在國際食品專業期刊《Meat Science》、《The International Journal of Food Science and Technology》、《Food Research International》、《European Food Research and Technology》、《Food Chemistry》、《The Irish Journal of Food and Agriculture》、《Journal of Food Engineering》上發表SCI科研論文10篇,在國際食品科技大會以及國際肉類科技大會發表論文6篇。著書3部(其中教材2部),譯著1部。
1. Tang, S. Z, Ou, S. Y., Huang, X. S., Li, W., Kerry, J. P., & Buckley, D. J. (2006). Effects of added tea catechins on colour stability and lipid oxidation in minced beef patties held under aerobic and modified atmospheric packaging conditions. Journal of Food Engineering, 77, 248-253. SCI
2. Wang Y., Ou, S. Y., Liu, P. Z., Xue, F., & Tang, S. Z. (2006). Comparison of two different processes to synthesize biodiesel by waste cooking oil. Journal of Molecular Catalysis A: Chemical, 252, 107–112. SCI
3. Ou, S. Y., Wang, Y., Tang, S. Z., Huang, C. H., Jackson, M. G. (2005). Role of ferulic acid in preparing edible .lms from soy protein isolate. Journal of Food Engineering, 70, 205–210. SCI
4. Ren, D. Y., Li, F. Q., Li, A. P., & Tang, S. Z. (2004). Evaluation of oxidative safety of cooked meat and fish products in the market. An CIGR International Conference Presentation 2004, October, 12-14, Beijing.
5. Xie Y. F., Tan Y. Y, & Tang, S. Z. (2004). Epidemiology of 377 patients with chemical burns in Guangdong province. Burn, 30 (6), 569-572. SCI
6. Tang, Shuze (2003). Effects of in vitro tea catechins on inhibition of lipid oxidation in chicken and duck meats. 5th International conference of Food Science and Technology, Wuxi, China,22-24 October.
7. Tang, S. Z., Kerry, J. P., Sheehan, D., & Buckley, D. J. (2002). Antioxidative mechanisms of tea catechins in chicken meat systems. Food Chemistry, 76 (1), 45-51. SCI
8. Tang, S. Z., Kerry, J. P., Sheehan, D., Buckley, D. J., & Morrissey, P. A. (2001). Antioxidative effect of dietary tea catechins on lipid oxidation of long-term frozen stored chicken meat. Meat Science, 57(3), 331-336. SCI
9. Tang, S. Z., Kerry, J. P., Sheehan, D., Buckley, D. J., & Morrissey, P. A. (2001). Antioxidant activity of added tea catechins on lipid oxidation of raw minced red meat, poultry and fish muscle. International Journal of Food Science and Technology, 36 (6), 685-692. SCI
10. Tang, S. Z., Kerry, J. P., Sheehan, D., Buckley, D. J., & Morrissey, P. A. (2001). Antioxidative effect of added tea catechins on susceptibility to oxidative stability in cooked red meat, poultry and fish patties. Food Research International, 34 (8), 651-657.SCI
11. Tang, S. Z., Kerry, J. P., Sheehan, D., & Buckley, D. J. (2001). A comparative study of tea catechins and a-tocopherol as antioxidants in cooked beef and chicken meat. European Food Research and Technology, 213 (4/5), 286-289. SCI
12. Tang, S. Z., Kerry, J. P., Sheehan, D. & Buckley, D. J. (2001). Possible mechanisms for antioxidant activity of added tea catechins in chicken muscle systems. 47th International Congress of Meat Science and Technology, 26-31 August, Kraków, Poland.
13. Tang, S. Z., Kerry, J. P., Sheehan, D. & Buckley, D. J. (2001). Mechanistic study of tea catechins in chicken muscle systems. 31st Annual Food science and Technology Research Conference, 6-7 September, University College Cork, Ireland.
14. Tang, S. Z., Kerry, J. P., Buckley, D. J., Beatty, E., Diaz-Maroto Hidalgo, S. & Mayr, A. (2001). Factors affecting the production of dry-cured ham. 31st Annual Food science and Technology Research Conference, 6-7 September, University College Cork, Ireland.
15. Tang, S. Z., Kerry, J. P., Sheehan, D., Buckley, D. J., & Morrissey, P.A. (2000). Antioxidant activity of added tea catechins on oxidative stability of raw and cooked red meat, poultry and fish patties. 30th Annual Food Science & Technology Research Conference, 19-20 September, University College Cork, Ireland.
16. Tang, S. Z., Kerry, J. P., Sheehan, D., Buckley, D. J., & Morrissey, P. A (2000). Dietary tea catechins and iron-induced lipid oxidation in chicken meat, liver and heart. Meat Science, 56 (3), 285-290. SCI
17. Tang, S. Z., Kerry, J. P., Buckley, D. J., & Morrissey, P. A. (1999). Effect of dietary tea catechins on the long-term shelf-life stability of chicken meat. 29th Annual Food Science & Technology Research Conference, 15-17 September, University College Cork, Ireland.
18. Tang, S. Z., Kerry, J. P., Buckley, D. J., & Morrissey, P. A. (1998). Antioxidative effect of dietary tea catechins supplementation in chicken meat. 28th Annual Food Science & Technology Research Conference, 3-4 September, University College Cork, Ireland.