


  • 中文名:嚴幼芳
  • 出生地:1979年6月
  • 職業:研究員 
  • 畢業院校:淮北師範大學、中國科學院 
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:海洋熱力學
  • 職務:碩士生導師






1.Qiu-Yang Li, Liang Sun, Shan-Shan Liu, Tao Xian and You-Fang Yan, 2014. A new mononuclear eddy identification method with simple splitting strategies, Remote Sensing Letters, 5:1, 65-72.
2.Yan, Y. F., E. P. Chassignet, Y. Qi, and W. K. Dewar, 2013. Freshening of subsurface waters in the Northwest Pacific subtropical gyres: Observations and dynamics. Journal Physical Oceanography, DOI: 10.1175/JPO-D-13-03.1.
3.Xiao Chen, Youfang Yan, Xuhua Cheng, Yiquan Qi, 2013. Performances of seven datasets in presenting the upper ocean heat content in the South China Sea. Advances in Atmospheric Sciences, doi: 10.1007/s00376-013-2132-1.
4.毛慶文, 儲小青, 嚴幼芳, 齊義泉, 王東曉, 龔建忠, 蔡東明, 吳忠鼎, 潘長明,2013南海三維動態溫鹽場構建系統的設計與實現. 熱帶海洋學報.
5.Youfang Yan, Dazhi Xu, Yiquan Qi and Zijun Gan, 2012. Observations of Freshening in the Northwest Pacific Subtropical Gyre near Luzon Strait. Atmosphere-Ocean, DOI:10.1080/07055900.2012.715078.
6.Youfang Yan, Yiquan Qi, Wen Zhou, 2012. Variability of tropical cyclone occurrence date in the South China Sea and its relationship with SST warming. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans. 55-56, 45-59.
7.Xu D., J. Zhu, Y. Qi, X. Li and Y. Yan, 2012. The impact of mean dynamic topography on a sea-level anomaly assimilation in the South China Sea based on an eddy-resolving model. Acta Oceanologica Sinica, 31(5):11-25.
8.Yuan-Jian Yang, Liang Sun, An-Min Duan, Yu-Bin Li, Yun-Fei Fu, You-Fang Yan, Zi-Qian Wang, and Tao Xian, 2012. Impacts of the binary typhoons on upper ocean environments in November 2007. Journal of Applied Remote Sensing, (6): 063583-1-14.
9.嚴幼芳, 齊義泉, 甘子鈞, 2011. 海洋的比熵和等熵分析.熱帶海洋學報,30(5),1-7.
10.Youfang Yan, Yiquan Qi, Wen Zhou, 2010. Interannual heat content variability and its response to ENSO. Dynamics of Atmospheres and Oceans, 50, 400–414.
11.葛黎麗, 屈衍, 張志旭, 嚴幼芳, 齊義泉,2009. 南海深水區風、浪、流多年一遇重現期極值的推算.中國海上油氣, 21(3):207-210.
12.Yiquan Qi, Youfang Yan. 2008: Ocean Surface Waves, Satellite Remote Sensing of South China Sea (Chapter 17) by Antony K. Liu, Chung-Ru Ho and Cho-Teng Liu. Tingmao Publish Company.
13.Zijun Gan, Youfang Yan, Yiquan Qi, 2007. Scaling Analysis of the Sea Surface Temperature Anomaly in the South China Sea. Journal of Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 681-687.
14.Zijun Gan, Youfang Yan, Yiquan Qi, 2007. Climatological mean distribution of Entropy in the Ocean. Ocean Sci. Discuss., 4, 1-16.
15.甘子鈞, 嚴幼芳, 齊義泉, 2006. 南海表面浮力通量、水型變性及南海"暖水"的消長分析.熱帶海洋學報, 5(25), 1-7.
16.Youfang Yan, Zijun Gan and Yiquan Qi, 2004. Entropy budget of the ocean system. Geophysical Research Letters, 31 (14), 14311.
17.Zijun Gan, Youfang Yan and Yiquan Qi, 2004. Entropy budget of the earth, atmosphere and ocean system, Progress in natural Science, 14 (12), 1088-1094.
18.嚴幼芳, 甘子鈞,齊義泉, 2004. 全球海洋與大氣界面的熵通量估算.23(6), 熱帶海洋學報, 60-68.


1. 國家重點基礎研究發展計畫(973):南海海氣相互作用與海洋環流和渦旋演變規律;
2. 公益性行業(氣象)科研專項:南海熱帶雲團活動及其強風的監測和預報技術.


