



  • 外文名:College English Extensive Reading (Sub-Band)
  • 書名:大學英語系列教材:大學英語泛讀
  • 作者:孫淑強 楊治中
  • 出版日期:2011年8月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:9787544621687
  • 出版社:上海外語教育出版社
  • 頁數:210頁
  • 開本:16
  • 定價:25.00




The Loch Ness Monster
What Age?
"Where's the Beef?"
What Happened to the Cabbages?
Why Are They So Hospitable?
A True Mystery Story
Robinson Crusoe
A Lost Ring
Sir Walter Raleigh
The Cobbler and the Banker
The Happiest Man
It's a Small worid
Four Beautiful Things about Hawaii
A Shot in the Dark
An Unusual Notice
Ants Are Smarter Than We Think
What Time Is It?
How Tea Came to Asia
Wrong Number
A Clumsy World for Lefty
A Letter to a Friend
The Day the Volcano Blew Up
Advice for a Bright New Year
He Made Us a Team
Treasure from Flavius
The Unreality of TV
The Dreamer
The Finest Treasure
A Time for Courage
A Valuable Hour
Clocks Through Time
Pity for a Stranger
Does It Mean Giving Up Our Heritage?
Summer Is Festival Time in Britain
Be More Careful When Using Water
Stick Together or We'll Be All Alone
Miss Evans,of Boston,America
Let's Be Grateful for Small Things
Hunting Celebrities
Advantageous or Disadvantageous?
Do Those Things Make You Happy?
Should We Make Friends with Our Worst Nightmare?
Too Many Choices
Key to the Exercises



Bhodi-Dharma was a saintly old Buddhist monk, who spent all his days walking across Asia, up mountains, down valleys, from the sea shores to the deserts. He told all who would listen to him stories about the life and sayings of the Buddha, his master. People everywhere loved and respected Bhodi-Dharma, and even tigers and lions and crocodiles cried with joy when he passed by, and would never harm him. Bhodi-Dharma was so saintly a monk that by the strength of his prayers, he had overcome all human weaknesses:he never felt hunger or thirst, fear or anger, heat or cold.
As the years went by, Bhodi—Dharma began to grow tired more easily, and in the late evenings he often became so sleepy that he could hardly keep his eyes open to say his prayers. He could no longer stay awake through most of the night, as he had done always when he was younger, to read the life of the Buddha in his sacred books. The saintly monk, who had overcome all human weaknesses, was now being conquered by sleep.
One fine day, Bhodi-Dharma, who had intended to rise with the sun, slept right on till the afternoon. He was very ashamed for he had wasted much of the day. He had missed his morning and midday prayers, and he had not had his morning bath. He fell on his knees and asked the Buddha to forgive him. Then, to make sure that sleep would no longer overcome him, the monk made a great sacrifice. He cut off his eyelids and threw them away. so that they would never fall over his eyes again.
The Buddha was so pleased by this great sacrifice that he performed a miracle. When the eyelids touched the ground, a graceful bush sprang up from the soil. It was different from any plant Bhodi-Dharma had ever seen before. Then the Buddha spoke to Bhodi Dharma, saying, "Bhodi-Dharma, your conduct pleases me. You are a good man and soon you shall leave this earth to sit with me in Heaven. But while you remain on earth, this bush, which men will call tea-bush, will help you to fight sleep. Whenever you are tired and feel sleepy, just chew a few leaves of this magic tea-bush, and you will feel as strong and refreshed as if you had slept for a whole night."


