



  • 書名:國際商務系列教材:國際商務英語中級口語
  • 作者:陳珞瑜 張立玉
  • 出版日期:2014年1月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • 外文名:International Business
  • 出版社:武漢大學出版社
  • 頁數:204頁
  • 開本:16




Chapter One Economic Globalization
Section Ⅰ Warm—up
1.Pronunciation and Phonetics
2.Words and Phrases
3.Sentence Examples
4.Reading Aloud
Section Ⅱ Knowledge Input
1.How Globalization Affects Developed Countries
2.The End of Cheap China——What Do Soaring Chinese Wages Mean for Global Manufacturing?
Section Ⅲ oral Practice
1.Theme Statement
2.Dialogues Practicing
4.Practice Tips
Section Ⅳ Exercises
Chapter Two International Marketing
Section Ⅰ Warm—up
1.Pronunciation and Phonetics
2.Words and Phrases
3.Sentence Examples
4.Reading Aloud
Section Ⅱ Knowledge Input
1.HOW Kraft Won in China
2.Word of Mouth Marketing
Section Ⅲ oral Practice
1 Theme Statement
2.Dialogues Practicing
4.Practice Tips
Section Ⅳ Exercises
Chapter Three Project Management
Section Ⅰ Warm—up
1.Pronunciation and Phonetics
2.Words and Phrases
3.Sentence Examples
4.Reading Aloud
Section Ⅱ Knowledge Input
1.Master Ten Processes to Sharpen Your Project Management Skills
2.The Art of Project Management
Section Ⅲ Oral Practice
1.Theme Statement
2.Dialogues Practicing
4.Practice Tips
Section Ⅳ Exercises
Chapter Four Startup Business and Career Management
Section Ⅰ Warm—up
1.Pronunciation and Phonetics
2.Words and Phrases
3.Sentence Examples
4.Reading Aloud
Section Ⅱ Knowledge Input
1.Ten Things Every Graduate Should Know Before They Start Job Hunting
2.Starting a Business:The Idea Phase
Section Ⅲ Oral Practice
1.Theme Statement
2.Dialogues Practicing
4.Practice Tips
Section Ⅳ Exercises
Chapter FⅣe Business,Technology and Innovation
Section Ⅰ Warm—up
1.Pronunciation and Phonetics
2.Words and Phrases
3.Sentence Examples
4.Reading Aloud
Section Ⅱ Knowledge Input
1.Death of the Salesmen:Technology’s Threat to Retail Jobs
2.Innovation:The New Masters of Management
Section Ⅲ Oral Practice
1.Theme Statement
2.Dialogues Practicing
4.Practice Tips
Section Ⅳ Exercises
Chapter Six Business and Society
Section Ⅰ Warm—up
1.Pronunciation and Phonetics
2.Words and Phrases
3.Sentence Examples
4.Reading Aloud
Section Ⅱ Knowledge Input
1.Social Entrepreneurs Go Mainstream
2.CSR Is Dead,Long LⅣe Social Enterprise
Section Ⅲ oral Practice
1.Theme Statement
2.Dialogues Practicing
4.Practice Tips
Section Ⅳ Exercises
Chapter Seven Organizational Culture and Image
Section Ⅰ Warm—up
1.Pronunciation and Phonetics
2.WordS and Phrases
3.Sentence Examples
4.Reading Aloud
Section Ⅱ Knowledge Input
1.Corporate Culture
2.How Do You Tell the CEO That His/Her Baby Is Ugly?
Section Ⅲ oral Practice
1.Theme Statement
2.Dialogues Practicing
4.Practice Tips
Section Ⅳ Exercises
Chapter Eight Cross—cultural Communication and Etiquette in Business
Section Ⅰ Warm—up
1.Pronunciation and Phonetics
2.Words and Phrases
3.Sentence Examples
4.Reading Aloud
Section Ⅱ Knowledge Input
1.East Meets West.but It Takes Some Practice
2.International Girl GⅣing Protocol
Section Ⅲ Oral Practice
1.Theme Statement
2.Dialogues Practicing
4.Practice Tips
Section Ⅳ Exercises
Chapter Nine Women and Economy
Section Ⅰ Warm—up
1.Pronunciation and Phonetics
2.Words and Phrases
3.Sentence Examples
4.Reading Aloud
Section Ⅱ Knowledge Input
1.Four Ways Women Stunt Their Careers Unintentionally
2.Why It Makes Sense to Have More Women Board Members?
Section Ⅲ Ural Practice
1.Theme Statement
2.Dialogues Practicing
4.Practice Tips
Section Ⅳ Exercises
Chapter Ten Work Environment
Section Ⅰ Warm—up
1.Pronunciation and Phonetics
2.Words and Phrases
3.Sentence Examples
4.Reading Aloud
Section Ⅱ Knowledge Input
1.Fifteen Ways to Stay Focused at Work
2.How to SurvⅣe in an Unhappy Workplace
Section Ⅲ oral Practice
1.Theme Statement
2.Dialogues Practicing
4.Practice Tips
Section Ⅳ Exercises
Keys to the Exercises


