(1) 基於移動交通檢測與智慧型網聯汽車的城市交通系統最佳化與仿真
(2) 城市交通排放與綠色出行
(3) 交通與隱私保護
(4) 交通管理與控制
(5) 城市軌道交通
2009.9-2014.7,美國仁斯利爾理工大學(Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)(
1、Tan, Y., Ma, R., Sun, Z.*, & Zhang, P.(2021). Emission exposure optimum for a single-destination dynamic traffic network. Transportation Research, Part D, 94(4): 10.1016.
2、Sun, Z.*, Huang, T., Zhang, P.(2020). Cooperative decision-making for mixed traffic: A ramp merging example. Transportation Research, Part C, 120, 102764-.
3、Hu, H., Sun, Z.*, Yang X. (2019). Privacy Implication of Location-Based Service: Multi-Class Stochastic User Equilibrium and Incentive Mechanism. Transportation Research Record, Accepted. 0.603
4、Sun, Z.*, Tan, Y., Ma, R., Yang, X., & Zhang, J. (2018). Multiple Equilibrium Behaviors considering Human Exposure to Vehicular Emissions. Journal of Advanced Transportation. In press. 1.42
5、Sun, Z.*, & Ban, X. (2018). Identifying multiclass vehicles using global positioning system data. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, 22(1), 1-9. 1.833 3區
6、Liu, F., Sun, Z.*, Zhang, P., Peng, Q., & Qiao, Q. (2018). Analyzing Capacity Utilization and Travel Patterns of Chinese High-Speed Trains: An Exploratory Data Mining Approach. Journal of Advanced Transportation. In press.
7、Zhang, P., Sun, Z.*, Liu, X. (2017). Optimized skip-stop metro line operation using smart card data. Journal of Advanced Transportation. In press.
8、Alzuhairi, A., Aldhaheri, M., Sun, Z.*, Oh, J.S. & Kwigizile, V. (2016). Vehicular Emissions and Concentrations in School Zones: A Case Study. Journal of Central South University, 23(7), 1778-1785.
9、Sun, Z.*, Hao, P., Ban, X., & Yang, D. (2015). Trajectory-based vehicle energy/emissions estimation for signalized arterials using mobile sensing data. Transportation Research, Part D, 34, 27-40.
10、Yang, X., Sun, Z.*, Ban, X., & Holguin-Veras, J. (2014). Urban freight delivery stop identification using GPS data. Transportation Research Record, 2411(1), 55-61.
11、Sun, Z.*, Zan, B., Ban, X., & Gruteser, M. (2013). Privacy protection method for fine-grained urban traffic modeling using mobile sensors. Transportation Research, Part B, 56 (1), 50-69. 3.873 2 區
12、Sun, Z.*, & Ban, X. (2013a). Vehicle trajectory reconstruction for signalized intersections using mobile traffic sensors. Transportation Research, Part C, 36, 268-283. 3.616 2區
13、Sun, Z.*, & Ban, X. (2013b). Vehicle classification using GPS data. Transportation Research, Part C, 37, 102-117.
14、Hao, P.,Sun, Z.*, Ban, X., Guo, D., & Ji, Q. (2013). Vehicle index estimation for signalized intersections using sample travel times. Transportation Research, Part C, 36, 473-490.
15、Hao, P., Ban, X., Bennett, K., P., Ji, Q., & Sun, Z.* (2012). Signal timing estimation using sample intersection travel times. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 13 (2), 792-804.
16、Ban, X., Hao, P., & Sun, Z.* (2011). Real time queue length estimation for signalized intersections using sample travel times from mobile sensors. Transportation Research, Part C, 19 (6), 1-51.
1、Sun, Z.*&Huang, T. (2019). Ramp Merging: Effects of Mixed Traffic Users and Cooperative Merging.Proceedings of the 98th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board,Washington, DC.
2、Hu, H.,Sun, Z.*, Yang, X. (2019). Privacy Implication of Location-Based Service: Multi-class Stochastic User Equilibrium and Incentive Mechanism.Proceedings of the 98th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board,Washington, DC.
3、Sun, Z.*, Tan, Y., Ma, R., Yang, X. (2019). Multiple Equilibrium Behaviors Considering Human Exposure to Vehicular Emissions.Proceedings of the 98th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board,Washington, DC.
4、Liu, F.,Sun, Z.*, Zhang, P.,Peng, Q. &Qiao, Q. (2018). Analyzing Capacity Utilization and Travel Patterns of Chinese High-speed Trains: An Exploratory Data Mining Approach.In Proceedings of CICTP 2018,Beijing, China.
5、Sun, Z.*&Huang, T. (2018). Effect of Mixed Traffic Users on Ramp-Merging Sections: A Microscopic Analysis.In Proceedings of CICTP 2018,Beijing, China.
6、Sun, Z.*, Tan, Y., Ma, R., Yang, X. & Zhang, J. (2018).Multiple Equilibrium Behaviors Considering Human Exposure to Vehicular Emissions.In Proceedings of CICTP 2018,Beijing, China.
7、Sun, Z.*, Li, W., Ban, X., Huang, T. (2018). Adaptive Traffic Signal Control System (ACS-Lite) on Heavily Congested Arterial Traffic: Experiences and Lessons Learned.In Proceedings of CICTP 2018,Beijing, China.
8、Zhang, P.,Sun, Z.*& Liu, X. (2017).Flexible skip-stop train operation based on smartcard data.Presented at CICTP 2017,Shanghai, China.
9、Sun, Z.*, Hao, P., & Ban, X. (2016). Data Fusion and Information Integration for Fine-Grained Arterial Traffic Modeling.Proceedings of the 95th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board,Washington, DC.
10、Alzuhairi, A.,Aldhaheri, M.,Sun, Z.*,Oh, J.S. &Kwigizile, V (2016). Vehicular Emissions and Concentrations in School Zones: A Case Study.Presented at CICTP 2016,Shanghai, China.
11、Sun, Z.*,Hao, P., & Ban, X. (2015). Fine-grained modeling of arterial traffic: a data fusion and information integration approach.Proceedings of the 94th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
12、Sun, Z.*, & Ban, X. (2015).Identifying multiclass vehicles using GPS data.Proceedings of the 94th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
13、Sun, Z.*, Ban, X., &Hao, P. (2014).Trajectory-based vehicle energy/emissions estimation for signalized arterials using mobile sensing data.Proceedings of the 93rd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
14、Yang, X.,Sun, Z.*, Ban, X., & Holguin-Veras, J. (2014). Urban freightdelivery stopidentification using GPS data.Proceedings of the 93rd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
15、Yang, X.,Sun, Z.*, Ban, X.,Wojtowicz, J., & Holguin-Veras, J. (2014).Urban Freight Performance Evaluation Using GPS Data.Proceedings of the 93Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
16、Hao, P.,Sun, Z.*, Ban, X.,Guo, D., &Ji, Q. (2013).Vehicle index inference for signalized intersections using sample travel times.Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences, 80, 473-490.Inthe 20th International Symposium on Transportation and Traffic Theory (ISTTT) conference,Noordwijk, the Netherlands.
17、Zan, B.,Sun, Z.*,Gruteser, M., & Ban, X. (2013).Linking anonymous traces through driving characteristics.Proceedings of the 3rd ACM conference on Data and application security and privacy (CODASPY), 293-300.New York, NY: ACM.
18、Sun, Z.*,Zan, B., Ban, X., &Gruteser, M. (2013).Privacy protection method for fine-grained urban traffic modeling using mobile sensors.Proceedings of the 92Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
19、Sun, Z.*, & Ban X. (2012).Vehicle trajectory reconstruction for signalized intersections using mobile traffic sensors.Proceedings of the 91Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
20、Sun, Z.*,Zan, B., Ban, X.,Gruteser, M., &Hao, P. (2011). Evaluation of privacy preserving algorithms using traffic knowledge based adversary models.Proceedings of the 14th IEEE ITS Conference, 1075-1082.
21、Sun, Z.*, & Ban, X. (2011).Vehicle trajectory reconstruction for signalized intersections usingvariationalformulation of kinematic waves.Proceedings of the 90th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, DC.
22、Hao, P., Ban, X., Bennett, K.,Ji, Q., &Sun, Z.*(2011).Cycle by cycle traffic signal timing parameter estimation using mobile traffic sensors.Proceedings of the 90th Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board[CD], Washington, DC.
2、Hao, P., Sun, Z.*, Ban, X., Guo, D., and Ji, Q., 2013. Vehicle index estimation for signalized intersections using sample travel times. In: Journal of Transportation and Traffic Theory (Hoogendoorn, S.P., Knoop, V.L., and Lint, H. eds), Elsevier, 473-490.
2、混合均衡行為下考慮空氣污染暴露的交通誘導理論與方法研究( 2018國家自然科學基金青年項目,71701173,17萬元)。