



  • 作者:赫德利
  • ISBN:9787560036069
  • 頁數:498
  • 定價:45.90元
  • 出版社:外語教學與研究出版社
  • 出版時間:2004-3
  • 叢書:  湯姆森英語教師叢書




導讀 Preface Acknowledgments 1 On Knowing a Language Introduction Defining Language Proficiency Proficiency and Language Acquisition Theory Some Research Findings about Oral Proficiency Issues in Language Proficiency Assessment: Caveats, Clarifications, and New Directions Defining the Content of Instruction: The Standards for Foreign Language Learning Summary: On Knowing a Language Activities for Review and Discussion References 2 On Learning a Language Introduction Exploring Theories of Language Learning The Role of Individual Learner Factors in Second-Language Learning Relating Theory to Practice: Some Considerations Summary: On Learning a Language Activities for Review and Discussion References 3 On Teaching a Language Orienting Instruction toward Proficiency The Proficiency Orientation of Existing Methodologies: A Preliminary Appraisal Three "Traditional" Methods Reactions to Audiolingualism: Two Mentalist Perspectives A Functional Approach: Communicative Language Teaching Modem Adaptations of the Direct Method Humanistic Approaches to Language Teaching Summary:. On Teaching a Language Activities for Review and Discussion References 4 The Role of Context in Comprehension and Learning The Importance of Context and Background Knowledge in the Comprehension Process: Some Theoretical Considerations Research on the Role of Context in Comprehension The Role of Computers in Providing Richer Contexts for Language Learning Integrating Language and Content: Immersion and Content-Based Instruction Summary: The Role of Context in Comprehension and Learning Activities for Review and Discussion References 5 A Proficiency-Oriented Approach to Listening and Reading A Rationale for Teaching Listening and Reading Similarities in Listening and Reading Differences between Spoken and Written Discourse Integrating Listening, Reading, and the Productive Skills: The Vision of the Standards for Foreign Language Learning Teaching Listening Comprehension Sample Formats for Listening Comprehension Teaching Reading Comprehension Sample Formats for Reading Comprehension Summary: A Proficiency-Oriented Approach to Listening and Reading Activities for Review and Discussion References 6 Developing Oral Proficiency The Nature of Interlanguage Planning Instruction for the Development of Oral Proficiency Responding to the Learner Summary: Developing Oral Proficiency Activities for Review and Discussion References 7 Becoming Proficient in Writing Approaches to Teaching Writing at the Lower Levels of Proficiency Expressive Writing at the Intermediate and Advanced Levels: Approaches to Teaching the Composing Process Summary: Becoming Proficient in Writing Activities for Review and Discussion References 8 Teaching for Cultural Understanding Introduction Problems in the Teaching of Culture Definitions, Models, Inventories, and Frameworks: Capturing the Essence of "Culture" Strategies for Teaching Culture Summary: Teaching for Cultural Understanding Activities for Review and Discussion References 9 Classroom Testing Introduction The Case for Hybrid Classroom Tests Characteristics of Test Items and Item Types Listening Comprehension Formats Reading Comprehension Formats Writing and Mixed-Skills Formats Guidelines for Creating Contextualized Paper-and-Pencil Tests Testing Oral Skills Summary: Classroom Testing Appendix Activities for Review and Discussion References Epilogue Planning Instruction for the Proficiency-Oriented Classroom Setting Goals for a Proficiency-Oriented Program Guidelines for Planning Lessons Increasing Focus on Students' Interests In Conclusion Activities for Review and Discussion References Appendix A ACTFL Proficiency Guidelines--Speaking Revised 1999 Appendix B Sample Foreign Language Media Evaluation Criteria Appendix C Samples of Error Coding Procedures for Written Work Text PermissionsIndex


