

本教材選材範圍廣,知識性強,信息量大,趣味性濃。題材涉及幽默探源、自然災害、品牌意識、動物奇趣、性別差異、環境問題、垃圾食品、星際迷航、綠色殉葬、恐怖主義、智商與種族、自閉症等。既有傳統文學大師的華彩樂章,又有跨國公司和Bill Gates 的真知灼見;既有風俗介紹,又有勵志進取的文章。該書選材注重原汁原味,並試圖給四、六級應試和研究生入學考試的學生提供試前的最好閱讀訓練素材。全書共分15個單元,每單元由課前討論課文、注釋、課後練習和補充閱讀等部分組成。


  • 書名:大學英語實用閱讀
  • 出版社:中國人民大學出版社
  • 頁數:311頁
  • ISBN:9787300065878, 7300065872
  • 作者:周俊英
  • 出版日期:2005年6月1日
  • 開本:16開
  • 品牌:中國人民大學出版社




Unit 1
Text How to Measure What You Learned in College
Supplementary Reading
Passage 1 Six Ways to Be Happy with Your College Choice
Passage 2 Funding in American Higher Education
Unit 2
Text A Worldwide Gender Gap
Supplementary Reading
Passage 1 Womens Position in the 17th Century
Passage 2 Gaining Ground on the Wage Front
Unit 3
Text What Animals Really Think:Food,Warmth, Sleep?
Their Thoughts May Be Much Deeper Than That
Supplementary Reading
Passage 1 How Did Dogs Become Adept at Playing to Humans?
Passage 2 Death of a Tiger
Unit 4
Text Tide of Grief
Supplementary Reading
Passage 1 Tide of Grief(continued)
Passage 2 In the Wake of the Tsunami
Unit 5
Text Fighting “Big Fat”
Supplementary Reading
Passage 1 Its Not the Carbs, Stupid
Passage 2 A Gene That Says,“No More”
Unit 6
Text Artful Aging
Supplementary Reading
Passage 1 Four Rules for Living a Long Healthy Life
Passage 2 The Power of Positive Thinking
Unit 7
Text Merchants of Death
Supplementary Reading
Passage 1 Humans Were Born to Run, Fossil Study Suggests
Passage 2 A Job or a Cigarette?
Unit 8
Text Testing the Science of Intelligence
Supplementary Reading
Passage 1 In Defiance of Darwin
Passage 2 ColorCoordinated “Truths”
Unit 9
Text Scientists Try to Find out Whats So Funny about Humor
Supplementary Reading
Passage 1 Searching for the Divine
Passage 2 Spiders Watch Their Diets Too,Study Says
Unit 10
Text Whats in a Name?
Supplementary Reading
Passage 1 Developing a Company Image and Brand
Passage 2 Brand Management:Define Your Identity, Then Stick to It
Unit 11
Text Is a Large Asteroid Headed for Impact with the Earth in 2880?
Supplementary Reading
Passage 1 Prehistoric Asteroid“Killed Everything”
Passage 2 “DinosaurKiller”Asteroid Crater Imaged for First Time
Unit 12
Text Green Burials:Thinking Outside the Box
Supplementary Reading
Passage 1 Home Funerals: An Old Tradition Returns
Passage 2 Waste Leads to Worry in Indonesia
Unit 13
Text When Does Autism Start?
Supplementary Reading
Passage 1 When Does Autism Start?(continued)
passage 2 Lost and Found: One Womans Remarkable Transformation
Unit 14
Text Border Net Has Become a Noose
Supplementary Reading
Passage 1 Back to Our Regularly Scheduled Programming
Passage 2 Turning a Corner
Unit 15
Text Is It Apocalypse Now?
Supplementary Reading
Passage 1 Is It Apocalypse Now?(continued)
Passage 2 The End Is Not at Hand


