- 中文名:國際關係學院法律系
- 隸屬:國際關係學院
- 類型:法律系
- 學制:四年
法律系的辦學指導思想是,認真學習貫徹中央指示精神和教育部《關於加強高等學校本科教學工作提高教學質量的若干意見》,樹立科學的人才培養理念和 “加強基礎”、“突出特色”的教育理念,以保障本科教學質量為中心工作。在加強完整的法學基礎教育的同時突出國際法和國家安全法的教學特色,在全面提高學生思想道德、科學文化和身心健康等綜合素質的基礎上,重點培養學生的學習能力、實踐能力,著力提高學生的創新能力,確保法學本科教育質量能適應時代發展、滿足國家和社會對專業人才培養的需要。
Law Department of University of International Relations was founded at the spring of 2003 under which there is one law major of Bachelor of Law degree. At present, there are 240 matriculated undergraduates.
Law Department consists of two legal research sections, i.e. the section of law and the section of international law. The Department owns a pool of brilliant young and middle-aged scholars and teachers, which formulates a strong and everlasting teaching and research force. There are 10 full-time teachers and 3 part-time instructors as well as 9 visiting professors with national reputation.
Law Department closely follows the pedagogical ideas of “Consolidating the foundation” and “Highlighting the specialties” and pay great attention to the comprehensive trainings of each student by means of “Politics coupled with Practical works” and “Law supplemented by English”. Students in here are emphasized to gain a systematic understanding of the academic knowledge and are encouraged to have usual exercise of English language skills in addressing practical problems. Law Department are equally concerned with the preparation of students’ aptitude to sit for the national bar exam. Besides all the mandatory courses for the bachelor degree of law, the Department is additionally concentrated on the areas of national security law and international law. The logic, scientific setting of all the curriculums and the advanced system of education are established for the exact purpose of cultivating students for their learning ability, practicality and sense of creativity.
Law Department also gives high regards to the scientific research and academic exchange which creates a favorable atmosphere for the development of both studies and research. We invite plenty of distinguished lecturing scholars at each semester and support our teachers’ request to attend high-profile national and international conferences. Moreover, the Department has sent one of our professors to Euro for visitorial, lecturing and research purposes.
Major Courses
The major courses are: English, jurisprudence, history of Chinese legal system, history of foreign legal system, history of western legal thoughts, constitutional law, administrative law and administrative litigation law, criminal law, criminal procedure law, civil law, civil procedure and arbitration law, international public law, international private law, international economic law, commercial law, law of intellectual property rights, legal logic, criminal psychology, contract law, USA tort law, specialized English, practices of law, etc.