



  • 書名:大學英語立體化網路化系列教材·拓展課程教材·歐美文化文章選讀
  • 頁數:301頁
  • 出版社:北京大學出版社
  • 裝幀:平裝


第1版 (2008年2月1日)
叢書名: 大學英語立體化網路化系列教材/拓展課程教材
正文語種: 簡體中文, 英語
開本: 16
ISBN: 9787301129647
條形碼: 9787301129647
尺寸: 25.7 x 17.8 x 1.3 cm
重量: 458 g


《大學英語立體化網路化系列教材?拓展課程教材?歐美文化文章選讀》由25個單元,每單元4個ReadingPassages,總計100篇篇幅約為400—500字的短文構成。在每個Reading Passage的後面都設有辭彙表、注釋和句子翻譯或閱讀理解練習。這些文章的內容包括西方的價值觀念、議事方式、精神追求、知識背景、風土人情、技術和藝術等方面的情況和成就以及一些綜合知識等。選材以歐美文化為主幹,並側重美國文化,因為美國是一個由世界人口組合而成的國家,世界各地人口的到來促成了這個國家誕生、進步和發展,它的文化在很大程度上代表著世界文化。這些選文都是一些適合教學的高質量的文章,對培養學生的語言修養和文學素質、塑造完美人格、增強跨文化交際意識和文化鑑賞能力都有促進作用。 《大學英語立體化網路化系列教材?拓展課程教材?歐美文化文章選讀》具有可讀性、知識性、系統性、科學性、時代性、趣味性、新穎性等,便於教學、思考和掌握。


Unit 0ne
Part 1 Reading Passage I Harvard's Founding
Reading Passage II Okies l A
Part 2 ReadingPassageI WhattoDowithSolidWaste
Reading Passage II Coins in Our Lives
Unit Two
Part 1 Reading Passage I The Queen As She Was
Reading Passage II Italy's Finest Resource——Its People
Part 2 Reading Passage I Conservation the Future Is Now
Reading Passage II The Early Navigator's Best Friends
Unit Three
Part 1 ReadingPassageI AFuelwithFlavor
ReadingPassageII What'sWrongwithUsingtheVWord?
Part 2 Reading Passage I Keeping It Clear
Reading Passage II The Lion's Share
Unit Four
Part 1 ReadingPassage I ThanksgivingDay
ReadingPassagell ThanksgivingDay(Continued)
Part 2 ReadingPassageI HelpfortheElderly
ReadingPassageII PlayingItSafeAbroad
Unit Five
Part 1 ReadingPassageI Life Style
Reading Passage II Life Style fContinued)
Part 2 ReadingPassageI FollowingtheRules
Reading Passage II Unsafe at Warm Temperature
Unit Six
Part 1 Reading Passage I Our Changing Lifestyle:Trends and Fads
Reading Passage II Philanthropy
Part 2 Reading Passage I Three Masters
Reading Passage II Liquids Granules and Powders
Unit Seven
Part 1 ReadingPassageI St.Patrick'sDay
Reading Passage II Music——Lighting Up the Brain
Part 2 ReadingPassage I AWinningMatch
Reading Passage 11Remember You Are a Guest
Unit Eight
Part 1 ReadingPassageI NSGVPinQuebec
Reading Passage II Danish Culture
Part 2 Reading Passage I London——A Good Place to Start Your Tour
Reading Passage II Counting theⅥrorld's Population
Unit Nine
Part 1 Reading Passage I Free Sport—the Wheel Deal
Reading Passage II Germany——a Land ofCulture
Part 2 ReadingPassageI ReadtheLabel
Reading Passage II Crossroads ofthe WOrld
Unit Ten
Part 1 ReadingPassageI VincentvanOogh
Reading Passage II Fingerprints
Part 2 Reading Passage I A Place for All Seasons
Reading Passage II Using Energy Efficiently
Unit Eleven
Part 1 ReadingPassageI NewZealand
Reading Passage II Dangers to the Environment
Part 2 Reading Passage I Problems ofOlder American
Reading Passage II Louis Pasteur
Unit Twelve
Part 1 ReadingPassageI HeartyBreakfasts
Reading Passage H Big Ben
Part 2 ReadingPassageI IncomeTax
ReadingPassageH Curds andWhey
Unit Thirteen
Part 1 Reading Passage I Greenwich Mean Time
Reading Passage H The Peoples ofBdtain
Part 2 ReadingPassageI LifeAroundOlympus
Reading Passage II Liberty and Peace
Unit Fourteen
Part 1 ReadingPassageI Queen'sDayinHolland
Reading Passage H Rome
Part 2 ReadingPassageI Money
Reading Passage II The Cost ofCivilization
Unit FIfteen
Part 1 ReadingPassageI TableManners
ReadingPassage H Paris
Part 2 Reading Passage I Chocolate:Everyone's Favorite Sweet
Reading Passage H Fifteen Tons a Minute
Unit Sixteen
Part 1 ReadingPassageI Women'sStatusHigherinNorthEuropethanSouth
ReadingPassageH ToSaltorN0ttoSalt?
Part 2 Reading Passage MagicPotionNotion
Reading Passage H Rub,Pour,Sprinkle,and Spray
Unit Seventeen
Part 1 Reading Passage I 111e Television Camera
Reading Passage II Geneva——Capital ofPeace
Part 2 ReadingPassageI TheBigCheese
ReadingPassageII AHumble‘Leader
Unit Eighteen
Part 1 Reading Passage I Tchaikovsky
ReadingPassageII AnExperion~0fWatching aBullfightinSFain
Part 2 Reading Passage I Refuse or Resource?
Reading Passage II Construction Queries?
Unit Nineteen
Part 1 Reading Passage I Bridges
Reading Passage II Samaranch the Olympic Patriarch
Part 2 Reading Passage I Paying for Protection
ReadingPassageII TheChristmasTreeandtheWedding
Unit Twenty
Part 1 Reading Passage I Some Rituals ofAmerican Marriage
Reading Passage II Ladies First,
Part 2 Reading Passage I Food Additives
ReadingPassageII Idaho'sFinest
Unit Twenty-One
Part l Reading Passage I Living a Long Life
ReadingPassage II Birthday Parties aadPotluckParties
Part 2 Reading Passage I America's Architect
ReadingPassageII ANewRespectforDrags
Unit Twenty-Two
Part 1 Reading Passage I Forty Miners
Reading Passage II Disneyland
Part 2 Reading Passage I Starting a Small Business
Reading Passage II Rose Hips and Dandelions
Unit Twenty-Three
Part 1 Reading Passage I Christmas Songs
Reading Passage II“Die”or“Pass Away”
Part 2 ReadingPassageI LifeInsurance
Reading Passage II Handiwork of the Gods
Unit Twenty-Four
Part 1 ReadingPassageI TheNationalTrustinBntain
Reading Passage II Blue Monday and“Thank God It's Friday”
Part 2 ReadingPassageI Cat'sEyes
Reading Passage II A Symbol ofthe Free Spirit
Unit Twenty-Five
Part 1 ReadingPassage I Ballet
Reading Passage II Olympic Games
Part 2 ReadingPassageI Bears
Reading Passage II Artificial Reefs


