- 中文名:妥進才
- 職業:研究員
- 畢業院校:中國地質大學
- 代表作品:《柴達木盆地油氣形成與尋找油氣田的方向》
專著《柴達木盆地油氣形成與尋找油氣田的方向》獲1994年度中科院科技進步三等獎,該專著還獲得1994年度西南、西北地區優秀科技圖書二等獎。攻讀博士學位期間曾於1997年和1998年兩度獲美國石油地質學家協會(AAPG Foundation)Grants-in-Aid獎學金。獲1997年度中國科學院方樹泉獎學金。獲2002年第四屆甘臘煮晚汗肅省青年地質科技獎。
主要從事石油與天然氣地質和有機地球化學套用基熱糠灑埋漿懂礎理論研究工作。主持中國科學院重要方向項目1項,國家自然科學基金面上項目2項,國家油氣重大專項課題任務1項, 973項目課題任務2項,中國科學院知識創新項目子課題1項,中國科船嬸酷故學院“匪灶斷西部之光”人才培養計畫項目1項,中國科學院蘭州地質研究所創新課題和中國科學院蘭灶兵州地質研究所氣體地球化學重點實驗室基金各1項。參加國家科技重大專項課題任務1項,參加完成國家自然科學基金項目2項、國家攻關及橫向合作研究項目11項。趨照舟近年來在國內外學術刊物上發表論文80餘篇,合著專著2本。發表論文被SCI收錄22篇,被EI收錄14篇。發表論著被SCI引用81次,被CSCD引用230次。
1. Jincai Tuo, Chenjun Wu, Mingfeng Zhang, Ru Chen.2011. Distribution and carbon isotope composition of lipid biomarkers in Lake Erhai and Lake Gahai sediments on the Tibetan Plateau. Journal of Great Lakes Research
2. Jincai Tuo,Ru Chen,Mingfeng Zhang,Xianbin Wang.2010. Occurrences and distributions of branched alkylbenzenes in the Dongsheng sedimentary uranium ore deposits, China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences
3. Jincai Tuo, Wanyun Ma, Mingfeng Zhang, Xianbin Wang. 2007. Organic Geochemistry of Dongsheng sedimentary uranium ore deposits, China. Applied Geochemistry
4. Jincai Tuo, Mingfeng Zhang, Xianbin Wang, Chuanlun Zhang. 2006. Hydrogen isotope ratios of aliphatic and diterpenoid hydrocarbons in coals and carbonaceous mudstones from the Liaohe Basin, China. Organic Geochemistry
5. Jincai Tuo, R. Paul Philp.2005. Saturated and aromatic diterpenoids and triterpenoids in Eocene coals and mudstones from China. Applied Geochemistry
6. Jincai Tuo, Qiong Li. 2005. Occurrence and distribution of long-chain acyclic ketones in immature coals. Applied Geochemistry
7. Jincai Tuo,Yaorong Qian,2004. Formation of alkanes during hydrous pyrolysis of an oil and n-C24 at high temperatures. Energy & Fuels
8. Jincai Tuo, R. Paul Philp. 2003. Occurrence and distribution of high molecular weight hydrocarbons in selected non-marine source rocks from the Liaohe, Qaidam and Tarim Basins, China. Organic Geochemistry,
9. Jincai Tuo, Xianbin Wang, Jianfa Chen, B.R.T. Simoneit. 2003. Aliphatic and diterpenoid hydrocarbons and their individual carbon isotope compositions in coals from the Liaohe Basin, China. Organic Geochemistry,
10. Tuo Jincai, Wang Xianbin, Chen Jianfa. 1999. Distribution and evolution of tricyclic terpanes in lacustrine carbonates. Organic Geochemistry
11. 劉文匯,鄭建京,妥進才,李景貴,史斗,張殿偉.2007.塔里木盆地深層氣.北京,科學出版社
5. Jincai Tuo, R. Paul Philp.2005. Saturated and aromatic diterpenoids and triterpenoids in Eocene coals and mudstones from China. Applied Geochemistry
6. Jincai Tuo, Qiong Li. 2005. Occurrence and distribution of long-chain acyclic ketones in immature coals. Applied Geochemistry
7. Jincai Tuo,Yaorong Qian,2004. Formation of alkanes during hydrous pyrolysis of an oil and n-C24 at high temperatures. Energy & Fuels
8. Jincai Tuo, R. Paul Philp. 2003. Occurrence and distribution of high molecular weight hydrocarbons in selected non-marine source rocks from the Liaohe, Qaidam and Tarim Basins, China. Organic Geochemistry,
9. Jincai Tuo, Xianbin Wang, Jianfa Chen, B.R.T. Simoneit. 2003. Aliphatic and diterpenoid hydrocarbons and their individual carbon isotope compositions in coals from the Liaohe Basin, China. Organic Geochemistry,
10. Tuo Jincai, Wang Xianbin, Chen Jianfa. 1999. Distribution and evolution of tricyclic terpanes in lacustrine carbonates. Organic Geochemistry
11. 劉文匯,鄭建京,妥進才,李景貴,史斗,張殿偉.2007.塔里木盆地深層氣.北京,科學出版社