



  • 中文名:外貿英語函電——從基礎到實踐
  • 作者:焦微玲
  • ISBN:9787121193187
  • 頁數:356
  • 出版社:電子工業出版社
  • 出版時間:2013-02
  • 開本:16開






Unit 1 Structure and Style of Business Letter商務信函的結構和格式
Lesson 1 Structure of Business Letter商務信函的結構
Lesson 2 Style of Business Letter商務信函的格式
Lesson 3 Golden Rule of Writing Business Letter商務信函寫作遵循的原則
Lesson 4 Classification of Business Correspondences外貿函電的種類
Unit 1 Exercises and Supplement單元一練習與補充
Unit 2 Establishing Business Relations建交函
Lesson 5 Selfintroduction自我介紹
Lesson 6 Establishing Business Relations建立商務關係
Lesson 7 Promoting Business Relations促進商務關係
Unit 2 Exercises and Supplement單元二練習與補充
Unit 3 Relating Business Letters相關的商務信函
Lesson 8 Letter of Introduction介紹信
Lesson 9 Letter of Invitation邀請函
Lesson 10 Advice of Itinerary行程安排通知
Lesson 11 Letter of Thanks感謝信
Lesson 12 Letter of Sales Promotion推銷信
Unit 3 Exercises and Supplement單元三練習與補充
Unit 4 Enquiry詢盤
Lesson 13 First Enquiry首次詢盤
Lesson 14 Reply to First Enquiry對首次詢盤的答覆
Lesson 15 Specific Enquiry具體詢盤
Lesson 16 Reply to Enquiry對詢盤的答覆
Lesson 17 Credit Enquiry資信詢盤
Lesson 18 Reply to Credit Enquiry對資信詢盤的答覆
Unit 4 Exercises and Supplement單元四練習與補充
Unit 5 Offer and Counteroffer發盤和還盤
Lesson 19 Offer發盤
Lesson 20 Non-firm Offer虛盤
Lesson 21 Confirming a Nonfirm Offer確認已報虛盤
Lesson 22 Counter-offer還盤
Lesson 23 Reply to a Counteroffer對還盤的答覆
Lesson 24 Requesting a Bid from the Buyer要求買方遞盤
Unit 5 Exercises and Supplement單元五練習與補充
Unit 6O rder訂單
Lesson 25 Initial Order首次訂單
Lesson 26 Order訂單
Lesson 27 Repeat Order續訂單
Lesson 28 Accept an Order接受訂單
Lesson 29 Decline an Order拒絕訂單
Lesson 30 Cancel an Order取消訂單
Lesson 31 Refusing the Request to Reinstate an Order拒絕恢復訂單
Lesson 32 Conclusion of Business達成交易
Unit 6 Exercises and Supplement單元六練習與補充
Unit 7 Terms of Payment支付條款
Lesson 33 Accounts Settlement結算
Lesson 34 Terms of Payment支付條款
Lesson 35 Open Account Terms賒賬
Lesson 36 Documents against Payment付款交單
Lesson 37 Documents against Acceptance承兌交單
Lesson 38 Urging Establishment of a Letter of Credit催開信用證
Lesson 39 Establishment of a Letter of Credit開立信用證
Lesson 40 Requesting L/C Amendment要求修改信用證
Lesson 41 L/C Amendment修改信用證
Lesson 42 Extension of L/C展延信用證
Unit 7 Exercises and Supplement單元七練習與補充
Unit 8 Packing and Shipment包裝和裝運
Lesson 43 Packing包裝
Lesson 44 Shipping Marks嘜頭
Lesson 45 Shipment運輸
Lesson 46 Container Shipment貨櫃運輸
Lesson 47 Urging Immediate Shipment催裝
Lesson 48 Shipping Instruction裝運指示
Lesson 49 Shipping Advice裝運通知
Lesson 50 Delay in Transportation Strike因運輸工人罷工延誤發運
Unit 8 Exercises and Supplement單元八練習與補充
Unit 9 Insurance保險
Lesson 51 Insurance Introduction保險概述
Lesson 52 Insurance Policy保險條款
Lesson 53 Insurance Claim保險索賠
Unit 9 Exercises and Supplement單元九練習與補充
Unit 10 Complaint and Claim申訴和索賠
Lesson 54 Complaint of Defective Goods對貨物的申訴
Lesson 55 Sending Replacement換貨
Lesson 56 Agents Complaint of Poor Quality Goods代理申訴貨物質次
Lesson 57 Exporters Reply to the Complaint出口商對申訴的答覆
Lesson 58 Claim索賠
Lesson 59 Settlement of a Claim受理索賠
Unit 10 Exercises and Supplement單元十練習與補充
Unit 11 Special Trade特殊貿易
Lesson 60 Agent代理
Lesson 61 Sole Agency獨家代理
Lesson 62 Goods on Approval試銷
Lesson 63 Goods on Consignment寄售
Lesson 64 Establishing a Permanent Office建立常設辦事處
Lesson 65 Processing Trade加工貿易
Lesson 66 Compensation Trade補償貿易
Lesson 67 Joint Venture合資企業
Lesson 68 Leasing Trade租賃貿易
Unit 11 Exercises and Supplement單元十一練習與補充
Unit 12 Telegram, Telex, Email and Fax電報、電傳、電郵和傳真
Lesson 69 Telegram電報
Lesson 70 Telex電傳
Lesson 71 E-mail電郵
Lesson 72 Fax傳真
Unit 12 Exercises and Supplement單元十二練習與補充


