



  • 書名:大學英語綜合教程2(藝體類學生用書)
  • 作者:王瑜、郭穎、詹蓓
  • 出版社:安徽師範大學出版社
  • ISBN:9787567630390


《大學英語綜合教程2(藝體類 學生用書)》依據教育部《大學英語教學指南轎膠照》的“基礎級”目標要求,充分考慮藝體類各專業學生的實際英語水煮祝譽擊平和英語學習能力,兼顧學生的英語學習認知規律、情感態度、興趣愛好等特點,注重選材的科學性、綜合性、實用性和新穎性,著力處理好語言知識學習與套用能力培養的關係,本驗樂著“實用為主,夠用為度”的臘寒煉原則,凸顯通識為共核、能力希龍己為主導、專業為依託的編寫付蘭悼狼理念。選材涵蓋藝體類相關專業領域,精準定位藝體類各專業學生的語言習得特點及學習興趣偏好,在適當調整語言難度的同時,豐富教材內容,激發學生英語學習的熱情。


Text A An Unforgettable Story of Joni Eareckson Tada
Text B Football,潤嚷龍 American Style
Text C Spring Break
Unit 2
Text A Maria Yuryevna Sharapova
Text B Tennis
Text C For Love's Sake...Hang Up the Phone!
Unit 3
Text A Pierre de Coubertin——the Founder of the Modern Olympics.
Text B My Speech at Hall of Fame
Text C African-American Civil Rights Movement
Unit 4
Text A Billie Holiday
Text B Romantic Music
Text C How to Have Good Concert Manners
Unit 5
Text A Franz Peter Schubert
Text B The History of American Music
Text C Symbols of Luck in English Customs
Unit 6
Text A Ludwig van Beethoven
Text B How We Listen to Music
Text C Key American Values
Fine Arts
Unit 7
Text A Salvador Dali
Text B China Encourages Commercialization of Museums
Text C The Traditions of Western Weddings
Unit 8
Text A An Impressionist——Vincent van Gogh
Text B Picasso Tells the Truth about War
Text C Vegetarianism and Organic Food in UK
Unit 9
Text A A Great Sculptor
Text B The Sistine Madonna
Text C Friendship in America
Unit 10
Text A How Rupert Murdoch Became a Media Tycoon
Text B Outstanding Watchdogs——American Newspapers
Text C American "Finest News Source"
Unit 11
Text A Ida Bell Wells-Barnett
Text B Hollywood Here You Come
Text C Three Challenges for the Web, According to Its Inventor
Unit 12
Text A Katharine Graham: First Lady of Washington Post
Text B Do You Want a Family Photo like Kate Middleton?
Text C Thanksgiving Day
Unit 8
Text A An Impressionist——Vincent van Gogh
Text B Picasso Tells the Truth about War
Text C Vegetarianism and Organic Food in UK
Unit 9
Text A A Great Sculptor
Text B The Sistine Madonna
Text C Friendship in America
Unit 10
Text A How Rupert Murdoch Became a Media Tycoon
Text B Outstanding Watchdogs——American Newspapers
Text C American "Finest News Source"
Unit 11
Text A Ida Bell Wells-Barnett
Text B Hollywood Here You Come
Text C Three Challenges for the Web, According to Its Inventor
Unit 12
Text A Katharine Graham: First Lady of Washington Post
Text B Do You Want a Family Photo like Kate Middleton?
Text C Thanksgiving Day


