- 書名:國際知名大學原版教材•資訊理論基礎
- 出版社:清華大學出版社
- 頁數:545頁
- 開本:16
- 品牌:清華大學出版社
- 作者:科沃 托馬斯
- 出版日期:2003年11月1日
- 語種:英語
- ISBN:9787302072850
作者:(美國)科沃 (美國)托馬斯
Thomas M.Cover史丹福大學電氣工程系、統計系教授。曾任IEEE資訊理論學會主席,現任數理統計研究所研究員、IEEE高級會員。1 972年以論文“Broadcast Channels”榮獲資訊理論優秀論文獎,1990年被選為“Shannon Lecturer”,這是資訊理論領域的最高榮譽。最近20年,他致力於研究資訊理論和統計學之間的關係。
Thomas M.Cover史丹福大學電氣工程系、統計系教授。曾任IEEE資訊理論學會主席,現任數理統計研究所研究員、IEEE高級會員。1 972年以論文“Broadcast Channels”榮獲資訊理論優秀論文獎,1990年被選為“Shannon Lecturer”,這是資訊理論領域的最高榮譽。最近20年,他致力於研究資訊理論和統計學之間的關係。
list of figures
1 introduction and preview
1.1 preview of the book
2 entropy, relative entropy and mutual information
2.1 entropy
2.2 joint entropy and conditional entropy
2.3 relative entropy and mutual information
2.4 relationship between entropy and mutual information
2.5 chain rules for entropy, relative entropy and mutual information
2.6 jensen's inequality and its consequences
2.7 the log sum inequality and its applications
2.8 data processing inequality
2.9 the second law of thermodynamics
2.10 sufficient statistics
2.11 fano's inequality
summary of chapter 2
problems for chapter 2
historical notes
3 the asymptotic equipartition property
3.1 the aep
3.2 consequences of the aep: data compression
3.3 high probability sets and the typical set
summary of chapter 3
problems for chapter 3
historical notes
4 entropy rates of a stochastic process
4.1 markov chains
4.2 entropy rate
4.3 example: entropy rate of a random walk on a weighted graph
4.4 hidden markov models
summary of chapter 4
problems for chapter 4
historical notes
5 data compression
6 gambling and data compression
7 kolmogorov complexity
8 channel capacity
9 differential entropy
10 the gaussian channel
11 maximum entropy and spectral estimation
12 information theory and statistics
13 rate distortion theory
14 network information theory
15 information theory and the stock market
16 inequalities in information theory
1 introduction and preview
1.1 preview of the book
2 entropy, relative entropy and mutual information
2.1 entropy
2.2 joint entropy and conditional entropy
2.3 relative entropy and mutual information
2.4 relationship between entropy and mutual information
2.5 chain rules for entropy, relative entropy and mutual information
2.6 jensen's inequality and its consequences
2.7 the log sum inequality and its applications
2.8 data processing inequality
2.9 the second law of thermodynamics
2.10 sufficient statistics
2.11 fano's inequality
summary of chapter 2
problems for chapter 2
historical notes
3 the asymptotic equipartition property
3.1 the aep
3.2 consequences of the aep: data compression
3.3 high probability sets and the typical set
summary of chapter 3
problems for chapter 3
historical notes
4 entropy rates of a stochastic process
4.1 markov chains
4.2 entropy rate
4.3 example: entropy rate of a random walk on a weighted graph
4.4 hidden markov models
summary of chapter 4
problems for chapter 4
historical notes
5 data compression
6 gambling and data compression
7 kolmogorov complexity
8 channel capacity
9 differential entropy
10 the gaussian channel
11 maximum entropy and spectral estimation
12 information theory and statistics
13 rate distortion theory
14 network information theory
15 information theory and the stock market
16 inequalities in information theory