


2001.09-2005.06 中國海洋大學 生物科學 學士
2005.09-2008.06 中國海洋大學 細胞生物學 碩士
2006.10-2007.07 德國不萊梅大學 熱帶生態 碩士 (不萊梅大學與中國海洋大學雙碩士項目)
2009.10-2014.07 劍橋大學 化學工程 博士
2015.04- 中國石油大學(北京)新能源與材料學院副研究員
【1】Xiaohua Sun,Kang Shao,Tie Wang,Detection of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from exhaled breath as noninvasive methods for cancer diagnosis, Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2016, 408: 2759-2780[SCI]
【2】Peilong Wang,Xiaohua Sun,Xiaoou Suand Tie Wang,Advancement on Molecularly Imprinted Polymer in Food Safety Field, Analyst, 2016, 141: 3540-3553. [SCI]
【3】Zhen Zhang, Yu Fu, Wei Yu, Xiaoyun Qin, Zhenjie Xue, Yan Liu, Dan Luo, Cong Yan, Xiaohua Sun, Tie Wang,Dynamically Regulated Ag Nanowire Arrays for Detecting Molecular Information of Substrate-Induced Stretched Cell Growth, Advance Materials, 2016, 28, 43:9589-9595[SCI]
【4】Xiaoxiao Guo, Xiaoyun Qin, Zhenjie Xue, Changbo Zhang, Xiaohua Sun, Jibo Houand Tie Wang,Morphology-controlled synthesis of WO2.72nanostructures and their photocatalytic properties,RSC Advances, 2016, 6: 48537-48542. [SCI]
【5】Lizhi Liu, Wei Yu, Dan Luo, Zhenjie Xue, Xiaoyun Qin, Xiaohua Sun, Jincai Zhao, Jianlong Wang,and Tie Wang,Catalase Nanocapsules Protected by Polymer Shells for Scavenging Free Radicals of Tobacco Smoke. Advanced Functional Materials, 2015, 25: 5159-5165[SCI]
【6】Quanqi Zhang,Xiaohua Sun, Jie Qi, Zhigang Wang, Xinglian Wang, Xubo Wang, and Teng Zhai, Sex Determination Mechanisms in Fish. J. Ocean Univ. China, 2009. 8. 2: 155-160.
【7】Xubo Wang, Quanqi Zhang, Xiaohua Sun, Yanjie Chen, Teng Zhai, Wei Zhuang, Jie Qi and Zhigang Wang, Fosmid Library Construction and Initial Analysis of End Sequences in Female Half-smooth Tongue Sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis) Marine Biotechnology, 2009, 11.2: 236-242[SCI]
【8】Xubo Wang, Quanqi Zhang, Xiaohua Sun, Guoliang Yin, Jie Qi, Zhigang Wang And Xinglian Wang, Isolation and characterization of 64 novel microsatellite markers from a fosmid library of female half-smooth tongue sole (Cynoglossus semilaevis). Molecular Ecological Resources 2008, 8: 1303-1306[SCI]


