唐莉,復旦大學國際關係與公共事務學院 公共行政學,教授。研究領域:科技創新政策、科技評價、
專利的共同發明人,美國專利商標局 2014年8月5日授權通過, 專利號US8,799,237 B2,該發明已成功
技術轉讓。2012 美國公共政策分析與管理學會the Association of Public Policy Analysis and Management 最佳亞洲研究博士論文獎。
Walsh, John P., and Li Tang. “Identification disambiguation in databases”. 國際專利代碼 G06F 17/30 20060101 G06F017/30. The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office(USPTO)美國專利商標局 2014年8月5日授權通過,
Walsh, John P., and Li Tang. “Identification disambiguation in databases”.該發明已成功技術轉讓給美國一高科技公司 Search Technology, Inc.專利技術轉讓號 361911-1010
唐莉. (2017).信息計量在科技創新政策研究中的套用-現狀、局限與前景[J]. 科學學研究,35(2),183-188.
Tang, Li, Guangyuan Hu, Liu, Weishu. (2017). Funding acknowledgment analysis: Queries and Caveats. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 68(3), 790-794.
唐莉,Philip Shapira, Jan Youtie.(2016). 中國科研成果的引用增長是否存在“俱樂部效應”[J]. 財經研究,42(10),71-84.
Tang, Li, Michael Murphree, & Dan Breznitz. (2016). Structured Uncertainty: A Pilot Study on Innovation in China's Mobile Phone Handset Industry. Journal of Technology Transfer, 41(5), 1168–1194.
Tang, Li, Philip Shapira, & Jan Youtie. (2015). Is there a clubbing effect underlying Chinese research citation increases? Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 66(9), 1923–1932.
Liu, Weishu, Guangyuan Hu, Li Tang & Yuandi Wang. (2015). China''s global growth in social science research. Journal of Informetrics, 9(3), 555-569.
Yang, Xue, Xin Gu, Yuandi Wang, Guangyuan Hu,& Li Tang. (2015). The Matthew effect in China’s science: evidence from academicians of Chinese Academy of Sciences. Scientometrics, 102(3), 2089-2105.
唐莉 (2014). 國際視野下科技創新政策研究動態及對我國的啟示. 復旦公共行政評論, 第12輯, 1-6.
Tang, Li, Philip Shapira, & Yu Meng (2014). Developing an innovative materials enterprise in China. Chinese Management Studies, 8(2), 201-217.
Tang, Li, and Guangyuan Hu.(2013). Tracing the Footprint of Knowledge Spillover: Evidence from U.S.-China Collaboration in Nanotechnology. Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology, 64(9), 1791-1801.
Tang, Li. (2013).Does "Birds of a Feather Flock Together" Matter: Evidence from a Longitudinal Study on the US-China Scientific Collaboration. Journal of Informetrics, 7(2), 330-344.
Guangyuan Hu, Stephen Carley, and Li Tang.(2012). Visualizing Nanotechnology Research in Canada: Evidence from Publication Activities, 1990-2009. Journal of Technology Transfer, 37(4), 550-562.
Tang, Li, and Philip Shapira. (2012). Effects of International Collaboration and Knowledge Moderation on China’s Nanotechnology Research Impacts. Journal of Technology Management in China. 7(1), 94-110.
Tang, Li, and Philip Shapira. (2011). China-US Scientific Collaboration in Nanotechnology: Patterns and Dynamics. Scientometrics, 88(1), 1-16.
Tang, Li, Stephen Carley, & Alan Porter. (2011) Charting Nano Environmental, Health and Safety Research Trajectories: Does China Converge with the U.S.? Journal of Science Policy and Governance, 1(1), 1-16.
Tang, Li, and Philip Shapira.(2011). Regional Development and Interregional Collaboration in the Growth of Nanotechnology Research in China. Scientometrics, 86(2), 299-315.
Tang, Li, and John P. Walsh. (2010). Bibliometric Fingerprints: Name Disambiguation Based on Approximate Structure Equivalence of Cognitive Maps. Scientometrics, 84 (3), 763-794 .
Tang, Li, and Alan Porter. (2010). Text Mining. in D. Guston & J. G. Golson (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society. Sage Publications.
Tang, Li, Jue Wang, & Philip Shapira. (2010). China. in D. Guston & J. G. Golson (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Nanoscience and Society. Sage Publications.
Tang, Li, and Yin Li.(2011). INNO-Policy TrendChart Mini Country Report- China. Report to the European Commission.
Tang, Li. (2011). ERAWATCH Analytical Country Report- China. Report to the European Commission.
Tang, Li. (2011). ERAWATCH Country Fiche- China. Report to the European Commission.
Tang, Li. (2009). INNO-Policy TrendChart Innovation Policy Progress-China. Report to the European Commission.
Tang, Li. (2009). ERAWATCH Research Inventory Report-China. Report to the European Commission.
Wang, Jue, and Li Tang. (2008). INNO-Policy Trendchart Policy Trends and Appraisal- China. Report to the European Commission.
Hinze, Sybille, Li Tang, & Stephan Gauch. (2008). International Comparison of German Innovation System: Efficiency and Structures of Science. Report to German Research and Innovation Committee. Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research, Karlsruhe, Germany (in German).
Frietsch, Rainer, Henning Kroll, & Li Tang. (2007). Innovation Systems –Guangdong, China and the World. Consultancy Report to the Governor of Guangdong Province. Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research, Karlsruhe, Germany.
Frietsch, Rainer, Sybille Hinze, & Li Tang. (2007). Bibliometric Data Study: Assessing the Current Ranking of the People''s Republic of China in a Set of Research Fields. Report to the European Commission. Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research, Karlsruhe, Germany