

《大學金融英語輔導用書》是2013年對外經濟貿易大學出版社出版書籍,作者是陳慶柏 王景仙。


  • 書名:大學金融英語輔導用書
  • 作者:陳慶柏 王景仙
  • ISBN:9787566306692


【作者】:陳慶柏 王景仙


—A 5-point statement from the compilers
Major Uses
What are the principal uses of this book?
At least two uses are obvious. One is to facilitate the teaching of “College English for Western Finance” by young teachers. The other is to help the advanced students or learners of financial English or basic western finance to enrich, widen and deepen their knowledge and understanding acquired from the book of “College English for Western Finance” as well as better their mastery of the corresponding financial English.
Prospective Beneficiaries
Who can have a high payoff by using this book?
In the opinion of the compilers, four groups of people will highly profit from studying this book: (1)?those who are interested in teaching financial English; (2)?those who attempt to offer a translation course relating to western finance; (3)?those who have the ambition to teach in English basic western finance, and (4)?advanced students who are hungry for taking in more knowledge of western finance and are desirous of improving their mastery of financial English.
Organizational Structure
How is this book organized?
It is organized into 3 big parts: the first part is an introduction which touches on suggested methods for teaching “College English for Western Finance”, how to make a good use of the supplementary reading materials attached to the main texts; test designing, rethinking on translation; comparison between American English and British English; similarities and dissimilarities between English and Chinese, and a detailed syllabus for teaching basic western finance; the second part consists of two big units which include the Chinese translation of the main texts of “College English for Western Finance” and the necessary additional reading materials on the subjects discussed in the main texts; the last part is appendices which include an English glossary of commonly-used financial terms and major references the compilers have turned to in compiling this book.


Part One Introduction
1. Suggested Teaching Methodology3
2. The Supplementary Reading Materials3
3. How to Set Examination Papers for This Course4
4. A Few Academic Issues and Some Rethinking Relating to the
Translation of the Main Texts5
5. On the Distinctions between British English (BrE) and American English (AmE)18
6. On the Similarities and Dissimilarities between Chinese and English 25
7. Detailed Syllabus for Teaching the Main Texts 31
Part Two The Main Body
Unit One Chinese Translation of the Main Texts39
第一章 貨幣的基礎知識39
第二章 貨幣供給44
第三章 貨幣政策47
第四章 財政政策49
第五章 金融市場概述51
第六章 美國的貨幣市場53
第七章 美國的資本市場56
第八章 外匯市場59
第九章 抵押貸款市場61
第十章 證券市場64
第十一章 金融衍生工具市場(1)69
第十二章 金融衍生工具市場(2)71
第十三章 金融衍生工具市場(3)73
第十四章 國際金融市場75
第十五章 金融機構概述78
第十六章 銀行機構/銀行80
第十七章 美國的中央銀行82
第十八章 美國的商業銀行85
第十九章 美國的投資銀行88
第二十章 美國的金融中介機構90
第二十一章 美國金融系統的監管93
第二十二章 美國對銀行的監管96
第二十三章 美國對證券業的監管101
第二十四章 美國對保險業的監管103
第二十五章 美國對互助基金的監管106
第二十六章 美國對商業銀行的管理109
第二十七章 美國對保險的管理113
第二十八章 金融機構的風險管理116
Unit Two Valuable Additions to the Main Texts119
1. Addition to Money Basics119
1.1 Definition of Money119
1.2 Ways of Calling American Legal Tender Notes or American
Standard Paper Currency119
1.3 The Reason for Discussing Money119
2. Money Supply120
2.1 The Easiest and Simplest Definition120
2.2 Money Supply Rule 120
3. Macroeconomic Policy120
3.1 Component Parts of Macroeconomic Policy120
3.2 Main Macroeconomic Policy Targets120
3.3 Conventional Macroeconomic Policy Tools121
3.4 Brief Comments on Macroeconomic Policy Tools121
4. Monetary Policy122
4.1 Two Simple Definitions122
4.2 Ways of Saying Easy Monetary Policy122
4.3 Content of Monetary Policy122
4.4 Goals of Monetary Policy122
5. Fiscal Policy122
5.1 Three More Definitions of Fiscal Policy122
5.2 Ways of Saying Easy and Tight Fiscal Policy122
5.3 Mix of Monetary Policy and Fiscal Policy123
5.4 Financial Policy Is Different from Fiscal Policy123
6. Money Markets123
6.1 The Striking Feature of American Money-Market Instruments123
6.2 The World’s Largest Money Markets123
7. Capital Markets124
7.1 The Theory of Efficient Capital Markets124
7.2 International Capital Markets124
8. Foreign Exchange Markets124
8.1 When Was the Post-War System of Fixed Exchange Rates Created?124
8.2 Why Are Emerging Economies Seeking to Amass
Foreign Exchange Reserves?125
8.3 The Largest Foreign Exchange Markets125
8.4 Structure of Foreign Exchange Markets125
9. U.S. Mortgage Markets126
9.1 British Financial Expert’s Definition126
9.2 How Do Bank Customers in The UK Mortgage Their Homes to
Secure Loans from a Bank?126
9.3 UK Mortgage Markets of Businesses126
10. Securities Markets127
10.1 Introduction to the London Stock Exchange127
10.2 Diversification in the Securities Markets131
10.3 Operation Twist in the U.S. Open Market132
10.4 U.S. Debt or Credit Market Instruments133
11. Derivatives Markets—Currency Swaps and Interest Rates Swaps134
11.1 Currency Swaps134
11.2 Interest Rate Swaps134
12. Global Financial Markets135
12.1 Fund Sources for Global Financial Markets135
12.2 Financial Markets and Financial System136
12.3 Opening Japan’s Financial Markets136
13. U.S. Central Bank—the FRS or the Fed136
13.1 Differences between the U.S. Central Bank and Central Banks
in Other Major Industrialized Countries136
13.2 Facts Showing the High Degree of the FRS’ Independence137
13.3 Why Is There Opposition to the FRS Independence?137
13.4 What Are the Arguments for an Independent FRS?137
13.5 The Chief Functions of the Board of Governors of the FRS138
13.6 The FRS Member Banks138
13.7 The Special Role of the FRS Bank of New York139
13.8 The Functions of the 12 FRS Banks139
13.9 Tools for the FRS to Implement U.S. Monetary Policy140
13.10 Trends in Central Banking Development140
14. Types of Deposits Taken by American Commercial Banks141
14.1 Demand Deposits141
14.2 Savings Deposits141
14.3 Time Deposits141
15. American Investment Bank’s Functions141
16. Financial Intermediaries in the U.S.142
16.1 When Do Financial Intermediaries Come into Play?142
16.2 The Two “Submarkets” Created by Financial Intermediaries to
Facilitate the Flows of Funds between Savers and Borrowers142
16.3 Categorization of Financial Intermediaries142
16.4 Financial Intermediaries in Britain143
17. U.S. Financial System Regulation143
17.1 Reasons for Regulating U.S. Financial System143
17.2 Major Differences between U.S. Financial Regulation
and Other Advanced Countries’ Financial Regulation144
17.3 U.S. Banking Regulation144
17.4 U.S. Mutual Fund Regulation145
17.5 U.S. Chief Securities-Transaction Regulatory Agency (SEC)145
18. Financial Management146
18.1 Company Finance Management in the U.K.146
18.2 Risk Management of U.K. Insurance Company147
18.3 European Sovereign Debt Crisis Management148
19. Derivatives Business150
19.1 What Are Derivatives?150
19.2 What Laws Are Applied to the Business of Derivatives?150
19.3 What Are Other Simple Definitions of a Derivative Market?150
Part Three Appendices
The Finance Glossary153
Main References176


