



  • 中文名:孫鋁輝
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:動物營養與飼料科學
  • 任職院校:華中農業大學動物科學技術學院動物醫學院


2003.09 - 2007.06, 武漢工業學院,動物科學專業畢業,工學學士
2009.09 - 2012.09, 美國康奈爾大學,動物營養系,博士生聯合培養
2007.09 - 2013.06, 四川農業大學,動物與人的比較營養專業畢業,農學博士
2019.03-, 華中農業大學教授,動物營養與飼料科學系;
2017.01- 2019.02, 華中農業大學副教授,動物營養與飼料科學系;


1. 飼料中常見黴菌毒素危害畜禽健康的分子機制研究;
2. 硒及硒蛋白的生物學功能及機制研究。


1. 參與編譯第四版《Selenium: Its Molecular Biology and Role in Human Health》。
2. 參編第二版《飼料毒物學附毒物分析》。
1. Ling Zhao, Yue Feng, Jiang Deng, Ni-Ya Zhang, Wan-Po Zhang, Xiao-Li Liu, Shahid Ali Rajput, De-Sheng Qi, Lv-Hui Sun*. Selenium deficiency aggravates aflatoxin B1-induced immunotoxicity in chick spleen by regulating 6 selenoprotein genes and redox/inflammation/apoptotic signaling. Journal of Nutrition. 2019. In press.
2. Jiang Deng, Ling Zhao, Ni-Ya Zhang, Niel Alexander Karrow, Christopher Steven Krumm, De-Sheng Qi, Lv-Hui Sun*. Aflatoxin B1 metabolism: Regulation by phase I and II metabolizing enzymes and chemoprotective agents. Mutation Research-Reviews in Mutation Research. 2018;778 79–89.
3. Xin Gao, Zhuo-Hui Xiao, Meng Liu, Ni-Ya Zhang, Mahmoud Mohamed Khalil, Chang-Qin Gu, De-Sheng Qi, and Lv-Hui Sun*. Dietary Silymarin Supplementation Alleviates Zearalenone-Induced Hepatotoxicity and Reproductive Toxicity in Rats. Journal of Nutrition. 2018;148:1209-1216.
4. Lv-hui Sun, Tao Qin, Yan Liu, Hua Zhao, Xinjie Xia, Xingen Lei. Cloning, expression, and characterization of a porcine pancreatic α-amylase in Pichia pastoris. Anim Nutr. 2018;4:234-240.
5. Rui Ma, Lei Zhang, Meng Liu, Yong-Teng Su, Wen-Mei Xie, Ni-Ya Zhang, Jie-Fan Dai, Yun Wang, Shahid Ali Rajput, De-Sheng Qi, Niel Alexander Karrow and Lv-Hui Sun*. Individual and Combined Occurrence of Mycotoxins in Feed Ingredients and Complete Feeds in China. Toxins. 2018, 10, 113.
6. Ling Zhao#, Lv-Hui Sun#,*, Jia-Qiang Huang, Mickael Briens, De-Sheng Qi, Shi-Wen Xu, Xin Gen Lei*. A novel organic Se compound exerts unique regulation of Se speciation, selenogenome, and selenoproteins in broiler chicks. Journal of Nutrition. 2017,147:789-797.
7. Jie Liu, Wen-jing Song, Jian Tan, Christopher Steven Krumm, Lv-Hui Sun*, De-Sheng Qi. Biodetoxification of aflatoxin B1 in cottonseed meal by fermentation of Cellulosimicrobium funkei in duckling diet. Poultry Science. 2017;96:923-930.
8. Lv-Hui Sun#,*, Ni-Ya Zhang#, Ming-Kun Zhu, Ling Zhao, Ji-Chang Zhou, De-Sheng Qi*. Prevention of Alfatoxin B1 Hepatoxicity by Dietary Selenium is Associated with Inhibition of Cytochrome P450 Isozymes and Up-regulation of Six Selenoprotein Genes in Chick Liver. Journal of Nutrition. 2016;146:655-661.
9. Lv-Hui Sun, Ming-yan Lei, Ni-Ya Zhang, Ling Zhao, Christopher Steven Krumm, De-Sheng Qi. Hepatotoxic effects of mycotoxin combinations in mice. Food Chem Toxicol. 2014;74:289-293.
10. Lv-Hui Sun#, Jun-Gang Li#, Hua Zhao, Jing Shi, Jia-Qiang Huang, Kang-Ning Wang, Xin-Jie Xia, Li Li, Xin Gen Lei. Porcine serum can be biofortified with selenium to inhibit proliferation of three types of human cancer cells. Journal of Nutrition. 2013;143:1115-22.
1. 中共中央組織部,萬人計畫--青年拔尖人才支持計畫,2019/01-2021/12,主持。
2. 國家自然科學基金面上項目,31772636,雞肝臟活化黃麴黴毒素B1代謝的關鍵CYPs基因的轉錄調控機制研究,2018/01-2021/12,主持。
3. 科技部十三五重點研發計畫, 2018YFD0500601,畜禽抗氧化及免疫功能的營養調控技術研究與產品開發,2018/7-2020/12,主持。
4. 科技部十三五重點研發計畫,2016YFD0501207,真菌毒素中毒病防控技術研究,2016/7-2020/12,主持。
5. 國家自然科學基金青年基金項目,31501987,基於蛋白組學研究AFB1致雛雞肝臟毒性的機制及其營養調控,2016/01-2018/12,主持。
6. 國家自然科學基金國際合作項目,31520103915,亮氨酸調節早期斷奶仔豬肝臟自噬的轉錄調控機理研究,2016/01-2020/12,參加。
7. 國際合作,法國安迪蘇,Effect of selenium supplementation on growth performance and health of broilers chicks fed aflatoxin B1 contaminated diets,2017/10-2018/10,主持。
8. 國際合作,法國安迪蘇,Comparison of the effect of dietary HMTBA and DLM supplementation during gestation and lactation on the performance of primiparous sows and their progeny,2016/7-2017/12,主持。
9. T-2毒素對禽消化器官的影響及AmdetoxTM脫毒劑效果評估, 2016.02-2017.06,主持。
10. 達農威XPC對商品肉雞營養利用和生產性能影響的研究,2014.01-2015.12,主持。


1. 獲得2017年Milton L. Sunde Award by the American Society of Nutrition.


