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孫凱,副教授、碩士生導師,上海市晨光學者,上海海事大學優秀青年教師,兼任中國複合材料學會高級會員、中國複合材料導熱專業委員會委員、中國材料研究學會超材料分會青年理事/學術秘書,入選上海市科技專家庫,擔任Applied Physics Letters、Nanoscale、Composites Part B-Engineering等十餘種國內外期刊審稿人。


  • 中文名:孫凱
  • 國籍中國
  • 民族:漢族
  • 學位/學歷:博士研究生
  • 職業:教師
  • 專業方向:電磁功能複合材料




近立剃鑽年嚷墊朽歸來,致力於具有負介電性能超常電磁介質與電-磁-熱多功能複合材料的研究,所在研究團隊在國際上創建了超材料新分支—負介材料,形成了鮮明的研究特色。相關材料可套用於微波吸收塗層及艦船雷達波隱身、無線能量傳輸、電力電子器件等領域。在Advanced Functional Materials, Acta Materialia, Applied PhysicsLetters, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C等國際知名刊物上已發表SCI論文60餘海妹微篇,SCI引用次數2960餘次,H指數31。研究成果獲山東省自然科學獎二等獎1項(4/5)、中國材料研究學會科學技術獎1項(3/12)、上海海事大學科技論文獎1項。
近五年來,以第一/通訊作者身份發表論文41篇(20篇一作論文),7篇論文乎希拔入選ESI高被引論文(含4篇ESI熱點論文);1篇論文入選《Polymer》期刊 “2016年以來被引用次數最高的25篇論文”(位列第一);2篇論文入選封面論文,1篇論文被Wiley Advanced Science News報導;合作著述著作1部,已授權國家發明專利6項,已受理髮明專利10餘項。


Ø 國家自然甩埋櫻厚科學基金青年科學基金項目 (主持)
Ø 上海市“晨光計畫”人才項目(主蒸蘭持) 上海市教育委員會、上海市教育發展基金會
Ø 教育部“藍火計畫”產重殼估學研聯合創新項目(主持)教育部科技發展中心
Ø 上海海事大學頂級期刊培育基金(主持) 上海海事大學
Ø 面向超構電容器的負介電材料設計及正-負介電協同增強機理 (參與) 國家自然科學基金面上項目
Ø 金屬複合衰減材料的弱負介電調控與雙逾滲行為 (參與)國家自然科學基金面上項目
Ø ******材料 (參與) 軍品配套科研項
Ø 超構疊層材料的性能調控與電磁套用基礎(參與) 上海市教育委員會自然科學重大項目
Ø 石墨烯改性隱身材料及工藝研發(參與) 上海市科學技術委員會重點項目


1. K. Sun, P.Xie, Z. Wang, et al. Flexible polydimethylsiloxane/multi-walled carbonnanotubes membranous metacomposites with negative permittivity. Polymer,2017, 125: 50-57. (引用316次)
2. K. Sun, J.Dong, Z. Wang, et al. Tunable negative permittivity in flexible graphene/PDMS metacomposites.The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2019, 123(38), 23635-23642. (封面文章, 引用103次)
3. K. Sun, R.Fan, X. Zhang, et al. An overview of metamaterials and their achievements inwireless power transfer, Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2018, 6, 2925-2943. ( 引用124次)
4. Z.Wang, K Sun*, P. Xie, et al. Designand analysis of negative permittivity behaviors in barium titanate/nickelmetacomposites, Acta Materialia, 2020, 185, 412-419.
5. K. Sun, Z. Zhang,L. Qian, et al. Dual percolation behaviors of electrical and thermalconductivity in metal-ceramic composites. Applied Physics Letters, 2016,108(6), 061903.
6. K. Sun, R.Fan, Z. Zhang, et al. The tunable negative permittivity and negativepermeability of percolative Fe/Al2O3 composites in radiofrequency range. Applied Physics Letters, 2015, 106(17), 172902.
7. Z.Wang, K Sun*, P. Xie, et al. Permittivitytransition from positive to negative in acrylic polyurethane-aluminumcomposites, Composites Science and Technology, 2020, 188, 107969.
8. Z. Wang, K Sun*, P. Xie, et al. Low-loss and temperature-stable negativepermittivity in La0.5Sr0.5MnO3 ceramics, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2020, 40, 1917-1921.
9. K. Sun, J. Xin, Z. Wang, et al. Negativepermittivity derived from inductive characteristic in the percolating Cu/EPmetacomposites, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2019, 35 (11), 2463-2469.
10. K. Sun, R.Fan, Y. Yin, et al. Tunable negative permittivity with Fano-like resonance andmagnetic property in percolative silver/yittrium iron garnet nanocomposites. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2017, 121(13), 7564-7571.
11. K.Sun, L. Wang, Z. Wang, et al.Flexiblesilver nanowire/carbon fiber felt metacomposites with weakly negativepermittivity behavior, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2020,22, 5114-5122.
12. K.Sun, Z. Wang, J. Xin, et al.Hydrosolublegraphene/polyvinyl alcohol membranous composites with negative permittivitybehavior, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 2020, 305,1900709.
13. K. Sun, S.Feng, Q. Jiang, et al. Intergranular insulating reduced iron powder-carbonyliron powder/SiO2-Al2O3 soft magneticcomposites with high saturation magnetic flux density and low core loss, Journal of Mag-netism and Magnetic Materials, 2019, 493, 165705.
14. Z. Wang, K. Sun*, H. Wu, et al.Compressible sliver nanowires/polyurethane sponge metacomposites with weaklynegative permittivity controlled by elastic deformation. Journal of Materials Science, 2020, 55, 15481-15492.
15. Z. Shi,R. Fan, K. Yan, K. Sun, et al.Preparation of iron networks hosted in porous alumina with tunable negativepermittivity and permeability. Advanced Functional Materials, 2013,23(33), 4123-4132.
16. P. Xie,Z. Zhang, Z. Wang, K. Sun, R. Fan. Targeteddouble negative properties in silver/silica random metamaterials by precise controlof microstructures. Research, 2019, 2019, 1021368.
Ø ******材料 (參與) 軍品配套科研項
Ø 超構疊層材料的性能調控與電磁套用基礎(參與) 上海市教育委員會自然科學重大項目
Ø 石墨烯改性隱身材料及工藝研發(參與) 上海市科學技術委員會重點項目


1. K. Sun, P.Xie, Z. Wang, et al. Flexible polydimethylsiloxane/multi-walled carbonnanotubes membranous metacomposites with negative permittivity. Polymer,2017, 125: 50-57. (引用316次)
2. K. Sun, J.Dong, Z. Wang, et al. Tunable negative permittivity in flexible graphene/PDMS metacomposites.The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2019, 123(38), 23635-23642. (封面文章, 引用103次)
3. K. Sun, R.Fan, X. Zhang, et al. An overview of metamaterials and their achievements inwireless power transfer, Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2018, 6, 2925-2943. ( 引用124次)
4. Z.Wang, K Sun*, P. Xie, et al. Designand analysis of negative permittivity behaviors in barium titanate/nickelmetacomposites, Acta Materialia, 2020, 185, 412-419.
5. K. Sun, Z. Zhang,L. Qian, et al. Dual percolation behaviors of electrical and thermalconductivity in metal-ceramic composites. Applied Physics Letters, 2016,108(6), 061903.
6. K. Sun, R.Fan, Z. Zhang, et al. The tunable negative permittivity and negativepermeability of percolative Fe/Al2O3 composites in radiofrequency range. Applied Physics Letters, 2015, 106(17), 172902.
7. Z.Wang, K Sun*, P. Xie, et al. Permittivitytransition from positive to negative in acrylic polyurethane-aluminumcomposites, Composites Science and Technology, 2020, 188, 107969.
8. Z. Wang, K Sun*, P. Xie, et al. Low-loss and temperature-stable negativepermittivity in La0.5Sr0.5MnO3 ceramics, Journal of the European Ceramic Society, 2020, 40, 1917-1921.
9. K. Sun, J. Xin, Z. Wang, et al. Negativepermittivity derived from inductive characteristic in the percolating Cu/EPmetacomposites, Journal of Materials Science & Technology, 2019, 35 (11), 2463-2469.
10. K. Sun, R.Fan, Y. Yin, et al. Tunable negative permittivity with Fano-like resonance andmagnetic property in percolative silver/yittrium iron garnet nanocomposites. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2017, 121(13), 7564-7571.
11. K.Sun, L. Wang, Z. Wang, et al.Flexiblesilver nanowire/carbon fiber felt metacomposites with weakly negativepermittivity behavior, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2020,22, 5114-5122.
12. K.Sun, Z. Wang, J. Xin, et al.Hydrosolublegraphene/polyvinyl alcohol membranous composites with negative permittivitybehavior, Macromolecular Materials and Engineering, 2020, 305,1900709.
13. K. Sun, S.Feng, Q. Jiang, et al. Intergranular insulating reduced iron powder-carbonyliron powder/SiO2-Al2O3 soft magneticcomposites with high saturation magnetic flux density and low core loss, Journal of Mag-netism and Magnetic Materials, 2019, 493, 165705.
14. Z. Wang, K. Sun*, H. Wu, et al.Compressible sliver nanowires/polyurethane sponge metacomposites with weaklynegative permittivity controlled by elastic deformation. Journal of Materials Science, 2020, 55, 15481-15492.
15. Z. Shi,R. Fan, K. Yan, K. Sun, et al.Preparation of iron networks hosted in porous alumina with tunable negativepermittivity and permeability. Advanced Functional Materials, 2013,23(33), 4123-4132.
16. P. Xie,Z. Zhang, Z. Wang, K. Sun, R. Fan. Targeteddouble negative properties in silver/silica random metamaterials by precise controlof microstructures. Research, 2019, 2019, 1021368.


