


  • 中文名:唐斌 
  • 國籍:中國
  • 民族:漢
  • 職業:教師
  • 畢業院校大連理工大學
  • 學位/學歷:博士
  • 專業方向:非線性隔振、控制及參數識別
  • 職務副教授 
  • 主要成就:內燃機原理教程
  • 學術代表作:內燃機原理教程


1999.07月 大連理工大學動力系 動力機械及工程(內燃機)專業 工學學士學位
2003.03月 大連理工大學動力系 動力機械及工程專業 工學碩士學位
2006.06月 大連理工大學能源與動力學院 動力機械及工程專業 工學博士學位
2002.07月-2006.06月 大連理工大學能源與動力學院 助教(博士生提前留校)
2006.06月-2012.12月 大連理工大學能源與動力學院 講師
2012.12月-現在 大連理工大學能源與動力學院 副教授
2010.01月-2011.01月 University of Southampton(英國南安普頓大學) 訪問學者(博士後)
2012.03月-2014.12月 Sao Paulo State University(巴西聖保羅州立大學) 訪問學者


Case Studies in Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing 編委 (Elsevier期刊)
Journal of Sound and Vibration; Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science; Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part I: Journal of Systems and Control Engineering; Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Transactions of the ASME; Nonlinear Dynamics; Journal of Vibration and Control; Mathematical Problems in Engineering; Physics Letters A; Indian Journal of Physics; Journal of Dynamic Systems, Measurement and Control, Transactions of the ASME; Aircraft Engineering and Aerospace Technology; International Journal of Mechanical Sciences; Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing; Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An International Journal
Journal of Shanghai Jiaotong University(Science); Journal of Marine Science and Application; 《東華大學學報(英文版) 》,《燕山大學學報》,《工程設計學報》,《振動與衝擊


1. 國家自然科學基金青年基金:仿蠅類撲翼微飛行器傳動系統的動力學分析和實驗研究 (11202048)
2. 遼寧省博士科研啟動基金:多物理場作用下內燃機運動系統的多體動力學研究 (20091014)
3. 中國科學院化學雷射重點實驗室開放課題資助項目:高靜態低動態剛度隔振器的抗衝擊性能及主動阻尼控制特性研究 (KLCL-2012-101)
4. 中海油能源發展股份有限公司:海上平台往復式發動機評估及維保策略的研究項目(8PA5L柴油機的曲軸、連桿有限元分析) (橫向課題)
5. 大連船舶重工集團有限公司:DGPS測試軟體維護、金相顯微鏡分析系統軟體維護 (橫向課題)
6. 中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金 (能源+X項目):非線性對振動能量收集設備影響的理論和實驗研究 (DUT12JN12)
6. 中央高校基本科研業務費專項資金 (前沿探索與學科交叉科研專題):非線性振動能量收集裝置的參數識別 (DUT15QY30)


[1] 許鋒, 隆武強, 馮立岩, 唐斌, 杜寶國, 田江平. 內燃機原理教程(第二版)[M]. 大連: 大連理工大學出版社,2015.
[2] 許鋒, 隆武強, 馮立岩, 唐斌, 杜寶國. 內燃機原理教程(第一版)[M]. 大連: 大連理工大學出版社,2011.
[3] 許鋒, 馮立岩, 唐斌, 劉學術. 內燃機原理教程[M]. 大連理工大學自印教材,2005.
[1] Tang Bin (唐斌), Brennan M J, Lopes Jr. V, da Silva S, Ramlan R. Using nonlinear jumps to estimate cubic stiffness nonlinearity: An experimental study [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2016, 230(): . [SCI: EI: ] (Online)
[2] Tang Bin (唐斌), Brennan M J. On the shock performance of a nonlinear vibration isolator with high-static-low-dynamic-stiffness[J]. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 2014, 81(1): 207-214. [SCI: 000335098200021 EI: 20141317517274]
[3] Tang Bin (唐斌), M.J. Brennan. On the influence of the mode-shapes of a marine propulsion shafting system on the prediction of torsional stresses[J]. Journal of Marine Science and Technology, 2013, 21(2): 209-214. [SCI: 000318457800013 EI: 20132016327467]
[4] Tang Bin (唐斌), Brennan M J. A comparison of two nonlinear damping mechanisms in a vibration isolator [J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2013, 332(3): 510-520. [SCI: 000311195400003 EI: 20124415616239]
[5] Tang Bin (唐斌), Brennan M J. A comparison of the effects of nonlinear damping on the free vibration of a single-degree-of-freedom system[J]. Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2012, 134(2): 024501. [SCI: 000310500400021 EI: 20120414705676]
[6] Tang Bin (唐斌), Brennan M J. On the dynamic behavior of the ‘‘click’’ mechanism in dipteran flight[J]. Journal of Theoretical Biology. 2011, 289, 173-180. [SCI: 000296222800018]
[7] Tang Bin (唐斌). Dynamic analysis of crankshafts using dynamic stiffness matrix[J]. Journal of Ship Mechanics (English Edition), 2009, 13(3): 465-476. [EI: 20092912195470]
[8] Tang B. (唐斌). Continuum element method for analysing free-vibration behaviour of crankshafts [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2009, 223(1): 49-64. [SCI: 000263370500005 EI: 20092812181717]
[9] Tang Bin (唐斌). Combined dynamic stiffness matrix and precise time integration method for transient forced vibration response analysis of beams[J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2008, 309(3-5): 868-876. [SCI: 000251627500029 EI: 20074510913484]
[10] 唐斌, 安西方, 何鑫, 金玉奇, 王正, 宋希庚. 橡膠鋼絲繩複合隔振器動力學建模與參數識別[J]. 振動、測試與診斷, 2012, 32(5): 746-749. [EI: 20124915770468]
[11] 唐斌. 連續梁單元動態剛度矩陣數值問題的研究[J]. 力學與實踐, 2009, 31(4): 32-36.
[12] 唐斌, 薛冬新, 宋希庚. 複雜分支軸系扭轉振動分析的研究進展[J]. 噪聲與振動控制, 2009, 29(3): 1-5.
[13] 唐斌, 薛冬新, 宋希庚. VA-10振動分析儀通訊程式的實現及套用[J]. 儀表技術與感測器, 2005, (8): 8-10.
[14] 唐斌, 薛冬新, 宋希庚. 雙機並槳船舶推進軸系扭轉振動分析[J]. 船舶工程, 2004, 26(2): 32-35.
[15] 唐斌, 薛冬新, 宋希庚. 複雜分支軸系扭轉振動計算的解析矩陣法[J]. 東北大學學報, 2003, 24(s2): 17-20.
[16] 唐斌, 薛冬新, 宋希庚. 複雜分支軸系扭轉振動計算的動態矩陣法[J]. 船舶工程, 2003, 25(3): 24-27.
[17] 唐斌, 薛冬新, 宋希庚. 套用Visual C++集成內燃機CAD系統[J]. 小型內燃機與機車, 2002, 31(5): 32-35.
[18] 唐斌, 薛冬新, 宋希庚. 套用Visual C++實現內燃機CAD應用程式與資料庫的通訊[J]. 交通與計算機, 2002, 20(3): 49-51.
[19] Brennan MJ, Tang B (唐斌), Pechoto Melo G, Lopes Jr. V. An investigation into the simultaneous use of a resonator as an energy harvester and a vibration absorber[J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2014, 333(5): 1331-1343. [SCI: 000330553500008 EI: 20135217124478]
[20] 趙帥, 唐斌, 唐運榜, 安西方. 計及活塞銷間隙的內燃機曲柄連桿機構動力學分析[J]. 振動與衝擊, 2013, 32(4): 133-137. [EI: 20131416162325]
[21] 王江濤, 唐斌, 薛冬新, 宋希庚. 橡膠鋼絲繩複合隔振器的試驗研究[J]. 振動、測試與診斷, 2011, 31(4): 488-491. [EI: 20113914375017]
[22] 尹燕平, 唐斌, 薛冬新, 宋希庚. 基於ADAMS的柴油機配氣機構動力學分析[J]. 船舶工程, 2010, 32(Sup. 2): 52-54.
[23] 王平, 唐斌, 宋希庚, 孫有根. 共軌柴油機燃燒系統的匹配研究[J]. 熱科學與技術, 2008, 7(3): 252-255.
[24] 孫連科, 唐斌, 薛冬新, 宋希庚. 柴油機曲軸有限元分析及結構最佳化設計[J]. 拖拉機與農用運輸車. 2007,34(3):54-55.
[25] 孫連科, 唐斌, 薛冬新, 宋希庚. 6110柴油機曲軸的三維有限元分析[J]. 車用發動機,2007, (2):81-84.
[26] Ledezma-Ramirez D F, Ferguson N, Brennan M, Tang B (唐斌). An experimental nonlinear low dynamic stiffness device for shock isolation[J]. Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2015, 347: 1-13. [SCI: 000353197100001 EI: 20151500733764]
[27] Abolfathi A, Brennan M J, Waters T P, Tang B (唐斌). On the Effects of Mistuning a Force-Excited System Containing a Quasi Zero Stiffness Vibration Isolator[J]. Transactions of the ASME, Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2015, 137(4): 044502. [SCI: 000357162500021 EI: 20151300686504]
[28] 周禛, 薛冬新, 唐斌, 孟浩. 某中速柴油機冷卻液流動及流固耦合傳熱計算分析[J]. 柴油機, 2013, 35(1): 17-21.
[29] 薛冬新, 於學兵, 唐斌, 宋希庚. 6110柴油機曲軸靜動態特性分析[J]. 東北大學學報, 2004, 25(s1): 92-95.
[30] 薛冬新, 韓冰, 陳亮, 唐斌. 基於有限元和多體動力學的柴油機支座作用力的計算[J]. 科學技術與工程, 2012, 12(8): 1917-1919.
[31] 宋希庚, 顧大鵬, 薛冬新, 唐斌. 某柴油機機體支反力的有限元分析[J]. 內燃機, 2012, (2): 20-22.
[32] 姜男, 薛冬新, 宋希庚, 唐斌. 基於獨立分量分析方法的柴油機噪聲分離研究[J]. 噪聲與振動控制, 2010, 30(5): 141-144.
[33] 王平, 宋希庚, 薛冬新, 唐斌, 石磊, 丁春雨, 胡朝陽. 基於獨立分量分析和時頻分析的柴油機燃燒噪聲研究 II:預噴射影響分析[J]. 內燃機學報, 2009, 27(4): 359-362. [EI: 20093412260679]
[34] 王平, 宋希庚, 薛冬新, 唐斌, 石磊, 丁春雨, 胡朝陽. 基於獨立分量分析和時頻分析的柴油機燃燒噪聲研究 I: 燃燒噪聲分析[J]. 內燃機學報, 2009, 27(4): 352-358. [EI: 20093412260678]
[35] 遲志偉, 宋希庚, 薛冬新, 唐斌. 基於Ansys的6110柴油機曲軸有限元分析[J]. 小型內燃機與機車, 2009, 38(3): 1-4.
[36] 陳亮, 宋希庚, 明章傑, 唐斌, 薛冬新. 基於有限元和多體動力學的柴油機曲軸動態強度與衝擊回響分析[J]. 振動與衝擊, 2008, 27(11): 186-189. [EI: 20085111797899]
[1] Tang Bin (唐斌), Brennan MJ. Steady-state analysis of nonlinear systems by the receptance harmonic balance method[C]. The 22nd International Conference on Sound and Vibration (ICSV22), Florence, Italy, July 12-16, 2015.
[2] Tang Bin (唐斌), Brennan MJ. On the impulse response of the Duffing oscillator[C]. International Conference on Vibration and Vibro-acoustics (ICVV2014), January 13-15, 2014, Harbin, China.
[3] Tang B (唐斌). Computing the main journal bearings dynamic coefficients in a six-cylinder in-line diesel engine[C]. Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan, JSAE 20077067, 2007 JSAE/SAE International Fuels and Lubricants Meeting, 2007, SAE Paper 2007-01-1968. [EI: 20122615173173]
[4] Brennan M J, Tang B (唐斌), Gatti G. Parameter estimation for systems with cubic stiffness nonlinearity: Experimental and theoretical study[C]. DINAME 2015 - Proceedings of the XVII International Symposium on Dynamic Problems of Mechanics, V. Steffen, Jr; D.A. Rade; W.M. Bessa (Editors), ABCM, Natal, RN, Brazil, February 22-27, 2015.
[5] Brennan MJ, Tang Bin (唐斌). The shock response of a vibration isolator with nonlinear stiffness[C]. International Conference on Vibration and Vibro-acoustics (ICVV2014), January 13-15, 2014, Harbin, China.
[6] Zhao Jian, Tang Bin (唐斌), Tang Yunbang, Qi Kunpeng, Ma Erlin. Transient performance simulation of single-cylinder engines based on tribology behaviors, International Conference on Mechanical Engineering and Green Manufacturing (MEGM) 2010, Xiangtan, China, NOV 19-22, 2010, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2010, 34-35: 946-950. [EI: 20110213557560, ISTP: 000290180600178]
[7] Ayala P C, Brennan M J, Tang Bin (唐斌), Lopes Junior V. Detection of damage in structural waveguides using high frequency waves[C]. XXXVI Ibero_Latin American Congress on Computational Methods in Engineering (CILAMCE 2015), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, November 22-25, 2015.
[8] Brennan M J, Ayala P C, Tang B (唐斌), Lopes Jr. V. Interaction between high frequency waves and a reduced cross-section in a structural waveguide[C]. International Conference on Structural Engineering Dynamics (ICEDyn 2015), Lagos, Algarve, Portugal, June 22-24, 2015.
[9] Brennan MJ, Manconi E, Tang B (唐斌), V. Lopes Jr. Wave reflection at the end of a waveguide supported by a nonlinear spring, EURODYN 2014, the Ninth International Conference on Structural Dynamics, Porto, Portugal, June 30-July 02, 2014.
[10] Carranza JC, Brennan MJ, Tang B (唐斌). Analysis of a geometrically nonlinear damping mechanism in a vibration isolator, The Fourteenth Pan American Congress of Applied Mechanics (PACAM XIV), Santiago, Chile, March 24-28, 2014.
[11] Wang Ping, Ji Chunjun, Tang Bin (唐斌), Song Xigeng. Effect of Common Rail System on Vehicle Engine Combustion Performance[C]. ICOIP, Vol.1, pp.464-467, 2010 International Conference on Optoelectronics and Image Processing, 2010. [EI: 20133016524189]
[12] 唐斌. Timoshenko梁動態剛度矩陣的數值穩定性[C]. 第八屆全國動力學與控制學術會議論文集,2008,CD-ROM.
[13] 唐斌. 基於連續梁單元的空間框架結構振動分析[C]. 第九屆全國振動理論及套用學術會議論文集,2007,CD-ROM.
[14] 唐斌, 薛冬新, 宋希庚, 呂朝陽. 內燃機軸系耦合振動研究的現狀與進展[C]. 第八屆全國振動理論及套用學術會議論文集,2003,CD-ROM.


