. Axial strain accelerations approach for damage localization in statically determinate truss structures,Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 2017, 32(4), 304-318(SCI & EI) (IF 6.208)
[3]An Yonghui*, Eleni Chatzi, Sung-Han Sim, Simon Laflamme, Bartlomiej Blachowski, Jinping Ou, Recent Progress and Future Trends on Damage Identification Methods for Bridge Structures,Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2019,e2416(SCI & EI)(IF 3.74)
[4]An Yonghui*, Blachowski Bartlomiej, Zhong Yue, Holobut Pawel, Ou Jinping. Rank-revealing QR decomposition applied to damage localization in truss structures.Structural Control and Health Monitoring,2017, 24(2): e1849(SCI & EI) (IF 3.74)
[5]An Yonghui*, Blachowski Bartlomiej, Ou Jinping, A degree of dispersion-based damage localization method.Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2016, 23: 176-192 (SCI & EI) (IF 3.74)
[6]An Yonghui*, Ou Jinping, Experimental and numerical studies on model updating method of damage severity identification utilizing four cost functions,Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 2013, 20(1): 107-120 (SCI & EI) (IF 3.74)
[7]Zhou Guojie,An Yonghui*, WuZhaoqi, LiDongsheng, Ou Jinping. Analytical Model for the Initial Rotational Stiffness of Steel Beam to Concrete Filled Steel Tube Column Connections with Bidirectional Bolts.ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 2018, 144(11): 04018199(SCI & EI) (IF2.528)
[8]HouJilin,An Yonghui*, WangSijie, WangZhenzhen, JankowskiŁukasz, OuJinping. Structural Damage Localization and Quantification based on Additional Virtual Masses and Bayesian Theory.ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 2018, 144(10): 04018097(SCI & EI) (IF2.264)
[9]An Yonghui*,Wang Zhongzheng, Ou Ge, Pan Shengshan, Ou Jinping. Vibration Mitigation of the Suspension Bridge Suspender Cable based on the Ring-Shaped Tuned Liquid Damper.ASCE Journal of Bridge Engineering, 2019, 24(4): 04019020(SCI & EI) (IF 1.84)
[10]An Yonghui*,GuanDelong, DingYouliang, OuJinping.Fast Warning Method for Rigid Hangers in a High-Speed Railway Arch Bridge Using Long-Term Monitoring Data.ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities,2017, 31(6): 04017103(SCI & EI) (IF 1.542)
[11]Guojie Zhou,An Yonghui*, Dongsheng Li, Jinping Ou. Analytical model of moment-rotation relation for steel beam to CFST column connections with bidirectional bolts,Engineering Structures, 2019, 196, 109374. (SCI & EI) (IF 3.084)
[12]An Yonghui, Jo Hongki, Spencer Billie F*, Ou Jinping, A Damage Localization Method based on the ‘Jerk Energy’,Smart Materials and Structures, 2014, 23(2), 025020 (SCI & EI) (IF 3.543)
[13]An Yonghui*, Ou Jinping, Li Jian, Spencer Billie F, Stochastic DLV Method for Steel Truss Structures: Simulation and Experiment,Smart Structures and Systems, 2014, 14(2): 105-128 (SCI) (IF 3.622)
[14]Ding Youliang,An Yonghui*, Wang Chao, Field monitoring of the train-induced hanger vibration in a high-speed railway steel arch bridge,Smart Structures and Systems, 2016, 17(6), 1107-1127 (SCI) (IF 3.622)
[15]LiShengli,An Yonghui*,WangChaoqun,WangDongwei. Experimental and numerical studies on galloping of the flat-topped main cables for the long span suspension bridge during construction.Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, 2017, 163: 24-32(SCI & EI) (IF 3.01)
[16]An Yonghui, Li Binbin, Ou Jinping*, An algorithm for damage localization in steel truss structures: Numerical simulation and experimental validation,Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2013, 24(14): 1683-1698 (SCI & EI) (IF 2.582)
[17]An Yonghui, Ou Jinping*, Experimental and Numerical Studies on Damage Localization of Simply Supported Beams based on Curvature Difference Probability Method of Waveform Fractal Dimension,Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 2012, 23(4): 415-426 (SCI & EI) (IF 2.582)
[18]An Yonghui*, Spencer Billie F. Jr., Ou Jinping. Real-time fast damage detection of shear structures with random base excitation,Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 2015, 74, 92-102 (SCI & EI) (IF 2.791)
[19]An Yonghui*, Ou Jinping, A signal energy change-based damage localization approach for beam structures,Measurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation, 2014, 48: 208-219 (SCI & EI) (IF 2.791)
[20]An Yonghui, Ou Jinping*, Structural Damage Localization for a Frame Structure from Changes in Curvature of Approximate Entropy Feature Vectors,Nondestructive Testing and Evaluation, 2014, 29(1): 80-97 (SCI & EI) (IF 1.735)
[21]An Yonghui*, Zhong Yue, Tan Yanbin, Ou Jinping, Experimental and Numerical Studies on a Test Method for Damage Diagnosis of Stay Cables,Advances in Structural Engineering, 2017, 20(2), 245-256(SCI & EI) (IF 1.32)
[22]An Yonghui, Wang Chaoqun, Li Shengli*, Wang Dongwei. Galloping of steepled main cables in long-span suspension bridges during construction,Wind and Structures, An International Journal, 2016, 23(6): 595-613 (SCI & EI) (IF 1.256)
[23]Bao Yuequan, Li Hui*,An Yonghui, Ou Jinping, Dempster-Shafer evidence theory approach to structural damage detection,Structural Health Monitoring - An International Journal, 2012, 11(1): 13-26 (SCI & EI) (IF 4.939)
[24]Zhao Hanwei, Ding Youliang,An Yonghui, Li Aiqun. Transverse Dynamic Mechanical Behavior of Hangers in the Rigid Tied Arch Bridge under Train Loads,ASCE Journal of Performance of Constructed Facilities, 2017, 31(1), 04016072(SCI & EI) (IF 1.542)
(二) EI檢索源國內期刊論文
[1] 安永輝, 歐進萍. 大跨度鋼桁橋模型的精細化損傷定位模擬和試驗研究, 計算力學學報, 2011, 28(5), 730-736.
[2] 安永輝, 歐進萍. 簡支梁橋損傷程度識別的模擬和試驗, 振動、測試與診斷, 2013, 33(1): 60-65.
[3] 安永輝, 歐進萍. 隨機激勵下用分形維數曲率差機率法定位損傷,振動、測試與診斷,2014,34(3):426-432.
[4] 安永輝, 歐進萍. 框架結構損傷定位的比例柔度矩陣分解法試驗研究, 振動工程學報, 2014, 27(6): 819-826.
[1] 教育部自然科學獎二等獎(排第2)
[8] 入選大連理工大學“星海學者”人才培育計畫 - “星海優青”
[9] 獲The Liu Huixian Earthquake Engineering Scholarship Award,該獎項由The Huixian Earthquake Engineering Foundation和The US-China Earthquake Engineering Foundation聯合設立,每年從中、美、新的大學和研究機構及亞太地震工程研究中心聯合會單位中選出不超過10個獲獎者