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  • 書名:城市軌道交通車輛構造
  • 作者:李飛,袁野,吳慧聰
  • 類別:鐵路運輸
  • 出版社:西南交通大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2019年
  • 開本:16 開
  • 裝幀:平裝-膠訂
  • ISBN:9787564372095




Chapter 1 Getting to Know the Urban Rail Transit Vehicles
1.1 Development History of Urban Rail Transit Vehicles
1.2 Basic Cognition of Urban Rail Transit Vehicles
1.3 Main Structure and Clearance of Urban Rail Transit Vehicles
[Extracurricular expansion] Overview of a Metro Vehicle
Chapter 2 The Car Body Technology for Urban Rail Transit Vehicles
2.1 Functions and Categories of Car Body
2.2 Car Body Structures
2.3 Car Body Materials
2.4 Car Body Internal Facilities
2.5 Modern Technology for Car Body Design and Manufacture
2.6 Introduction to Car Body Manufacture and Maintenance Process
[Extracurricular expansion] Six Vibration Types Caused By Car Body Stress
Chapter 3 The Bogie Technology for Urban Rail Transit Vehicles
3,1 The Function and The Type of Bogies
3.2 The Bogie Frame
3.3 Bogie Wheelset
3.4 Bogie Axle Box Positioning Device
3.5 Bogie Damping Device Using Spring
3.6 Bogie Traction & Transmission and the Foundation Braking Device
[Extracurricular expansion] The Hunting Motion of the Vehicle
Chapter4 Urban Rail Transit Vehicle Coupling Device
4.1 Coupler Buffer Device
4.2 The Buffer Device
4.3 Accessory Devices
4.4 The Gangway
Chapter 5 The Electric Appliances of Urban Rail Transit Vehicles
5.1 The layout of Equipment Under the Urban Rail Vehicles
5.2 The Electric Appliances of the Main Circuit
5.3 The Electric Appliances of Auxiliary Circuit
5.4 The Electric Appliances of Control Circuit
[Extracurricular expansion] The Principle of Driver's Controller
Chapter 6 Compressed Air Source System of Urban Rail Transit Vehicles
6.1 Overview of Urban Rail Transit Vehicle Pneumatic Brake
6.2 Composition of Urban Rail Vehicle Compressed Air Source System
6.3 Compressed Air Source System of Urban Rail Transit Vehicles
6.4 Urban Rail Transit Vehicle Air Dryer
6.5 Main Pipeline Components of Urban Rail Transit Vehicles
Chapter 7 Other Urban Rail Transit Vehicles and New Technologies
7.1 Classification of Modern Urban Electric Rail Vehicles
7.2 Low Floor Rail Vehicles in Modern Cities
7.3 Urban Rail Transit Monorail Vehicles
7.4 Linear Motor Vehicles and Maglev Vehicles
7.5 New Technology of Urban Rail Transit Vehicles


