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  • 中文名:學術英語閱讀教程
  • 作者:高越、戰鳳梅
  • 出版社:對外經濟貿易大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787566322142 


  本教材每個單元由閱讀篇章、生詞和短語、練習及其答案組成。基於學術英語的概念解讀,要想提高學術閱讀能力,學生不但要完成一定量的語篇閱讀,還需要具備查找、理解、分析、鑑別、評價、批評等閱讀能力及靈活運用各種閱讀策略的能力。因此,本教材編寫者在編寫過程中,每個單元分別選取兩篇1 000多字的學術英語文章,確保學習者每單元學習有一定的閱讀量;在練習的編排和設定上,充分考慮發展學生學術英語閱讀能力的要求,如辭彙匹配題旨在訓練學生對相關題材常見辭彙的識記和解釋能力;是非題和選擇題旨在訓練學生的學術閱讀理解能力;總結大意題旨在訓練學生在理解語篇基礎上概括總結和組織材料的能力;句子翻譯練習題旨在訓練學生在學術英語環境下進行遣詞造句的能力;查閱文獻尋找範例題旨在訓練學生查閱文獻及開展項目和分析案例的能力;主題辯論題旨在訓練學生進行學術討論、發展其批判思維及語言表達的能力。各種練習層層推進,能夠基本滿足發展學生學術英語閱讀能力的訓練要求。


Unit 1 Business Administration
Text A How Can Luxury Brands Beat Counterfeiters?
Text B Do Three Things Well to Motivate Employees
Unit 2 Artificial Intelligence
Text A Five Tips for Achieving Success with AI
Text B Analytics, Machine Learning and the Internet of Things
Unit 3 Law
Text A Trial Court Convicts Defendant of Involuntary Manslaughter Based on
Encouragement of Suicide
Text B Washington State Supreme Court Declares Death Penalty Unconstitutional
Unit 4 DigitaI Technology
Text A Digital Currency and the Future of Transacting
Text B Education: Digital Technology's Role in Enabling Skills Development for a
Connected World
Unit 5 International Economics and Trade
Text A World Economy: Past and Future Tense
Text B The Real Wealth of Nations
Unit 6 Energy and Environment
Text A Global Warming: In the Line of Fire
Text B Can Innovative Financing Build on Momentum in Energy
Efficiency Improvements for Affordable Multifamily Housing?
Unit 7 Advertising
Text A How to Create an Advertisement-Plan and Write an Advertisement
Text B How to Create an Advertisement-Design and Test an Advertisement
Unit 8 Automation
Text A The Emotionally Intelligent Robot: Improving Socially-aware Human
Prediction in Crowded Environment
Text B iRobot-Factory: An Intelligent Robot Factory Based on Cognitive
Manufacturing and Edge Computing
Unit 9 Information Security
Text A Information Security
Text B Security in the Browser
Unit 10 Architecture
Text A Top 10 Strangest Buildings in the World
Text B Spatial Concepts as an Expression of Social Conditions
Unit 11 New Energy Science and Engineering
Text A How Solar Panels Convert Light into Electricity
Text B Storing Sun and Wind Power
Unit 12 Biology and Life Science
Text A The War on Cancer: Big Is Beautiful
Text B Ethics of Germline Editing Must Keep up with Technology
Unit 13 Communication Engineering
Text A What Is 5G ?
Text B Technology and the Future of Transportation: From Here to There
Unit 14 Civil Engineering
Text A State of the Art of Steel-concreter Composite Structure in Brazil
Text B Steel Buildings in Europe Single-Storey Steel Buildings
Unit 15 Tourism
Text A How to Improve Innovation in Sustainable Tourism? Five Lessons
Learned from the Austrian Alps
Text B Millennials,Sharing Economy, and the Tourism Market
Unit 16 Computer Science and Technology


