Launched in the summer of 2005 limited edition fashion fragrance! Anna Sui Magic School continues the style ofSecret Wish Wishing Wizard is dedicated to the hearts of each one of us convinced that the magic power of the little girl;
Is dedicated to the purification of those who read the secular confidence after the still of the things the big girls.
Turn in your Secret Wish Wishing Wizard opening moments, it also released the most incredible power,
At this time, elves have wings around you tap, shed shining powder,
Now you must open the most pure of heart, and the promise of inner desire, not doubt,
All dreams are possible, oh!
Anna Sui設計一向以大膽多變見稱, 正好配合她熱愛搖滾音樂那種獨特不隨俗的個性。一位吉卜賽式的紐約設計師, 田園服裝風格設計的代表人物。從服裝伸延至化妝品,將絢麗的設計發揮到淋漓盡致。
當化妝品愈趨簡化的時候, 帶東方面孔的Anna Sui 卻推出一系列雜古典、優雅、精緻奢華的化妝品。 將絢麗多姿的設計帶出其獨特色彩,再溶入她品牌設計, 神秘色彩瘋魔一眾女士對其化妝品作無價收藏品!