夏華向(Dr. Harry H-X Xia)消化內科學家、美捷登生物科技有限公司(Medjaden Bioscience Limited)創始人、首都醫科大學附屬北京友誼醫院客座教授、青島大學附屬青島市市立醫院客座教授、廣東藥科大學附屬第一醫院客座教授。現任Journal of Clinical and Translational Hepatology雜誌主編, Medicine和Gene雜誌學術編輯及World Journal of Gastroenterology雜誌編委。曾任Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics和Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology編委。同時兼任80家生物醫學雜誌的審稿人。在JAMA、Journal of the National Cancer Institute、Gastroenterology、Gut等國際著名期刊上發表論文142篇,並且參與發表中文論文24篇,著書一本。夏教授曾被選為美國胃腸病學會會員(Fellow of American College for Gastroenterology),曾在諾華製藥公司擔任高級醫學科學專家,並應邀擔任國家自然科學基金評審。他在丁香園論文寫作版《SCI雜誌編輯及審稿人回覆信友情修改》他在丁香園論文寫作版《SCI雜誌編輯及審稿人回覆信友情修改》一帖受到會員,瀏覽量近14萬。
夏華向(Dr. Harry H-X Xia),消化內科學家、美捷登生物科技有限公司(Medjaden Bioscience Limited)創始人、華譽出版社(XIA & HE Publishing Ltd)創始人、首都醫科大學附屬北京友誼醫院客座教授、青島大學附屬青島市市立醫院客座教授、廣東藥科大學附屬第一醫院客座教授。現任Journal of Clinical and Translational Hepatology雜誌主編, Medicine和Gene雜誌學術編輯,以及World Journal of Gastroenterology雜誌編委。曾擔任Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics和Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology編委。同時還是80多家生物醫學雜誌的審稿人。迄今已在JAMA、Journal of the National Cancer Institute、Gastroenterology、Gut等國際著名的期刊上發表論文142篇,並且參與發表了中文論文24篇,著書一本。夏教授曾被選為美國胃腸病學會會員(Fellow of American College for Gastroenterology),曾在諾華製藥公司擔任高級醫學科學專家,並應邀為國家自然科學基金擔任評審。自上世紀80年代中期,夏教授即在中國內地、歐洲、澳洲以及中國香港地區從事生物醫學研究和學術活動,在幽門螺桿菌,胃癌,胃腸道功能性疾病,凋亡,腫瘤,感染性疾病以及臨床試驗等研究領域建立了良好的國際聲望。作為美捷登的創始人和主編,夏教授擁有極為豐富的編輯和發表科研論文的知識、技能和經驗。他在丁香園論壇論文寫作版的帖子《SCI雜誌編輯及審稿人回覆信友情修改》深受會員的認可和關注,點擊瀏覽量已近14萬。
1. Xia HX, Zhang JK, Qian SL Pathological characteristics of Campylobacter pylori associated gastritis and peptic ulcer. Journal of Wuhan Medicine 1988; 12: 131-132. (Chinese)
2. Xia HX, Daw MA, Sant S, Beattie S, Keane CT, O’Morain CA. Clinical efficacy of triple therapy in Helicobacter pylori - associated duodenal ulcer. European Journal of Gastroenterology & Hepatology 1993; 5: 141-144.
3. Xia HX, English L, Keane CT, O’Morain CA. Enhanced cultivation of Helicobacter pylori in liquid media. Journal of Clinical Pathology 1993; 46: 750-753.
4. Xia HX, Keane CT, Beattie S, O’Morain CA. Standardization of disc diffusion test and its clinical significance for susceptibility testing of metronidazole against Helicobacter pylori. Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy 1994; 38: 2357-2361.
5. Xia HX, Keane CT, Chen J, Zhang J, Walsh EJ, Moran AP, Hua J-S, Megraud F, O’Morain CA. Transportation of Helicobacter pylori cultures by optimal systems. Journal of Clinical Microbiology 1994; 32: 3075-3077.
6. Xia HX, Windle HJ, Marshall DG, Smyth CJ, Keane CT, O’Morain CA. Recrudescence of Helicobacter pylori after apparently successful eradication. Novel application of randomly amplified polymorphic DNA fingerprinting. Gut 1995; 37: 30-34.
7. Xia HX, Gilvarry J, Beattie S, Hamilton H, Keane CT, O’Morain CA. Recrudescence of Helicobacter pylori infection in patients with healed duodenal ulcer after treatment with different regimens. American Journal of Gastroenterology 1995; 90: 1221-1225.
8. Xia HX, Buckley M, Keane CT, O’Morain CA. Clarithromycin resistance in Helicobacter pylori: prevalence in untreated dyspeptic patients and stability in vitro. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 1996; 37: 473-48。
9. Xia HHX, Kalantar J, Talley NJ, Ma Wyatt J, Adams S, Cheung K. Antral-type mucosa in the gastric incisura (antralization) - a link between Helicobacter pylori infection and intestinal metaplasia? American Journal of Gastroenterology 2000: 95: 114-121.
10. Xia HHX, Zhang GS, Talley NJ, Wong BCY, Yang Y, Henwood C, Ma Wyatt J, Adams S, Cheung K, Xia B, Zhu YQ, Lam SK. Topographic association of gastric epithelial expression of Ki-67, Bax and Bcl-2 expression with antralization in the gastric incisura, body and fundus. American Journal of Gastroenterology 2002; 97: 3023-3031.
11. Tu SP, Cui JT, Liston P, Jiang XH, Xu R, Lin MCM, Zhu YB, Zou B, Ng SSM, Jiang SH, Xia HHX, Wong WM, Chan AOO, Yuen MF, Lam SK, Kung HF, Wong BCY. Gene therapy for colon cancer by adeno-associated viral vector-mediated transfer of survivin cys84Ala mutant. Gastroenterology 2005;128:361-375。
12. Wang J, Peng Y, Sun YW, Lin MCM, Zhu S, An X, Zou B, Li M, Xia HHX, Chan AOO, Jiang B, Yuen MF, Kung HF, Wong BCY. All-trans retinoic acid induces XAF1 expression through an interferon regulatory factor-1 element in colon cancer. Gastroenterology 2006;130(3):747-58.
13. He XX, Yang J, Ding YW, Liu W, Shen QY, Xia HHX. Increased epithelial and serum expression of macrophage migration inhibitory factor in gastric cancer: potential role of MIF in gastric carcinogenesis. Gut 2006 Jun;55(6):797-802.
14. Wang J, Yang Y, Xia HH, Gu Q, Lin MC, Jiang B, Peng Y, Li G, An X, Zhang Y, Zhuang Z, Zhang Z, Kung HF, Wong BC. Suppression of FHL2 expression induces cell differentiation and inhibits gastric and colon carcinogenesis. Gastroenterology. 2007 Mar;132(3):1066-76.
15. Ng SS, Cheung YT, An XM, Chen YC, Li M, Li GH, Cheung W, Sze J, Lai L, Peng Y, Xia HH, Wong BC, Leung SY, Xie D, He ML, Kung HF, Lin MC. Cell cycle-related kinase: a novel candidate oncogene in human glioblastoma. J Natl Cancer Inst. 2007 Jun 20;99(12):936-48.
16. Wong BC, Zhang L, Ma JL, Pan KF, Li JY, Shen L, Liu WD, Feng GS, Zhang XD, Li J, Lu AP, Xia HH, Lam S, You WC. Effects of selective COX-2 inhibitor and Helicobacter pylori eradication on precancerous gastric lesions. Gut 2012 Jun;61(6):812-8.
17. Dai N, Xia HH, Xu YW. Noninvasive approach to assess coronary artery stenoses and ischemia. JAMA 2013 Jan 16;309(3):235-6.
18. Dong R, Chen G, Zheng S, Xia HH. Hepatic expression of interleukin 8 in diagnosing biliary atresia. Hepatology 2014 May 20. doi: 10.1002/hep.27229. [Epub ahead of print]