截止到2017年8月,唐叔賢院士著書6本,在國際學術期刊發表文章270多篇,當中包括:2篇《Science》文章、2篇《Physics Today》文章、1篇《Advances in Physics》文章、1篇《Progress in Surface Science》文章、1篇《Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences》文章、35篇《Physical Review Letters》文章,被引用總次數超過10,000次,H因子是52。
1) Surface Crystallography by Low-Energy Electron Diffraction, M.A. Van Hove and S.Y. Tong, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1979. (Times Cited: 902)
2) Quantum Physics and Chemistry of Solids, eds. R. Vanselow and S.Y. Tong, CRC Press, NY, 1977. (Times Cited: 34)
3) The Structure of Surfaces-I, eds. M.A. Van Hove and S.Y. Tong, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, 1985. (Times Cited: 72)
4) The Structure of Surfaces III, eds. S.Y. Tong, M.A. Van Hove, X. Xie and K. Takayanagi, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1991. (Times Cited: 24)
5) Atomic-Scale Imaging of Surfaces and Interfaces, eds. D.K. Biegelsen, D.J. Smith and S.Y. Tong, Materials Research Society, Vol. 295, 1993. (Times Cited: 9)
6) The Structure of Surfaces-IV, eds. X. Xie, S.Y. Tong and M.A. Van Hove, World Scientific, NJ (1994). (Times Cited: 29)
b) Reviews
7) Physics Today: "Structure Analysis of Solid Surfaces", T.N. Rhodin and S.Y. Tong, 28, 10 (1975). (Times Cited: 22)
8) Comments on Solid State Physics: "Reliability of Low-Energy Electron Diffraction as a Tool for Surface Crystallography", S.Y. Tong, 9, 1 (1978).
9) Progress in Surface Science: "Theory of Low-Energy Electron Diffraction and Its Application", S.Y. Tong, 7, 1 (1975), Pergamon, Oxford. (Times Cited: 100)
10) Critical Reviews of Solid State Sciences: "Diffraction Effects in Angle-Resolved Ultraviolet Photoemission Spectroscopy", S.Y. Tong, 10, 209 (1981), CRC Press. (Times Cited: 9)
11) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences: "Fourier Transform Analysis of NPD Data for Surface Structure Determination", Z. Hussain, D.A. Shirley, C.H. Li, and S.Y. Tong, 78, 5293 (1981). (Times Cited: 37)
13) "Surface Science: Recent Progress and Perspectives, Part I", eds. R. Vanselow and S.Y. Tong, CRC Press, USA, 1976. (Times Cited: 19)
14) "Surface Science: Recent Progress and Perspectives, Part II", eds. R. Vanselow and S.Y. Tong, CRC Press, USA, 1976. (Times Cited: 19)
15) "Surface Science: Recent Progress and Perspectives, Part III", eds. R. Vanselow and S.Y. Tong, CRC Press, USA, 1976. (Times Cited: 19)
16) "Electron Dichroism Studies of Magnetic Structure Using Circularly-Polarized X-Rays", J.G. Tobin, G.D. Waddill, D.P. Pappas, E. Tamura, P.A. Sterne, X. Guo and S.Y. Tong, Spectroscopy, 10, 30 (1995), cover article. (Times Cited: 5)
17) "Auger Electron Angular Distributions from Surfaces: Forward Focusing or Silhouettes?", X.D. Wang, Z.L. Han, B.P. Tonner, Y. Chen, S.Y. Tong, Science, 248, 1129 (1990). (Times Cited: 23)
18) "Inversion of Low-energy Electron Diffraction Data with No Pre-knowledge Factor – Beyond Optical Holography", S.Y. Tong, Advances in Physics, 48, 135 (1999). (Times Cited: 12)
19)"Magnetic X-ray Circular Dichroism in Photoelectron Spectroscopy and Diffraction", J/G. Tobin, G.D. Waddill, E. Tamura, P. Sterne, P.J. Bedrossian, D.P. Pappas, X. Guo and S.Y. Tong, Surf. Rev. Lett. 3, 1429 (1996). (Times Cited: 11)
21)”Nanoscience and Technology – the Second Revolution”, Proceedings of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, June, 2002.
c) Chapters in Books
22) "Inelastic Scattering of Light by Charge Density Fluctuations in a Superconductor", S.Y. Tong and A.A. Maradudin, Raman Festschrift, ed. J. Willis, Pergamon, New York, 1969.
23) "Vibrations of Atoms in Crystal Surfaces", A.A. Maradudin and S.Y. Tong, The Structure and Chemistry of Solid Surfaces, John Wiley, New York, 1969.
24) "Computation Methods of Low-Energy Electron Diffraction", N. Stoner, M.A. Van Hove and S.Y. Tong, Advances in Characterization of Metal and Polymer Surfaces, ed. M. Lee, Academic Press, New York, 1977.
25) "Surface Structure of Reconstructed GaAs(110)", 7th IVC and 3rd ICSS, vol. 3, page 2407 (1977).
26) "A Review of Surface Crystallography by LEED", S.Y. Tong, Electron Diffraction 1927-77, ed. P.J. Dobson et al., The Institute of Physics Press, London, 1978.
27) "Surface Structural Techniques: LEED and Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy", S.Y. Tong, Modern Problems of Surface Physics, I. Lalov, 1981, BAS Press.
28) "The Inelastic Scattering of Low-Energy Electrons by Surface Excitations: Basic Mechanisms", D.L. Mills and S.Y. Tong, Springer Series in Chemical Physics, vol. 20, ed. R. Vanselow, Springer-Verlag, NY (1982).
29) "Diffraction Effects in Angle-Resolved Photoemission Spectroscopy", S.Y. Tong and C.H. Li, Chemistry and Physics of Solid Surfaces, ed. R. Vanselow and W. England, CRC Press, Inc., Florida (1982).
30) "Low-Energy Electron-Diffraction Study of the (2x2)GaAs(111) Surface", G. Xu, Y. Huang, W.N. Mei, B.W. Lee and S.Y. Tong, in 17th ICPS, eds, J.D. Chadi and W.A. Harrison, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg (1985).
31) "The Geometric Structure of (2x2) GaAs(111) Surface", G. Xu, S.Y. Tong and W.N. Mei, in The Structure of Surfaces, eds. S.Y. Tong and M.A. Van Hove, Springer-Verlag (1985).
32) "Electron-Phonon Scattering and Structure Analysis", M. Rocca, H. Ibach, S. Lehwald, M.L. Xu, B.M. Hall and S.Y. Tong, in The Structure of Surfaces, eds. S.Y. Tong and M.A. Van Hove, Springer-Verlag, NY (1985).
33) "Computation Procedure of the Combined Space Method", M.A. Van Hove and S.Y. Tong, in Determination of Surface Structure by LEED, eds. P.M. Marcus and F. Jona, Plenum Press, NY (1985).
34) "The Structure of Surfaces", S.Y. Tong, M.W. Puga, H.C. Poon, and M.L. Xu in Springer Series in Chemical Physics, eds. R. Vanselow and R. Howe, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg, (1986).
35) "The Study of Surface Phonons by Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy: Theoretical and Experimental Considerations", D.L. Mills, S.Y. Tong and J.E. Black, in Surface Phonons, eds. F. de Wette and W. Kress, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg (1986).
36) "Theoretical Aspects of Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy", D.L. Mills and S.Y. Tong, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. London, A318, 179 (1986).
37) "Scattering Potentials for Surface Diffraction Spectroscopies", X.J. Wu, M.W. Puga, and S.Y. Tong, Reviews in Surface Physics, ed. X.D. Xide, WSP, (1987).
38) "The Geometric Structure of the GaAs(111) and (110) Surfaces", S.Y. Tong, W.N. Mei, G. Xu in Gallium Arsenide, J.S. Blackmore, AIP press, NY (1987).
39) "Accurate Dynamical Theory for RHEED Rocking-Curve Intensity Spectra", S.Y. Tong, T.C. Zhao and H.C. Poon, in RHEED and Reflection Electron Imaging of Surfaces, eds. P.K. Larsen and P.J. Dobson, Plenum Press, NY (1988).
40) "Bonding and Structure on Semiconductor Surfaces", S.Y. Tong, H. Huang, C.M. Wei, in Chemistry & Physics of Solid Surfaces, Vol. 8, R. Vanselow and R. Howd, eds., Springer-Verlag, Berlin (1990).
41) "Angular Diffraction Patterns of Photoelectrons and Auger Electrons From Single-Crystal Cu(111)", X.D. Wang, Y. Chen, Z.L. Han, S.Y. Tong, B.P. Tonner, in The Structure of Surfaces III, eds. S.Y. Tong et al., Springer, Heidelberg (1991).
42) "The Study of Surface Phonons by Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy: Theoretical and Experimental Considerations", D.L. Mills, S.Y. Tong, J.E. Black, in Surface Phonons, ed. W. Kress, Springer, Heidelberg (1991).
43) "New Method for a Lensless Electron Microscopy: Achieving High Resolution and Overcoming Effects of Multiple Scattering", S.Y. Tong, H. Huang and Hua Li., eds. T.C. Haug, P.I. Cohen, and D.J. Eaglesham, MRS Symp. Series 208, 13 (1991).
44) "Photoelectron Diffraction of Magnetic Ultrathin Films: Fe/Cu(001)", J.G. Tobin, M.K. Wagner, X.Q. Guo and S.Y. Tong, Mat. Res. Soc. Symp. Series 208, 283 (1991).
45) "Forward Focusing Photoelectron Diffraction –A New Structural Tool for Surfaces and Interfaces", S.Y. Tong, Y. Chen, Hua Li and C.M. Wei, in Surface Physics, eds. X. Li et al., Gordon and Breach Science Publishers, Philadelphia (1992).
46) "Experimental Optimization for Imaging with Photoelectron Diffraction", J.G. Tobin, G.D. Waddill, Hua Li and S.Y. Tong, Materials Research Society, Vol. 295 (1993).
47) "Electron-Diffraction for Surface Studies - The First 30 Years", S.Y. Tong, in Surface Science, ed. C.B. Duke, 299/300, 358, North-Holland, The Netherlands (1994).
48) "Imaging of Surface Structure with Energy-Dependent Photoelectron Diffraction" J.G. Tobin, G.D. Waddill, Hua Li and S.Y. Tong, in The Structure of Surfaces-IV, eds. X. Xie, S.Y. Tong, and M.A. Van Hove, 29-38, World Scientific, NJ (1994).
49) "Vibrational and Excitational Properties of Surfaces", R.F. Wallis and S.Y. Tong, in Physics of Solid Surfaces, ed. G. Chiarotti, Landolt-Bornstein Series, Springer (1994).
50) "The Nature of Bonding on Metal-Semiconductor Interfaces", H. Over and S.Y. Tong, in Handbook of Surface Science, eds. S. Holloway and N.V. Richardson, Elsevier, Netherlands (1996).
d) Journal Publications
51) "Normal Modes of a Semi-Infinite Ionic Crystal", S.Y. Tong and A.A. Maradudin, Phys. Rev. 181, 1318 (1969). (Times Cited: 112)
52) "Saxon-Hunter Theorem for One Dimensional General Alloys", B.Y. Tong and S.Y. Tong, Phys. Rev. 180, 739 (1969). (Times Cited: 15)
53) "The Interaction of Photons and Phonons With Crystal Surfaces", A. Grimm, A.A. Maradudin and S.Y. Tong, Journal de Physique, C1, 9 (1970). (Times Cited: 3)
54) "Interpretation of Low-Energy Electron-Diffraction Spectra for a Free-Electron Metal in Terms of Multiple Scattering Involving Strong Inelastic Damping", S.Y. Tong and T.N. Rhodin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 26, 711 (1971). (Times Cited: 88)
55) "LEED Spectra Study of Temperature Effects in Crystalline Xenon Surfaces", A. Ignatiev, T.N. Rhodin, S.Y. Tong, B.I. Lundquist and J.B. Pendry, Solid State Comm. 9, 1851 (1971). (Times Cited: 21)
56) "Phase Transfer Theory and Its Application to Long Chain Molecules: DNA", B.Y. Tong and S.Y. Tong, J. Chem. Phys. 54, 1317 (1971). (Times Cited: 12)
57) "New Perturbation Approach to the Theory of Low-Energy Electron-Diffraction The t-Matrix Formalism", R.H. Tait, S.Y. Tong and T.N. Rhodin, Phys. Rev. Lett. 28, 553 (1972). (Times Cited: 51)
58) "Absolute Intensity-Energy LEED Spectra for Clean Nickel (001) Surface", J.E. Demuth, S.Y. Tong and T. N. Rhodin, Journal of Vac. Sci. and Tech. 9, 639 (1972). (Times Cited: 16)
59) “LEEd Thermal Scattering Studies of XE( 111) Surfaces”, A. Ignatjev, S. Y. Tong, T. N. Rhodin, B. I. Lundqvis, J. B. Pendry, Journal of Vacuum Science & Technology 9, 720 (1972)
61) "Application of the t-Matrix Perturbation Method to the Analysis of Low-Energy Electron- Diffraction Spectra for Aluminum", S.Y. Tong, T.N. Rhodin and R.H. Tait, Phys. Rev. B8, 430 (1973). (Times Cited: 27)
62) "Layer-Dependent Surface Mean-Square Vibration Amplitudes by Low-Energy Electron-Diffraction", S.Y. Tong, T.N. Rhodin and A. Ignatiev, Phys. Rev. B8, 906 (1973). (Times Cited: 23)
“Studies of Fundamental Properties of Nanosurfaces and Selected Applications”, Co-PI, The Hong Kong Research Grant Council, 7,400,000 HKD.
“Experimental and theoretical studies of tin oxide and copper oxide surfaces, their properties and passivation”, Co-PI, The Hong Kong Research Grant Council, 755,700HKD.