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2004.09-2008.07 合肥工業大學,環境工程,學士。
2008.09-2011.07 北京大學, 地理學,碩士。
2011,10-2012.09 中國公派留學預備校語言學習。
2012.10-2018.03 日本京都大學,區域環境科學,博士。
2016.04-2018.03 日本森林綜合研究所·關西支所研究助理。
2018.07-2021.09 北京大學,生態學,海外引進博士後
2022.03- 蘭州大學教授



1. Sun, L., Tsujii, Y., Xu, T., Han, M., Li, R., Han, Y., Gan, D., Zhu, B*. 2023. Species of fast bulk-soil nutrient cycling have lower rhizosphere effects: A nutrient spectrum of rhizosphere effects. Ecology, doi/10.1002/ecy.3981
2. Li, Y., Sun, L., Zhu, B*. 2022. Trade-offs among fine-root phosphorus-acquisition strategies of 15 tropical woody species. Forest Ecosystems 9:100055.
3. Ni, X., Sun, L., Cai, Q., Ma, S., Feng, Y., Sun, Y., An L., Ji. C*. 2022. Variation and determinants of leaf anatomical traits from boreal to tropical forests in eastern China. Ecological Indicators 140:108992.
4. Sun, L., Ataka, M., Han, M., Han, Y., Gan, D., Xu, T., Guo, Y., Zhu, B*. (2021) Root exudation as a major competitive fine-root functional trait of 18 coexisting species in a subtropical forest. New Phytologist 229:259-271.
5. Sun, L*., Ataka M., Kominami, Y., Yoshimura, K., Kitayama K. (2021) A constant microbial C/N ratio mediates the microbial nitrogen mineralization induced by root exudation among four co-existing canopy species. Rhizosphere 17: 100317
6. Sun, L.*, Ataka M., Kominami, Y., Yoshimura, K., Kitayama K. (2021) Similar release pattern of two major groups of primary metabolites in root exudates of four coexisting canopy species, Rhizosphere 20:100425.
7. Han, M., Sun, L., Gan D., Fu, L., Zhu, B*. (2020) Root functional traits are key determinants of the rhizosphere effect on soil organic matter decomposition across 14 temperate hardwood species. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 151:108019
8. Ataka, M., Sun, L.*, Nakaji, T., Katayama, A., Hiura, T. (2020) Five-year nitrogen addition affects fine root exudation and its correlation with root respiration in a dominant species, Quercus crispula, of a cool temperate forest, Japan. Tree Physiology 40: 367-376.
9. Tanikawa, T*., Fujii, S., Sun, L., Hirano, Y., Matsuda, Y., Miyatani, K., Doi, R., Mizoguchi, T., Maie, N. (2018) Leachate from fine root litter is more acidic than leaf litter leachate: A 2.5-year laboratory incubation. Science of the Total Environment 645:179-191.
10. Sun, L*., Ataka, M., Kominami, Y., Yoshimura, K. (2017) Relationships between fine-root exudation and respiration of two Quercus species in a Japanese temperate forest. Tree Physiology 37:1011-1020.
11. Sun, L*., Kominami, Y., Yoshimura, K., Kitayama K. (2017) Root-exudate flux variations among four co-existing canopy species in a temperate forest, Japan. Ecological Research 32: 331-339.
12. 孫麗娟*(2017)根の滲出物をはかる。森林科學 81:42-43 (日語).
1. 國家自然科學基金面上項目(32271715) “細根功能性狀與根分泌物代謝組、根際微生物的關聯格局和機制”,起止年月:2023年-2026年
2. 國家自然科學基金青年科學基金項目(32001218) “細根功能屬性預測木本植物根際效應強度的機制”,起止年月:2021年-2023年
3. 蘭州大學 “雙一流” 人才引進科研啟動經費,起止年月:2022年-2027年
1. 國家重點研發計畫(2022YFF1300402)“黃土高原低效人工林生態系統質量提升技術”,起止年月2022年-2026年,課題骨幹
2. 國家重點研發計畫青年科學家項目(2022YFD2201100)“紅松和水曲柳根葉性狀耦合及水養互作對木材品質的調控機制”,起止年月2022年-2027年,項目骨幹


2016年: 日本生態學會年會 物質循環方向 最佳發表獎
2018年: 北京大學“海外引進博士後”
2019年:日本生態學會年會 生理生態學方向 最佳發表獎


草業學報、植物生態學報、套用生態學報Grassland Research,Ecology, Journal of Ecology, Functional Ecology, Plant Ecology, Tree physiology, Soil Biology and Biochemistry, Geoderma, Plant and Soli, Oikos, Ecology and Evolution, Rhizosphere, Soil Ecology Letters, Ecological Research等期刊審稿人。


