1、然而我是在巴斯,人們有時在那裡找姘頭,卻很少在那裡找妻子。 But I was at the Bath, where men find a mistress sometimes, but very rarely look for a wife.
2、但是對於像紅辣椒和滾石這樣的烏干達雜報小志來說,他就是一個怪物:一個為了消遣一直在尋找姘頭的同性戀。 But to Uganda's tabloid magazines, such as Red Pepper and Rolling Stone, he was a mnoster: a "bum-driller", ever seeking "shaft mates" for "romping sessions".
3、以歷史劇成功地展示人類的自我主意權志,和政治抱負,機智地打擊,壓制了這姘頭的丈夫。 By the historical drama demonstrated sucsecsfully humanity's self-sovereignty will, with the political aspiration, resourcefulness combat, , suppression of this mistress's husband.
4、1964年,瑪麗娜·路易斯·布可夫斯基(MarinaLouiseBukowski)出生,這是他和弗朗西斯·史密斯所生的孩子。弗朗西斯與他未婚同居,被他蔑稱為“白皮毛嬉”、“姘頭”、“老幫子”。 In 1964, a daughetr, Marina Louise Bukowski, was born to Bukowski and his then live-in girlfriend, whom he disparaged as a "white-haired hippy", "shack-job" and "old snaggle-tooth" , Frances Smith.