
《100年經典好聲音:喚醒你正能量的名家勵志演講(英漢對照)》匯集全球最給力的好英文,在這裡,世界著名勵志名家會和你一起分享他們的成功秘籍,分享他們在逆境中永不言敗、永不放棄最終登上人生頂峰的非凡經歷。在名人激昂動聽的文字中,你能感受到源源不斷的勵志精神! 《100年經典好聲音:喚醒你正能量的名家勵志演講(英漢對照)》共分5章精心選取了最經典的名家勵志演講,其中包括美國總統的勵志演說、政界和商界領袖的勵志演說、社會名流的勵志演說以及明星大腕的勵志演說等。同時本書提供流暢的譯文、詞語筆記、私藏關鍵字和專家點評解讀,引領讀者更深刻地了解演講的內涵和每篇演講背後深厚的英美文化背景。 閱讀本書,你能領略名人絢麗多彩的勵志人生,激勵你開啟屬於自己的成功之路;閱讀本書,你能重新認識自己,激發出人生的無限潛能;閱讀本書,你還能感受地道好英文的超凡魅力,提高學習英文的興趣,輕鬆提高英文表達能力! 《100年經典好聲音:喚醒你正能量的名家勵志演講(英漢對照)》適合廣大在校大學生和學有餘力的中學生,以及所有想提高英文能力、開拓國際視野的社會人士。


  • 書名:喚醒你正能量的名家勵志演講
  • 出版社:人民郵電出版社
  • 頁數:274頁
  • 開本:16
  • 品牌:人民郵電出版社
  • 作者:成應翠 彭園珍
  • 出版日期:2014年4月1日
  • 語種:簡體中文, 英語
  • ISBN:711534437X







Chapter 1 喚醒你心中的巨人——美國總統的勵志演說
Speech 01 In Praise of the Strenuous Life(Excerpt) 贊奮鬥不息(節選)
—Speech by Theodore Roosevelt, Former Governor of New York, in Chicago on April 10, 1899
Speech 02 The Only Thing We Have to Fear Is Fear Itself 我們唯一害怕的是害怕本身
—First Inaugural Address by Franklin D.Roosevelt, the 32nd President of the United States, in Front of the Capitol on March 4, 1933
Speech 03 We Choose to Strive for Peace(Excerpt) 我們選擇為和平奮鬥(節選)
—Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech by James Earl Carter Jr., the 39th President of he United States, in December 2002
Speech 04 The Audacity of Hope 無畏的希望
—Speech by Illinois State Senator Barack Obama at the Democratic National Convention on July 27, 2004
Speech 05 Renew American Spirit 重樹美國精神
—Speech by Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States, to Celebrate Independence Day at the White House on July 4, 2009
Chapter 2 改變你一生的正能量——政界和商界領袖的勵志演說
Speech 01 Unleashing Your Creativity 釋放你的創造力
—Speech by the Founder of Microsoft Bill Gates at Public Broadcasting Service in 2005
Speech 02 Cherishing What You Have Now, and Striving for the Future 珍惜現在,把握未來
—Speech by Tony Blair, Former Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, at Graduation Celebration of Yale University in 2008
Speech 03 Find a Path to Make Those Dreams Real 找到實現夢想的路
—Commencement Address by the Founder of Google Larry Page at Michigan University in May 2009
Speech 04 Execute on Your Intuition 聽從你的直覺
—Commencement Address by CEO of Apple Ltd.Timothy D.Cook at Auburn University in May 2010
Speech 05 God Speed the World Awaits You 世界在等待著你們
—Commencement Address by Hillary Clinton, Former United States Secretary of State, at C.W.Post in 2012
Chapter 3 讓你的人生活出意義來——社會名流的勵志演說
Speech 01 The Road to Success (Excerpt) 成功之路(節選)
—Speech by American Steel King Andrew Carnegie at Carey Business School in 1885
Speech 02 The Pleasure of Books(Excerpt) 書中之樂(節選)
—Speech by the Professor of Yale University William Lyon Phelps in a Radio Broadcast in 1933
Speech 03 I've Been to Mount 我已登上人生的頂峰
—Speech by Martin Luther King, Jr., Leader in the African-American Civil Rights Movement, Supporting Striking Sanitation Workers in Memphis on April 3, 1968
Chapter 4 幫你找到成功的鑰匙——明星大腕的勵志演說
Speech 01 I’m the Luckiest Man in the World 我是世界上最幸運的人
—Speech by American Legendary Baseball Player Henry Louis Gehrig at Yankee Stadium on July 4, 1939
Speech 02 Find a “There” There 找到實現夢想的目標
—University of Wisconsin-Madison Commencement Speech by American Hollywood Director Jerry Zucker in 2000
Speech 03 Keep Your Dreams (Excerpt) 執著於你的夢想(節選)
—Speech by American Hollywood Star Arnold Schwarzenegger at Tsinghua University in November 2005
Speech 04 Follow Your Gut, and You Will Be a Huge Success(Excerpt) 追隨你的內心,你就會取得巨大成功(節選)
—Commencement Address by American Talk Show Host Oprah Winfrey at Duke University on May 10, 2009
——美國脫口秀主持人奧普拉· 溫弗瑞於2009年5月10日在杜克大學畢業典禮上的演講
Speech 05 Failure Is an Option, but Fear Is Not (Excerpt) 失敗是一個選項,但畏懼不是(節選)
—Speech by American Hollywood Director James Francis Cameron at TED in February 2010
Speech 06 Amazing Things Will Happen(Excerpt) 美妙的事情終會發生(節選)
—Commencement Address by American Talk Show Host Conan Christopher O’Brien at Dartmouth College in 2011
Chapter 5 讓你學會自己拯救自己——平凡人物的勵志演說
Speech 01 Aimee Mullins and Her 12 Pairs of Legs 艾美·馬林斯和她的十二雙腿
—Speech by American Disabled Athlete Aimee Mullins at TED in February 2009
Speech 02 My World Is Different(Excerpt) 我的世界不一樣(節選)
—Speech by Aastralian Motivational Speaker Nick Vujicic on February 13, 2011
Speech 03 Why You’re Going to Fail to Have a Great Career 你為什麼不會成就偉業
—Speech by the Professor of Canadian Waterloo University Larry Smith at TED in November, 2011
Speech 04 You Are Not Special 你並不特別
—Commencement Address by David McCullough Jr., the English Teacher in Australian High School, at Welleslly High School in June 2012
Speech 05 Why 30 Is Not the New 20 為什麼30歲不是新的20歲
—Speech by American Clinical Psychologist Meg Jay at TED in May 2013


