- 中文名:周運鴻
- 外文名:Norman Zhou
- 畢業院校:加拿大多倫多大學
- 職業:教育科研工作者
- 主要成就:2020年當選為加拿大工程院國際院士
- 性別:男
- 學位/學歷:博士

- 科研綜述
- 學術論著
M.H. Razmpoosh, A. Macwan, E. Biro, D.L. Chen, Y. Peng, F. Goodwin, Y. Zhou, Liquid metal embrittlement in laser beam welding of Zn-coated 22MnB5 steel [J]. Materials & Design, 155, 2018, 375 - 383
Shen, Daozhi and Zou, Guisheng and Liu, Lei and Duley, Walter W and Zhou, Y Norman, Investigation of splashing phenomena during the impact of molten sub-micron gold droplets on solid surfaces[J]. Soft matter, 12(1), 2016, 295 - 301
Saha, DC and Biro, E and Gerlich, AP and Zhou, Y, Effects of tempering mode on the structural changes of martensite[J]. Materials Science and Engineering: A, 673, 2016, 467 - 475
Lin, Luchan and Liu, Lei and Musselman, Kevin and Zou, Guisheng and Duley, Walt W and Zhou, Y Norman, Plasmonic-Radiation-Enhanced Metal Oxide Nanowire Heterojunctions for Controllable Multilevel Memory[J]. Advanced Functional Materials, 2016
Russo, Paola and Liang, Robert and Jabari, Elahe and Marzbanrad, Ehsan and Toyserkani, Ehsan and Zhou, Y Norman, Single-step synthesis of graphene quantum dots by femtosecond laser ablation of graphene oxide dispersions[J]. Nanoscale, 8(16), 2016, 8863 - 8877
Pequegnat, Andrew and Panton, Boyd and Zhou, Y Norman and Khan, M Ibraheem, Local composition and microstructure control for multiple pseudoelastic plateau and hybrid self-biasing shape memory alloys[J]. Materials & Design, 92, 2016, 802 - 813
D.C. Saha, E. Biro, A.P. Gerlich, N.Y. Zhou, Fusion zone microstructure evolution of fiber laser welded press-hardened steels[J]. Scripta Metallurgica, 121, 2016, 18 - 22
OL Ighodaro, E Biro, YN Zhou, Comparative effects of Al-Si and galvannealed coatings on the properties of resistance spot welded hot stamping steel joints[J]. Journal of Materials Processing Technology, 236, 2016, 64 - 72
Saha, Dulal Chandra and Nayak, Sashank S and Biro, Elliot and Gerlich, Adrian P and Zhou, Y, Mechanism of Secondary Hardening in Rapid Tempering of Dual-Phase Steel[J]. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 45(13), 2014, 6153 - 6162
E. Biro, J.R. McDermid, S. Vignier, Y.N. Zhou, Decoupling of the softening processes during rapid tempering of a martensitic steel[J]. Material Science and Engineering A, 615, 2014, 395 - 404
E. Biro, S. Vignier, C. Kaczynski, J. McDermid, E. Lucas, J.D. Embury, Y. Zhou, Predicting Transient Softening in the Sub-Critical Heat-Affected Zone of Dual-Phase and Martensitic Steel Welds[J]. ISIJ International, 53(1), 2013, 110 - 118
Biro, E and McDermid, JR and Embury, JD and Zhou, Y, Softening kinetics in the subcritical heat-affected zone of dual-phase steel welds[J]. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 41(9), 2010, 2348 - 2356
- 講授課程
周運鴻於2019年、2020年、2021年、2022年、2023年在加拿大滑鐵盧大學講授“特殊主題——焊接和連線(Special Topics - Welding and Joining)”。
- 指導學生
截至2020年6月,周運鴻先後培養了100多名博士及博士後。他和博士生易卜拉欣·凱(Ibraheem Khan)聯合創建了一家大學附屬公司智慧型合金(Smarter Alloys)。
時間 | 榮譽表彰 | 授予單位 |
2020年 | 加拿大工程院國際院士(Fellow) | 加拿大工程院(Canadian Academy of Engineering) |
2022年 | 協同創新獎(Synergy Award for Innovation) | 加拿大自然科學與工程研究委員會(Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada) |
—— | 美國金屬學會會士 | 美國金屬學會 |
時間 | 擔任職務 |
2017年 | 加拿大先進材料連線與加工中心主席 |
—— | 國際焊接學會微連線特別委員會主席 |
—— | 美國金屬協會焊接技術委員會副主席 |
周運鴻在與生俱來的好奇心的驅使下,在過去24年中在許多工程領域作出了重大貢獻(Motivated by an innate sense of curiosity, WIN member Dr. Norman Zhou has made significant contributions in many areas of engineering over the past 24 years)。(協同創新獎評)