



  • 書名:地道英語系列•讀寓言故事說地道英語
  • 出版社:國防工業出版社
  • 頁數:190頁
  • 開本:32
  • 品牌:國防工業出版社
  • 作者:張迪
  • 出版日期:2009年7月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:9787118063714 




第一章 諷刺篇
1.A Lesson for Fools愚人一課
2.Borrow Plumes打腫臉充胖子
3.Friend or Foe是敵非友
4.Actions Speak Louder Than Words事實勝於雄辯
5.Cut Off Your Tails to Save My Face截人之長,補己之短
6.A Plotter Out—Plotted害人反害己
7.The Pot Calls the Kettle Black半斤八兩
8.Substance and Shadow貪得無厭
9.Not Interested事不關己
10.Vainglory Will Have a Misfortune虛榮使人不幸
11.Wisdom from Thinkin9智源於思
12.Dead Men Tell No Tales死無對證
13.A Clumsy Liar自作聰明
14.The Punishment of Selfishness自食惡果
15.Too Clever by Half聰明反被聰明誤
16.Asinine Pride自命不凡
17.Have Their Voice Without Its Potential有其聲而無其勢
18.A Prophet Without Knowledge自身難保
19.Out of the Fryin9—pan into the Fire弄巧成拙
20.Mote and Beam人錯與己過
21.The Heifer and the Ox小母牛和公牛
22.The Judge and the Plaintiff法官和原告

第二章 啟發篇
1.A Lesson Learnt too Late為時已晚
2.Repayment in Kind感恩圖報
3.A Bird in the Hand惜取眼前福
4.One—Way Traffic有去無回
5.Reaping Without Sowin9不勞而獲
6.Taught by Experience記取教訓
7.Third—Party Profit鷸蚌相爭,漁翁得利
8.A Communist Dictator言行不一
9.Forewarned Is Forearmed有備無患
10.Things Are Not Always What They Seem以偏概全
11.Lost to Shame自曝其短
12.Slow but Sure龜兔賽跑
13.A Waste of Good Counsel忠言逆耳
14.Once Bitten,Twice Shy上一次當,學一次乖
15.Look Before You Leap慎思而行
16.Ready for Action礪兵以待
17.Save Us in the Time of Trouble居安思危
18.A Bad Bargain得不償失
19.Dread the Strong Fear the Weak畏強懼弱
20.Birds of a Feather物以類聚
21.Know Your Limitations自知之明
22.Vengeance at Any Price同歸於盡
23.Misplaced Confidence認敵為友
24.Bom Plunderers天生惡人
25.Unity Is Strength團結就是力量
26.Use Is Everythin9習以為常
27.Familiarity Breeds Contempt少見多怪
28.Self Deception自欺欺人
29.Froof Positive前車之鑑
30.Beneath Notice無足輕重
31.Why the Ant Is a Thief本性難移
32.Honesty Is the Best Policy誠實為上
33.A Companion in Fear難兄難弟
34.The Gentle Art of Persuasion勸說藝術
35.Jupiter and the Sheep丘比特和綿羊
36.The Bad Kangaroo淘氣的袋鼠
37.The Two Dogs兩隻狗
38.The Brazier and His Dog黃銅匠和他的狗
39.The Two Pots兩隻罐子
40.The Lion in Love戀愛中的獅子
41.The Ostrich in Love單相思的鴕鳥
42.The Belly and Its Members肚子和他的器官
43.The Kite風箏
44.The Ass and His Masters驢子和它的主人們
45.The Squirrel and the Wolf松鼠和狼
46.The Pavior鋪路工

第三章 警示篇
1.Breach of Promise言而無信
2.The Victor Vanquished驕者必敗
3.Misplaced Confidence防不勝防
4.The Law of Self—Preservation但求自保
5.Look Before You Leap三思而行
6.Bom tO Trouble製造麻煩
7.The Fox Out—foxed道高一尺,魔高一丈
8.Kindness Ill Requited以怨報德
9.A Case of Mistaken Identity披上羊皮的狼
10.Every Man tO His Own Trade謹守本分
11.Reckoning WithoUt His Host順水人情
12.As Good as His Word言而有信
13.We Get the Rulers We Deserve如願以償
14.Making the Punishment Fit the Crime罪有應得
15.Too Big for Her Skin不自量力
16.A Blood Feud血海深仇
17.Evil for Good恩將仇報
18.Try tO Make a Silk Purse OUt of a Sow’S Ear望朽木成美器
19.Friends Old and New喜新厭舊
20.Spare the Rod and Spoil the Child玉不琢不成器
22.An Unseasonable Reproof責備非時
23.A Philosophic Baldpate禿子哲學
24.Big and Little Fish漏網之魚
25.Fishing in Troubled Waters混水摸魚
26.Despise Not a Feeble F0lk狗眼看人低
27.Bearding the Lion太歲頭上動土
28.Go to the Ant,Th0U Sluggard(1)未雨綢繆(1)
29.Go tO the Ant,Thou Sluggard(2)未雨綢繆(2)
30.Bowing Before the Storm量力而行
31.Room for Improvement吹毛求疵
32.Getting the Worst of Both Worlds兩邊不討好的穴鳥
33.Cherishing a Viper所愛非人
34.Always in the Wrong欲加之罪
35.Town Mouse and Country Mouse家鼠與田鼠
36.The Olive Tree and the Fig Tree橄欖樹和無花果樹
37.The Owl and the Ass貓頭鷹和驢子
38.The Hound and the Hare獵狗和野兔
39.The Fox and the Cicada狐狸和蟬
40.The WOIf and the Goat狼和山羊
41.The Harebrained Monkey浮躁的猴子
42.The Fox and the Cockerel狐狸和小公雞
43.The Thirsty Ant口渴的螞蟻
第四章 訓誡篇


A crow sat in a tree holding in his beak a piece of meat that hehad stolen. A fox which saw him determined to get the meat. Hestood under the tree and began to tell the crow what a beautiful bigbird he was. He ought to be the king of all the birds, the fox said,and he would undoubtedly have been made king, if only he had avoice as well.
The crow was so anxious to prove that he had a voice, that hedropped the meat and croaked for all he was worth. Up ran the fox,snapped up the meat, and said to him, "If you added brains to allyour other qualifications, yon would make an ideal king. "


