


  • 中文名:孟憲權
  • 外文名:Xian-Quan Meng 
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 職稱:博士,教授
  • 性別:男




(1) 半導體量子點雷射器、探測器
(2) 寬禁帶半導體材料及敏感器件
(3) 半導體納米材料




(1)X. Q. Meng, Z. Q. Chen, P. Jin, et al. Defects around Self-organized Quantum Dots Measured by Slow Positron Beam, Applied Physics Letters 91 (2007), 093510-093512
(2)X. Q. Meng, P. Jin, Z. M. Liang, F. Q. Liu, Z. G. Wang, and Z. Y. Zhang ,Structure and properties of InAs/AlAs quantum dots for broadband emission,J. Appl. Phys. , 108(2010), 103515-103519
(3)W. J. Liu, X. Q.Meng(corresponding author), Yi Zheng, Wei Xia, Synthesis and photoluminescence properties of ZnO nanorods and nanotubes, Applied Surface Science,257(2010),677-679
(4)Dong Wang, X. Q. Meng (Corresponding author) et al. Effect of electric field and annealing on the morphology and crystallinity of hydrothermally grown ZnO nanostructures, Physica E 40 (2008) 852
(5)Wei Liu, X. Q. Meng (Corresponding author), H. X. Qiao, and Rui-Hua Xie,Investigation of Electronic Energy Levels in InAs Quantum Dot with Shape of Lens by Using B-Spline Technique,
Journal of Computational and Theoretical Nanoscience Vol.6, 1–5, (2008)
(6)X. Q. Meng, B. Xu, P. Jin, X. L. Ye,etal. Dependence of Optical Properties on the Structure of Self-Organized InAs Quantum Dots Emitting Near 1.3mm, Journal of Crystal Growth 243 (2002) 432-438
(7)X. Q. Meng, P. Jin, B. Xu, et al. A novel line-order of InAs quantum dots on GaAs
Journal of Crystal Growth 241 (2002) 69-73
(8)X. Q. Meng, B. Xu, P. Jin, X. L. Ye et al.Studies of Multi-layer Self-organized Quantum Dots Used as Gain materials Emitting Near 1.3mm The 8th International Conference on Electronic Materials (IUMRS-ICEM2002), June 10-14, 2002 Xi’an, China
(9)X. Q. Meng, W. Zhen, J.P. Guo and X. J. Fan The structural, optical and electrical properties of ZnO and ZnO-Al2O3 thin films produced by dc magnetron sputtering, Appl. Phys. A 70, (2000) 421-424
(10)X. Q. Meng, Zhao Chun, Wang Qiong, et al. Preparation of GaN thin films by reactive Ionized cluster beam technique Chin. Phys. Lett. 16(5) (1999) 367-369
(11)X. Q. Meng, Z. H. Zhang, H. X. Guo A. G. Li. And X. J. Fan Arc discharge synthesizing of carbon nitride, Solid state communications 107(2) (1998) 75-78
(12)X. Q. Meng, X. J. Fan H. X. Guo , A new formula on the thickness of films deposited by planar and cylindrical sputtering, Solid Thin Films 335 (1998) 279-283
(13)X. Q. Meng, P. Jin, B. Xu, C.et al. Self-organized Growth of Quantum Dots in Line Order,The 7th International Conference on Nanometer-Scale Science and Technology (NANO-7/), 2002 Malmö, Sweden.
(14)Peng Jin, X. Q. Meng, et al. Effect of InAs QDs on the Fermi Level Pinning of Undoped-n(+) Type GaAs Surface Studied by Contactless Electroreflectance,J. Appl. Phys.93(7)(2003)4169-4172
(15)Jin Peng, X. Q. Meng, Zhang Zi-Yang, et al. Modulation spectroscopy of GaAs covered by InAs quantum dots Chin. Phys. Lett. 19(7) (2002) 1010-1012
(16)Z.Y. Zhang, X.Q. Meng, P. Jin, et al. A novel application to quantum dot materials¬¬ to the active region of superluminescent diodes J. Crystal. Growth 243, (2002),25
(17) Z.Y. Zhang,Xu Bo, X.Q. Meng, et al. Photoluminescence study of self-assembled InAs/GaAs quantum dots covered by InAlAs and InGaAs combination layer J. Appl. Phys.92,(2002) ,511
(18)鄭 毅,孟憲權,劉文軍,胡 明,不同襯底上氧化鋅納米結構的水熱法製備研究,功能材料(EI) 40卷2009 年第 9 期1486-1489
(19)孟憲權,何 亮, 肖 虎,朱振華,Formation of InAs quantum dots in silicon by ion implantation and subsequent annealing,16屆全國化合物半導體材料微波器件和光電器件學術會議,西安(2010),352
(20)肖 虎,孟憲權,朱振華,金鵬,劉峰奇,王占國,二次退火製備III-V族半導體量子點,人工晶體學報(EI),39(3)747-750(2010)


