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  • 書名:國際經貿文章選讀
  • 作者:許群航
  • ISBN:9787566303127
  • 定價:29.00
  • 出版社:對外經濟貿易大學出版社
  • 出版時間:2012.6
  • 開本:185mm×230mm/
  • 版次/印次:1/1
  • 適用層次:本科
  • 字數/頁數:352千字/




Lesson 1 The World Economy: Three-way Split1
Supplementary Material: Comparing Countries:
The Rich, the Poor and Bulgaria9
Lesson 2 The State of World Trade13
Supplementary Material: Apple V Google—The Mobile War23
Lesson 3 Trade and Innovation29
Supplementary Material: Can James Gorman Make
Morgan Stanley Great Again? (I)37
Lesson 4 Prospects for Regional Free Trade in Asia43
Supplementary Material: US Calls for More Free Trade in Asia56
Lesson 5 Imports: Improving Productivity and Competitiveness59
Supplementary Material: How Will Disaster Affect Japan’s Economy?65
Lesson 6 Fair Trade69
Supplementary Material: US May OK Hi-tech Exports to China76
Lesson 7 OECD81
Supplementary Material: Lessons from Iceland: Coming
in from the Cold88
Lesson 8 What Can Trade Policy Contribute to Resolving the
Economic Crisis?93
Supplementary Material: Tariff Barriers100
Lesson 9 Trade in International Maritime Services:
How Much Does Policy Matter?109
Supplementary Material: Pirates Plunder International Trade Ransoms117
Lesson 10 Making Globalization for Everyone: The European
Union and World Trade121
Supplementary Material: German and the Euro: We Don’t
Want No Transfer Union130
Lesson 11 Economy of Russia135
Supplementary Material: Can James Gorman Make Morgan
Stanley Great?Again? (II)143
Lesson 12 International Free Trade Zone149
Supplementary Material: New Zealand Economy to Get Lift from
Rebuilding, Rugby in 2011155
Lesson 13 British Virgin Islands-Economy159
Supplementary Material: What Business Leaders Can Learn
from the Renaissance166
Lesson 14 Borderless European Cloud Risks Fragmentation171
Supplementary Material: Europe’s Changing Role in Global Trade182
Lesson 15 Outsourcing in a Global Economy187
Supplementary Material: Online Outsourcing195
Lesson 16 How OPEC Can Save the World Economy201
Supplementary Material: International Petroleum Transportation213
Lesson 17 E-Commerce and Import and Export219
Supplementary Material: Google’s Growth225
Lesson 18 The Future of the World Economy233
Supplementary Material: New Tremors in Global Finance and Trade246
Reference Key to the Exercises251


