1998.09-2003.06 浙江大學環境與資源學院(碩博連讀)
2003.09-至今 浙江工業大學生物與環境資源學院 (教學科研工作)
2010.10-2011.2 美國杜克大學訪問學者
(1)Jiang Li-ying, Yang Jun, Chen Jian-meng. Isolation and characteristics of 17β-estradiol-degrading Bacillus sp. stains isolated from activated sludge. Biodegradation, 2010,45(8):938-945..
(2)Jiang Li-ying, Huang Cheng, Chen Jian-meng. Degradation kinetic 17β-estradiol and estrogen activity removal by aqueous manganese dioxide. Journal of Environmental Science and health, Part A, 2010,21:729-736.
(3)Jiang Li-ying, Huang Cheng, Chen Jian-meng, Chen Xiao. Oxidative transformation of 17β-estradiol by MnO2 in aqueous solution. Archieve of Environment Contamination and Toxicology,2009,57:221-229.
(4)楊俊,姜理英,陳建孟. 一株17β-雌二醇高效降解菌的分離鑑定及降解特性. 環境科學, 2010, 31(5): 194-200. (通訊作者)
(5)黃成,姜理英,陳建孟,陳效,季虹. δ-MnO2/水界面17β-雌二醇的氧化降解. 環境科學,2009, 30(8): 2271-2276. (通訊作者)
(6)黃成,姜理英,陳建孟,陳效,季虹. δ-MnO2/水界面17β-雌二醇的氧化降解. 環境科學,2009.07 (通訊作者,已錄用)
(7)黃成,姜理英,陳建孟,陳效. 固相萃取-衍生化氣相色譜/質譜法測定製藥廠污水中的環境雌激素. 色譜,2008, 26: 618-621. (通訊作者)
(8)謝國建,姜理英,陳建孟. 17β-雌二醇的危害及其環境行為研究. 土壤通報,2008, 39(1): 182-185.
(9)Jiang Li-ying, Yang Xiao-E, Chen Jian-Meng, Copper tolerance and accumulation of Elsholtzia splendens Nakai in a pot environment. Journal of Plant Nutrition, 2008,31:1382-1392. (SCI)
(10)Jiang Li-Ying, Chen Jian-Meng. High-concentration H2S treatment by pilot-scale biotrickling filter. Abstracts of papers of the American chemical society 231. 2006, Mar 26. (SCI)
(11)Chen Jian-Meng, Jiang Li-Ying, Shao Hao-Lei. Removal efficiency of high-concentration H2S in a pilot-scale biotrickling filter. Environmental Technology, 2006,27(7):759-766. (SCI)
(12)Peng Hong-Yun, Yang Xiao-E, Jiang Li-Ying, et al. Copper Phytoavailability and Uptake by Elsholtzia Splendens from Contaminated Soil as Affected by Soil Amendments. Journal of Environmental Science and Health, Part A: Toxic/Hazardous Substances & Environmental Engineering, 2005, 40(4):839-856. (SCI)
(13)Yang Xiao-E, Peng Hong-Yun, Jiang Li-Ying, et al. Phytoextraction of copper from contaminated soil by Elsholtzia splendens as affected by EDTA, critic acid, and compost. International Journal of phytoremediation, 2005, 7(1):69-83. (SCI)
(14)Jiang Li-Ying, Yang Xiao-E, He Zheng-Li. Growth response and copper phytoextraction to different levels in the soils by Elsholtzia splendens. Chemosphere, 2004, 55:1179-1187. (SCI)
(15)Jiang Li-Ying, Yang Xiao-E. Chelators effect on soil Cu extractability and uptake by Elsholtzia splendens. Journal of Zhejiang Unversity Science, 2004, 5(4):450-456.(EI)
(16)Jiang Li-Ying, Yang Xiao-E, Shi Wei-Yong, et al. Copper uptake and tolerance in two contrasting ecotypes of Elsholtzia argyi. Journal of plant Nutrition, 2004, 27(12):2067-2083. (SCI)
(17)Jiang Li-Ying, Yang Xiao-E, Shi Wei-Yong et al. Uptake, distribution and accumulation of Cu in plants of two ecotypes of Elsholtzia. Pedosphere, 2003, 13(4):359-366. (SCI)
(18)褚淑禕,陳建孟,沙昊雷, 姜理英. 生物法處理高濃度H2S廢氣的現場試驗. 環境科學,2006, 27(3):431-436. (A類)
(19)吳成強,任國芬,王宏宇,姜理英. 高氨垃圾滲濾液的吹脫條件控制研究. 環境污染與防治,28(8):592-594. (B類)
(20)黃海鳳,林春綿,姜理英,等.麗水市大溪水環境承載力及對策研究.浙江工業大學學報,2004,32(2):157-162. (B類)
(21)姜理英,楊肖娥,石偉勇等. 植物修復技術中有關土壤重金屬活化機制的研究展望. 土壤通報,2003,34(2):154-157. (B類)
(22)姜理英,楊肖娥,石偉勇等. 海州香薷和紫花香薷對Cu、Zn的吸收、分布和積累. 農業環境保護,2003,22(5):524-528. (B類)
(23)姜理英,石偉勇,楊肖娥等. 銅礦山Cu超積累植物的研究. 套用生態學報,2002,13(7):906-908.
(24)姜理英; 楊肖娥; 葉海波等. 煉銅廠對周邊土壤和作物體內重金屬含量及其空間分布的影響. 浙江大學學報(農業與生命科學版),2002,28(6):689-693. (B類)
(25)姜理英,楊肖娥,石偉勇. 鉀鈉替代作用及對作物的生理效應. 土壤通報,2001,32(1):28-31. (B類)
(1)銅污染土壤的生物原位修複方法,授權發明專利,3/3,2005.6.15. (專利號:ZL 2003 10108946.1)
(2)氣相色譜質譜聯用技術測定環境雌激素(2008F70014),浙江省科技廳分析測試項目,主持,08.01-09.12 (主持)
(3)鐵錳氧化物對土壤中17β-雌二醇的催化氧化(Y506237), 浙江省自然科學基金,主持,07.01-0.912 (主持)
(4)生物轉鼓反硝化去除一氧化氮機理與動力學(20776134),國家基金 (參加)
(5)生物轉鼓反硝化去除一氧化氮微生物群落結構與性能研究(Y5080142),浙江省基金 (參加)
(6)SCR煙氣脫硝技術集成研究(2007C03004-2),浙江省科技廳重大項目子課題 (參加)
(7)MTBE微生物降解的機理與活性增強(20476099),國家自然科學基金05.1-07.12 (參加)
(10)反硝化煙氣脫硝過程中的N2O產生機理研究(Y505308),浙江省自然科學基金,06.1-08.12 (參加)